Wolfgang Suppan

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Wolfgang Suppan (born August 5, 1933 in Irdning , Styria, † May 4, 2015 in Graz ) was an Austrian musicologist . He is the father of the brass musician and composer Armin Suppan .


Suppan studied music at the Styrian State Conservatory as well as musicology ( Hellmut Federhofer ), folklore ( Viktor von Geramb , Hanns Koren ) and philosophy (Amadeo Silva-Tarouca) at the University of Graz . In 1959 he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD . In 1961 he went to Freiburg im Breisgau on a scholarship from the German Research Foundation , initially to the Institute for East German Folklore, and since 1963 as a musicological advisor to the German Folk Song Archive . In 1971 he completed his habilitation in musicology at the University of Mainz . In 1974 he accepted the call as full professor at the Institute for Ethnic Music at the University of Art in Graz . Deputy professorships led him to Göttingen University in 1991/92, Innsbruck in 1992/93 and Salzburg in 1991/92 and 1996/97, teaching assignments and visiting professorships, among others, at the Institute for Music Education at the University of Frankfurt, at the University of Aarhus / Denmark the Columbia University / New York, the University of Texas at Austin , to the bar-Ilan University / Israel; In 2001 he retired .


Suppan has co-founded and directed a number of international societies: 1955 the Johann Joseph Fux Society (1995 to 2001 President), 1967 the study group for the research of historical folk music sources in the ICTM (until 1988 co-chair), 1965 the International Society for Jazz Research ( since then advisory board), 1974 the International Society for the Research and Promotion of Brass Music (until 2000 President), 1981 the World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles (1995 to 1997 President). From 1973 to 1978 he was a member of the Presidium of the German Music Council and from 1975 to 1981 of the ISME Research Commission. His main areas of work included the anthropology of music, European ethnomusicology , brass music research and the history of music in Austria. In addition, he was regional chairman of the Styrian brass music association from 1996 to 2006 .


Fonts (selection)


  • Styrian music lexicon. Graz 1962–1966.
  • Folk song. Its collection and exploration. Stg. 1966
  • Otto Siegl. A study. Vienna 1966.
  • German song life between Renaissance and Baroque. Habilitation thesis Mainz 1971, printed Tutzing 1973.
  • The new lexicon of brass music (with Armin Suppan). Schulz, Freiburg 1973. ISBN 3-923058-07-1 .
  • Jenö Takács. Documents, analyzes, comments. Eisenstadt 1977.
  • The music-making person. An anthropology of music. Schott, Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-7957-1709-4 .
  • Brass music in Baden. Musikverlag Schulz, Freiburg 1983, ISBN 3-923058-02-0 .
  • Musica humana. The anthropological and cultural ethological dimension of musicology. Vienna et al. 1986, ISBN 3-205-06568-9 .
  • Composing for amateurs. Tutzing 1987, ISBN 3-7952-0528-X .
  • Texts and melodies from the "Erlauer games". Tutzing 1990 (with J. Janota).
  • Work and effect. Musicology as research on people and cultural goods. 3 volumes, Tutzing 2000.
  • Wind music country Styria. Gnas / Styria 2003, ISBN 3-7059-0176-1 .
  • Brass music research Bibliography 1966–2003. Schneider, Tutzing 2003.
  • Styrian music lexicon. 2nd, completely revised and enlarged edition. Academic Printing and Publishing Company , Graz 2009, ISBN 978-3-201-01888-3 .
  • Brass music in Styria. Music sounds and touches the heart. A contribution to regional music research, Weishaupt-Verlag, Gnas 2010, ISBN 978-3-7059-0312-8 .
  • At the cradle of the state of Styria. The Pürgg-Trautenfels Chronicle. With contributions by Gottfried Allmer, Walter Brunner, Wilhelm Deuer, Josef Hasitschka, Ingo Mirsch, Hannes P. Naschenweng, Armin and Wolfgang Suppan. Weishaupt-Verlag, Gnas / Steiermark 2013, ISBN 978-3-7059-0344-9 .


  • German folk songs with their melodies. Ballads. Volumes 5 and 6, Freiburg im Breisgau 1967 and 1976 (with RW Brednich, W. Heiske).
  • Gottscheer folk songs. Complete edition, 3 volumes, Mainz 1969, 1972 and 1984 (with RW Brednich).
  • The Ebermannstadt song manuscript. Kulmbach 1972 (with RW Brednich).
  • Handbook of the folk song. 2 volumes, Munich 1973 and 1975 (with RW Brednich and L. Röhrich).
  • Alta musica. A publication of the International Society for the Research and Promotion of Brass Music. 23 volumes, Tutzing 1976–2002 (with E. Brixel).
  • Melody types of German folk song. Volume 1, Tutzing 1976 (with W. Stief).
  • Liszt Studies. Volume 1, Kgr.Ber. Eisenstadt 1975, Graz 1977.
  • Anthropological anthologies. 19 volumes, Graz / Tutzing 1977–2004.
  • Goethe. Heidenröslein [musical tones]. 2 volumes, Tokyo 1987 (with H. Sakanishi).
  • Musica Pannonica. 4 volumes, Oberschützen - Budapest 1991–2000 (with Z. Falvy).


  • JJ Fux, Pulcheria, in: J.-J.-Fux-Gesamtausgabe V / 2, Kassel et al. 1967 (with H. Federhofer).
  • E. von Lannoy, Grand Trio for Klar., Vc. and Kl., L. 1970.
  • I. Pleyel, 6 duets for two clar., Wolfenbüttel 1973.
  • WA Mozart, 6 Duos for Two Clarities, KV Anh. 159f., Freiburg im Breisgau 1982


  • Bernhard Habla (Ed.): Festschrift for the 60th birthday of W. Suppan. Tutzing 1993 (with list of publications).
  • Zoltán Falvy: For guidance. In: W. Suppan: Work and Effect. Volume 1, Tutzing 2000, pp. 17-27
  • ... a deeper understanding of all music. Wolfgang Suppan on the occasion of his 75th birthday (= Graz Contributions to Ethnomusicology, Volume 23, edited by Gerd Grupe), Aachen 2010

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Suppan, Wolfgang family :. In: musiklexikon.ac.at. Retrieved February 22, 2017 .
  2. a b The Graz University of Art mourns Wolfgang Suppan . Retrieved March 24, 2017.