United Louise Colliery (Dortmund)

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United Louise colliery
General information about the mine
Mining technology Underground mining
Funding / year Max. 4122 pr t
Information about the mining company
Employees 3-8
Start of operation 1844
End of operation 1869
Successor use Syburg colliery
Funded raw materials
Degradation of Hard coal
Geographical location
Coordinates Coordinates are missing! Help.
Location Syburg
local community Dortmund
Independent city ( NUTS3 ) Dortmund
country State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Country Germany
District Ruhr area

The United Louise colliery in Syburg- Buchholz is a former hard coal mine . The mine has a mining history of over 130 years. The mine was located in a valley on the slope of a foothill of the Asenberg. The mine belonged to the Märkisches Bergamts district and there to the jury area Hörde .


The beginnings

In the period from October 6th to 31st, 1827, the three length fields Diana , Happy Louise and Louisenglück North Wing were awarded . The find point for the Längenfeld Happy Louise was on the Kückshauser Hof, the find point for Diana opposite the Längenfeld Happy Louise and the find point for Louisenglück north wing was further down the valley. On January 22nd of the following year, the three length fields were consolidated into the United Louise . Main trades of the union was the Herdecker Mayor Wilhelm Springorum who held 64 mining shares. The owners of the Schleifmühle and Louisenglück collieries each held 32 Kuxe. Between the main Springorum trade and the Iserlohn merchant Johannes Rupe, who was also involved in the two mines, there was a lengthy dispute over mining rights. In the end, the main trades, Springorum, prevailed. Because of this conflict between the trades commissioning of the mine was only in 1843 when mining authorities are requested. It was planned to sell the mined lump coal to smelting works as fuel and to sell the coal for use in lime kilns . In the meantime, the main trade Wilhelm Springorum also had a majority of 80 kuxes. Further Kuxe were held by Freiherr Gisbert von Romberg (16 2/3 Kuxe), Friedrich and August Engels (16 Kuxe) and the Cappel family (5 1/3 Kuxe). After the approval for the commissioning had been granted, the co-workers Gisbert von Romberg lodged an objection against the granted approval. However, Wilhelm Springorum was able to contradict this objection due to his Kuxen majority. In October 1843, the union reported to the Mining Authority that two people were responsible for the supervision and control of the mine. The movers' lifter was to serve as a supervisor for the mine and a citizen from Herdecke with the name of Funke was to serve as shift supervisor and representative of the movers. Since Funke had no mining knowledge, his appointment as shift supervisor was rejected by the mining authority. Instead, the miner Friedrich-Wilhelm Sichtermann was appointed as a temporary shift supervisor. Thus the colliery could go into operation.

The further operation

The mine was put into operation in April 1844. In the northern mountainside, an existing tunnel was cleaned over a length of 60 meters. Any remaining coal was mined here . The only seam that was available was the Sengsbank seam. This seam was twenty-four inches thick . At the same time, the tunnel was driven further to a length of 210 meters . In addition, several older tunnels in the area above the Husener Mühle were cleared and driven further. The minimum dimensions of the tunnel cross-section of all the studs, basic routes and loci had the mining authorities on a Lachter fixed height and 0.5 Lachter width. After the seam was reached, had to improve the ventilation of mines two parallel About hewing to over days are created. In addition, the mining authority had ordered the operation of weather drums to strengthen the ventilation . So that there was a sufficient draft on site , the weather was blown over Lutten to the site. The accumulating mine waters and penetrating through the Weather sculpting melting and rainwater was the shock applied water intrinsic to the Stollenmundloch discharged from there the water was removed via a brick day digging into the mill stream. Especially during heavy rain this form denied the drainage , so that the tunnel almost to the ridge with muddy water filled . After such events, the mine workings had to be done. In 1858 the mine was demonstrably in operation. In promoting trial of iron were this year trams used with wooden floors. The delivery rates of these wagons were significantly higher than with the wagons used previously. They were also preferred by the sponsors . For this reason, the mine operators planned to have more of these new wagons manufactured. There is also evidence that the mine was in operation in 1863, 1865 and 1867. In 1869 the mine building was again drained. For this reason, the United Louise mine was shut down in the same year. On January 28 of 1964 which was Berechtsame the colliery Louise canceled due to the length field cleanup law. The southern and western parts of the mine field were added to the overlapping square fields of the Syburg , Abendsonne and Schöne Aussicht collieries . The rest of the pit field fell into the mountain free .

Promotion and workforce

The first known production figures date from 1844, when 2418 bushels of hard coal were produced. The first known workforce numbers come from the year 1846, at that time between three and eight miners were employed in the mine, who produced 12,294 bushels of hard coal. The last known production and workforce figures for the mine come from the year 1855, in that year 4122½ tons of coal were extracted with five miners . This was also the maximum production of the mine.

Current condition

Today only one broken tunnel mouth hole is left of one of the tunnels . The broken tunnel mouth hole can no longer be recognized as such.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k Joachim Huske : The coal mines in the Ruhr area. Data and facts from the beginning to 2005 (= publications from the German Mining Museum Bochum 144). 3rd revised and expanded edition. Self-published by the German Mining Museum, Bochum 2006, ISBN 3-937203-24-9 .
  2. a b c d e f g h Tilo Cramm: The coal mine United Louise . In: City of Schwerte (ed.): AS The magazine of the city of Schwerte. 20th year, No. 78, Schwerte March 2007, pp. 11-13.
  3. a b c Ludwig Herrmann Wilhelm Jacobi : The mining, metallurgy and trade of the government district Arnsberg in statistical representation. Published by Julius Bädeker, Iserlohn 1857. Online
  4. ^ A b Tilo Cramm: The mining between Dortmund-Syburg and Schwerte. Association for the promotion of Mining Historic Sites Ruhrrevier eV, Dortmund Working Group (publisher), Uwe Nolte printing company, Dortmund / Iserlohn 2010.
  5. Ministry of Commerce and Industry (ed.): Journal for the mountain, huts and saltworks in the Prussian state. Seventh volume, published by the royal and secret Ober-Hofdruckerei (R. Decker), Berlin 1859.
  6. ^ The early mining on the Ruhr: Stollenmundloch von Vereinigte Louise (accessed on September 17, 2012).

Web links


  1. A weather overburden is a mine that is built in the seam from bottom to top and is used for ventilation . (Source: Tilo Cramm, Joachim Huske: Bergman language in the Ruhr area. )