Wolfgang Müller from Königswinter

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Wolfgang Müller von Königswinter,
woodcut 19th century
Signature Wolfgang Müller von Königswinter.PNG

Wolfgang Müller von Königswinter , actually Peter Wilhelm Karl Müller (born March  15, 1816 in Königswinter , †  June 29, 1873 in Neuenahr ), was a German doctor, politician and poet of patriotic poetry, popular folk songs and legends.


Wolfgang Müller von Königswinter with his family

Wolfgang Müller was born as the son of the doctor Johann Georg Müller in Königswinter am Rhein . The father later moved to Bergheim , where Wolfgang spent his childhood and youth. From 1827 to 1835 he attended the Royal High School in Düsseldorf and wrote his first poems during this time. In his parents' home, who were interested in art, he met the composer Norbert Burgmüller , who died early, and the painters Alfred Rethel , Jakob Becker and Andreas Achenbach . During this time, Müller was in love with the young Countess Stephanie von Nesselrode, a sister of his school friend Maximilian von Nesselrode , and also the daughter of Burgmüller's patron Count Franz von Nesselrode, to whom he dedicated numerous poems. Jakob Becker married Müller's sister Wally in 1838. Throughout his life, Müller had a great fondness for the fine arts, especially the Düsseldorf School of Painting .

At the request of his father, Wolfgang Müller studied medicine at the University of Bonn from 1835 and at the same time sought to establish contacts with poets and scriptures ( Karl Simrock , Ferdinand Freiligrath, etc.). In 1838 he moved to the University of Berlin , where he passed his state examination in 1840 and then worked as a surgeon in the military in Düsseldorf.

In 1842 he continued his medical studies in Paris , where he met Heinrich Heine , Franz von Dingelstedt and Georg Herwegh . After the sudden death of his father, he settled in Düsseldorf as a general practitioner. In 1847 he married Emilie Schnitzler (1822–1877), a daughter of Karl Eduard Schnitzler . A year later he became a member of the preliminary parliament in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt . In 1853 he gave up his medical profession, moved to Cologne and became a freelance writer . In memory of the past 25 years, he dedicated a series of art-historical letters to the Düsseldorf artists and from 1860 to 1866 took over the management of the Düsseldorf artist album of the publishing house Arnz & Comp, which he had edited from 1851 to 1852 .

Grave of the (von) Schnitzler family in the Melaten cemetery in Cologne

A disease of the liver prompted him to move to the Neuenahr spa in 1873 , where he died in the same year at the age of 57. He was buried in his wife's family grave at the Melaten cemetery in Cologne (HWG, between lit. D + E).

In 1912 a street in Cologne-Marienburg was named after him.

In memory of Wolfgang Müller von Königswinter . Illustration by Caspar Scheuren , German Artist Album, 1875
Bust (1896) of Wolfgang Müller von Königswinter by Otto Lessing on Rheinallee in Königswinter

Müller's son Hans Müller also wrote several books, mainly musicological and art historical content.

Works (in selection)


  • Franz BrümmerMüller, Wolfgang . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 22, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1885, pp. 698-701.
  • Joseph Joesten , Wolfgang Müller von Königswinter. His life and the significance of his works for the German people , Cologne 1895
  • Joseph Joesten: My heart is on the Rhine. A memorial book for the erection of the Wolfgang Müller memorial in Königswinter. With a selection of Wolfgang Müller's seals , Cologne: Kölnische Verlags-Anstalt 1896
  • Wolfgang Hütt:  Müller, Wolfgang. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 18, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-428-00199-0 , p. 486 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Paul Luchtenberg , Wolfgang Müller von Königswinter (= publications of the Cologne History Association 21, ISSN  1430-0133 ). Verlag Der Löwe Reykers, Cologne 1959.
  • Klaus Martin Kopitz , The Düsseldorf composer Norbert Burgmüller , Kleve 1998
  • Heribert Rissel, a Rhine enthusiast on the Ahr. Wolfgang Müller from Königswinter. In: Yearbook for West German State History. 28, 2002, ISSN  0170-2025 , pp. 533-545.

Web links

Commons : Wolfgang Müller von Königswinter  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rüdiger Schünemann-Steffen: Cologne Street Names Lexicon , 3rd exp. Ed., Jörg-Rüshü-Selbstverlag, Cologne 2016/17, p. 844.