Wolfgang Weise

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Wolfgang Weise (born March 12, 1938 in Weimar ; † May 8, 2006 in Magdeburg ) was a German gynecologist , obstetrician and human geneticist .

Live and act

Wolfgang Weise grew up in his hometown Weimar. From 1956 to 1962 he studied medicine at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Medical Academy Erfurt . After the state examination , Weise did his compulsory assistantship and worked as a country doctor in Bad Salzungen and in the Rhön . After completing his doctorate , he began working as an assistant doctor at the state women's clinic of the Magdeburg Medical Academy under Egon Bernoth . In 1968 he became a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics. Weise received his habilitation in 1974 with a thesis on “Cytogenetic examinations in generatively dysfunctional women and exogenously influenced pregnancy products”. He then completed a second further training in human genetics , which he completed in 1978 with a specialist doctor. In 1985, Weise was appointed full professor and was entrusted with the management of gynecological clinic 2 of the Magdeburg Medical Academy in Leipziger Strasse, which together with gynecological clinic 1 ( state women's clinic ) was under the direction of Bernd Seifert. With the political change and Seifert's departure, the directorate of both clinics was transferred to Weise. In 1992 he received the C4 professorship for gynecology and obstetrics at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, which was newly founded in 1993 . Wise headed the clinic for fourteen years. In 1994, the former state women's clinic was renovated for the first time in preparation for the spatial, personal and professional merging of both clinic areas into one building. This was associated with a reduction in beds from 370 to 115 and a reduction in staff. From 2000 to 2004 the building under Weise was extensively renovated and expanded before he retired in 2004 . Serban-Dan Costa was appointed as his successor and was entrusted with the management of the university women's clinic.

Weise wrote about 200 publications and gave more than 300 lectures on almost all topics of gynecology. Prenatal diagnostics , fetal therapy and cytogenetics were among his narrower fields of work .

Wolfgang Weise was a member and board member of numerous national and international scientific societies and belonged to several commissions of the Medical Association of Saxony-Anhalt . After reunification , he was the initiating founding member of the professional association of gynecologists in Saxony-Anhalt, of which he was regional chairman for 15 years. Along with Martin Link (1934-2005), Dresden , Hans-Joachim Seewald (* 1937), Jena , and Reinhold Schwarz (* 1929), Rostock , he was one of the first to take care of building up the association's structures in the new Federal states tried. Weise was a staunch advocate for the unity of gynecology and obstetrics. In his farewell lecture What do you mean and at what end do you study medicine? in December 2004 he looked back on forty years of gynecology in the social context of the respective circumstances.

Weise was married to the doctor Gerlinde Weise and had two children. He played the violin in a string quartet, painted and drew. As a born Weimaraner, he was an excellent connoisseur of the classics and, as a Goethe lover, he was a member of the Goethe Society in Weimar .

Fonts (selection)

  • Wolfgang Weise, Gerhard Reichel: Fistula frequency after empirically carried out radium dosing. Zentralbl Gynäkol 90 (1968), 494
  • Wolfgang Weise, K. Zernahle, Uta Rogge, Martin Link: Contribution to the syndrome of testicular feminization. Zentralbl Gynäkol 92 (1970), 353
  • Wolfgang Weise, Martin Link : Contribution to Hydrorrhoea uteri gravidi in exociprial pregnancy. Zentralbl Gynäkol 92 (1970), 674
  • Wolfgang Weise, Martin Link , Egon Bernoth : Critical review of one- and two-stage methods of artificial pregnancy termination. Zentralbl Gynäkol 92 (1970), 841
  • Wolfgang Weise: About the misinterpretation between transvestism and organic intersexuality. Zentralbl Gynäkol 95 (1973), 1825
  • Wolfgang Weise: About the obstetric-gynecological indications for cytogenetic examination. Zentralbl Gynäkol 96 (1974), 105
  • Wolfgang Weise: Cytogenetic and laparoscopic examinations for primary sterility. Zentralbl Gynäkol 96 (1974), 178
  • Wolfgang Weise: About the prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis of intrauterine virus infections. Zentralbl Gynäkol 96 (1974), 1096-1102
  • Wolfgang Weise: Parental chromosomal abnormalities as a cause of anencephaly. Zentralbl Gynäkol 96 (1974), 1227-1330
  • Wolfgang Weise: Cytogenetic examinations in generatively disturbed women and exogenously influenced pregnancy products. Habilitation , Medical Academy Magdeburg , 1974
  • Egon Bernoth , Martin Link , Wolfgang Weise, Hans Donat, Werner Kapitza: Comparative diagnostic examinations in infertile men. Arch Gynaecol 228: 549-550 (1979)
  • Wolfgang Weise: Obtaining human egg cells. Zentralbl Gynäkol 102 (1980), 753-761
  • Egon Bernoth , Martin Link , Wolfgang Weise: Gynecology: differential diagnosis and clinic. Thieme-Verlag, Leipzig 1984
  • Wolfgang Weise: Prenatal diagnostics as an ethical challenge. Ärzteblatt Sachsen-Anhalt 4 (1993), 618–629
  • Wolfgang Weise and Siegrid Schiller (eds.): The mammary carcinoma: Recommendations for standardized diagnosis, therapy and follow-up care. Medical-Scientific Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology in Saxony-Anhalt, Professional Association of Gynecologists, Saxony-Anhalt State Association, Magdeburg 1996
  • Wolfgang Weise and Siegrid Schiller (eds.): The malignant ovarian tumor: Recommendations for standardized diagnostics, therapy and aftercare. Medical-Scientific Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology in Saxony-Anhalt, Professional Association of Gynecologists, State Association Saxony-Anhalt, Magdeburg 1997
  • Wolfgang Weise: Thoughts on the new version of § 218 a from Goethe's presence. Frauenarzt 38 (1997), 1218-1220
  • Wolfgang Weise: Goethe and § 218. Ärzteblatt Sachsen-Anhalt 8 (1997), 35-36
  • Wolfgang Weise: Concerns and dubious things about the new version of § 218a. Obstetric gynecology 58: M8 (1998)
  • Wolfgang Weise: Liability of the doctor if malformations are missed. Frauenarzt 43 (2002), 1150-1152
