1st Rhenish Pioneer Battalion No. 8

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Crew building of the Falckenstein barracks of the Pioneer Battalion No. 8 in Koblenz around 1900
Former Falckenstein barracks today

The 1st Rhenish Pioneer Battalion No. 8 was an association of the Prussian Army .


Set up as the 8th pioneer division on March 27, 1816 in Saarlouis , the unit was relocated to Koblenz on August 10, 1824 and moved into accommodation in the Löhrtor barracks . The battalion stayed there until the Löhrtor kasematten was demolished in 1889 and then moved to the newly built Falckenstein barracks on the banks of the Moselle . (It is not the current Falckenstein barracks used by the former army command; the barracks of the 8 pioneers, sometimes called the "old Falckenstein barracks", is on the banks of the Moselle - the two blocks next to the city-side exit from the Europe Bridge.) In it are today authorities of the city of Koblenz and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate . Up until the Second World War, a pioneer memorial stone created by Carl Burger in Koblenz's Rhine grounds commemorated the battalion.

In terms of troops, the battalion was subordinate to the 2nd engineer inspection before the outbreak of the First World War.

The crew quarters of the barracks were badly damaged and burned out in bombing raids during World War II . They were later rebuilt in a simplified form (roofs and roof decorations) and are now used by authorities. The parade house on what would later become Saarplatz was not rebuilt, and the officers' mess was only demolished for the new construction of the police headquarters in the 1980s.

First World War

Division of war on August 1, 1914

The battalion was brought up to war (regimental) strength and divided:

  • 1st Battalion / Pioneer Battalion No. 8
  • 2nd Battalion / Pioneer Battalion No. 8
I. Battalion
consisting of:
  • Staff, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Company, Headlight Train, Divisions Bridge Train 15, Divisions Bridge Train 16, Bridge Train VIII. Army Corps - assigned to the newly established 5th Company from April 3, 1915.
date Operations / battles
22./23. August 1914 Battle of Neufchateau / Porcheresse
August 24-29, 1914 Battle of the Meuse
August 30 to September 5, 1914 Persecution from the Meuse to the Marne
0September 6-12, 1914 Battle of the Marne
September 13 to December 19, 1914 Trench warfare in Champagne
December 20-30, 1914 Battle of Perthes-lès-Hurlus
December 31, 1914 to January 7, 1915 Trench warfare in Champagne
0January 8-13, 1915 2. Battle of Perthes-lès-Hurlus
January 14th to 31st, 1915 Trench warfare in Champagne
0February 1-5, 1915 3. Battle of Perthes-lès-Hurlus
0February 6-15, 1915 Trench warfare in Champagne
February 16-19, 1915 4. Battle of Perthes-lès-Hurlus
February 21 to March 20, 1915 Winter battle in Champagne
March 21 to April 2, 1915 Trench warfare in Champagne
May 12 to June 30, 1915 Battle of the Loretto Heights
0July 1, 1915 to November 20, 1916 Fight on the Aisne
0October 6-26, 1916 Battle of the Somme only 1st and 5th kp, with mine thrower kp 169
November 16, 1916 to February 11, 1917 Trench warfare on the Upper Styr - Stochod (Eastern Front)

Units allocated up to then:

date unit unit
May 19 to October 10, 1915 Mortar division 126 Mine gun division 242
June 20 to October 10, 1915 heavy mortar division 21
February to October 10, 1915 heavy mortar division VIII
from October 10, 1915 Mine thrower company 15
January 16 to September 3, 1916 Mine thrower company 16

On February 11, 1917, the 1st Battalion / Pioneer Battalion No. 8 was split up and received the following names:

  • Engineer Battalion No. 8
  • Engineer Battalion No. 125
Engineer Battalion No. 8
consisting of:
  • Staff, 2nd and 3rd Company, Mine Thrower Company 169 - Headlight Platoon 293
date Operations / battles
February 12 to May 10, 1917 Trench warfare on the upper Styr-Stochod
June 27 to September 2, 1917 Battle of Flanders
0December 4, 1917 to March 31, 1918 Trench warfare in Flanders
0April 1-8, 1918 Trench warfare in French Flanders
05th to 25th August 1918 Fight off Ypres - La Bassée
August 27 to September 2, 1918 Battle of Monchy - Bapaume
September 22 to October 14, 1918 Fight at Armentières - Lens
October 15-19, 1918 Fight between the Deule Canal and the Scheldt
October 26 to November 4, 1918 Fight at the Hermann position
0November 5-11, 1918 Retreat fighting in front of the Antwerp-Maas position
Mine thrower company 169 only until September 9, 1918
Headlight train 293 only until February 26, 1918

The Pioneer Battalion No. 8 was disbanded in Bramsche near Osnabrück after the end of the war in January 1919 .

2nd Battalion / Pioneer Battalion No. 8
consisting of:
  • Staff, 4th Company, 1st and 2nd Reserve Company, Reserve Divisionsbrückentrain 15 and 16, assigned to the newly established 6th Company from March 17, 1915
date Operations / battles
22./23. August 1914 Battle of Neufchâteau / Palireul
August 24-29, 1914 Battle of the Meuse
August 30 to September 5, 1914 Persecution from the Meuse to the Marne
0September 6-12, 1914 Battle of the Marne
September 13 to December 19, 1914 Trench warfare in Champagne
December 20-30, 1914 Battle of Perthes les Hurlus
December 31, 1914 to January 7, 1915 Trench warfare in Champagne
0January 8-13, 1915 2. Battle of Perthes les Hurlus
January 14th to 31st, 1915 Trench warfare in Champagne
0February 1-5, 1915 3. Battle of Perthes les Hurlus
0February 6-15, 1915 Trench warfare in Champagne
February 16-19, 1915 4. Battle of Perthes les Hurlus
February 21 to March 20, 1915 Winter battle in Champagne
March 21 to September 21, 1915 Trench warfare in Champagne
0April 9 to May 20, 1915 Fight between Meuse and Moselle 4th company only
September 22 to October 18, 1915 Autumn battle in Champagne
October 20, 1915 to October 19, 1916 Fight on the Aisne
0April 3 to October 19, 1916 without Staff, 4th and 6th Company, 1st Reserve Company
0April 6 to September 9, 1916 Battle for Verdun Staff, 4th and 6th Company, 1st Reserve Company
0April 7-12, 1916 Fight for Mort Homme and Béthincourt Staff, 4th and 6th Company, 1st Reserve Company
May 19-20, 1916 Fight for Mort Homme 1st reserve company only
May 24-29, 1916 Storming of Cumières and the Caurettes height 4th company only
0September 9 to November 20, 1916 Trench warfare before Verdun 4th and 6th companies until October 25th, 1st reserve company until October 2nd
October 21 to November 23, 1916 Battle of the Somme 2nd Reserve Company, Mine Thrower Company 216, Reserve Headlight Platoon 8
from November 5, 1916 1. Reserve Compensation
September 21 to November 26, 1916 with mine throwerKp 215 / headlamp. Zg 257 / ResBrTrn 15
November 27, 1916 to January 25, 1917 Trench warfare on the Somme 4th and 6th Company, Mine ThrowerKp 215 / Scheinw. Zg 257 / ResBrTrn 15
November 28, 1916 to February 25, 1917 Fight on the Aisne 1st and 2nd Reserve Company, Mine ThrowerKp 216 / ResScheinw. Fig 8

On February 25, 1917, the 2nd Battalion / Pioneer Battalion No. 8 was disbanded. With the personnel and the equipment, two new engineer battalions were established:

  • Engineer Battalion No. 315
  • Engineer Battalion No. 316


  • Günther Rückbeil: The 1st Rhenish Pioneer Battalion No. 8 and its war organizations in the World War 1914/18 (=  memorial sheets of German regiments. Troops of the former Prussian contingent . Volume 163 ). Stalling, Oldenburg iO / Berlin 1926 ( digitized version of the Württemberg State Library ).
  • Kurt von Salm: Rhenish Pioneer Battalion No. 8. Verlag Gerhard Stalling, Oldenburg 1929.
  • Rüdiger Wischemann: The Koblenz Fortress. Rhenania Verlag, 1978.

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