Vladimir Afanassievich Kassatonov

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Vladimir Kassatonov (after 1966)

Vladimir Kasatonov ( Russian Владимир Афанасьевич Касатонов ; born July 8 . Jul / 21st July  1910 greg. In Peterhof ; † 9. June 1989 in Moscow ) was a Soviet Commodore and first deputy commander in chief of the Soviet Seekriegsflotte .


After graduating from middle school, Kassatonov began his service in the Soviet Navy in 1927. In February 1931 he graduated from the Naval Officer College MW Frunze in Saint Petersburg and served until the end of the year as a watch and navigation officer on the Bolshevik submarine in the Baltic Fleet . In February 1932 he completed commanders courses for commanding submarines and then served as chief officer on the submarines Kommissar (June to December 1932), No. 24 (January to December 1933) and Forelle (December 1933 to May 1934) . He then took over command of the submarines Peskar (May to September 1934) and Sha-112 (September 1934 to March 1937). In March 1937 he moved from the Baltic to the Pacific Fleet and served as commander of the L-12 submarine (March 1937 to January 1938) and commander of the 12th submarine division (January 1938 to November 1939). In April 1941 Kassatonow graduated from the Naval War Academy and was then employed in the Baltic Fleet as chief of staff of the submarine training division.

Second World War

With the beginning of the German-Soviet War in June 1941, he initially worked in his previous position, but in August 1941 he switched to the operational management of the Naval Headquarters Far East . He dealt with the study and analysis of the military situation in the Far East as well as the application of the experience of the trading fleets to the Pacific fleet to increase their combat readiness. Until the end of the war he worked as chief of the 5th, 4th and 6th departments of the operational command of the naval main staff. In February 1945 he took part in the Yalta Conference.

post war period

From December 1945 to January 1947 Kassatonov was chief of staff of the Kronstadt Naval Defense Circle of the Baltic Fleet. He then served from February 1947 to October 1949 in the General Staff as chief of a naval department of the supreme operational command and as an assistant to the chief of the supreme operational command of the Soviet Navy. Then he was Chief of Staff and 1st Deputy Commander of the 5th Naval Navy. From April 1953, after the merger of the 5th and 7th Naval Fleet, he occupied the same positions in the Pacific Fleet. From December 1954 to December 1955 he commanded the 8th Naval War Fleet (North Baltic Fleet), then the Black Sea Fleet until February 1962 and then led the Northern Fleet until June 1964. Under his command, submerged Soviet nuclear submarines crossed the Atlantic for the first time and passed under the ice of the arctic. In 1962 he led attempts at anti-submarine defense with the K-10 wing rocket , took part in many submarine trips and was in charge of the top management responsible for the successful appearance of the nuclear submarine K-181 on September 29, 1963 at the North Pole was. From June 1964 Kassatonov was 1st deputy commander in chief and member of the military council of the Soviet Navy. His merits lay in the improvement of combat readiness through the creation of a nuclear-powered and rocket-based deep-sea fleet, the testing of new ships and the research into the ability of the fleet to act under arctic conditions. In addition, as one of the first Soviet military leaders, he headed various military-diplomatic missions abroad in the post-war years. After he was promoted to Fleet Admiral in 1965, he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for these achievements by resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 25, 1966 . At the same time he was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Golden Star medal . From September 1974 Kassatonov became a member of the group of inspectors general of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. From 1958 to 1979 he was a member of the Supreme Soviet. He lived in Moscow and was buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery (Section 11) after his death .



  • Honor roll in Sevastopol
  • Name of the frigate Admiral Kassatonow launched in 2009
  • Portrait in the gallery of naval commanders of the Russian State Naval History and Cultural Center


  • Доценко В. Д .: Морской биографический словарь . Logos, Saint Petersburg 1995, ISBN 5-87288-095-2 , p. 496 .
  • Лурье В. М .: Адмиралы и генералы Военно-Морского Флота СССР в период Великой Отечественной и Советско-япй41 .41 . Русско-Балтийский информационный центр "БЛИЦ", Saint Petersburg 2001, ISBN 5-86789-102-X , p. 280 .

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