Abdullah al-Harari

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Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Harari (عبد الله بن محمَّد بن يوسف بن عبد الله بن جامع الشَّيبي العبدري الهرري, DMG ʿAbdullāh bin Muḥammad bin Yūsuf al-Hararī ), or in short: Abdullah al-Harari ( Arabic عبد الله الهرري, DMG ʿAbdullāh al-Hararī  ' Abdullah from Harar') or Abdullah al-Habaschi (عبد الله الحبشي, DMG ʿAbdullāh al-Ḥabašī , Abdullah the Abyssinian ') (* 1910 in Harar , Ethiopia ; † September 2, 2008 in Beirut , Lebanon ), was an Islamic legal scholar and founder of the al-Habash religious movement named after him and his origins .

The international Association of Islamic Charitable Projects (AICP), which he led until his death, or associated local associations are today the sponsors of numerous institutions and mosques around the world , mostly known as “Maschari Centers” . In Germany, the religious community is an Islamic Association for Charitable Projects. V. (IVWP) is mainly active in Berlin and Peine in Lower Saxony .

Life and studies

He was born in Harar, in the Abyssinian Empire (Arabic:الحبشة al-Habascha , DMG al-Ḥabaša ), today's Ethiopia. He grew up in modest circumstances in a religious family.

His father made him familiar with the works of Islamic law ( Fiqh ) at an early age . According to his followers, he knew the Koran by heart by the age of seven. Later he dealt with the traditions of the Prophet Mohammed , the hadiths, and memorized their six books with their chains of tradition. He traveled to the then Italian-occupied empire of Abyssinia and British and French Somaliland to study with various scholars. He also acquired knowledge of the Shafiʿite school of law as well as the Maliki , Hanafi and Hanbali legal teachings. His knowledge of the learned manuscripts enabled him to critically assess the readings of handwritten sources as well as the printed works of Islamic scholars.

He received a teaching permit and was allowed to issue Islamic legal opinions ( fatwa ), the function of a mufti , before he was 18 years old . However, with his religious ideas he soon came into conflict with the followers of Yusuf Abdulrahman . The scholar, who was also nicknamed al-Harari because of the same origins , was trained in Mecca and Medina between 1928 and 1938 and had founded a Wahhabi school in Harar , through which he was able to win over some followers of Abdullah al-Harari. With the help of the Ethiopian government, Abdullah al-Habaschi initially prevailed and achieved the closure of the school run by Yusuf al-Harari. Some of his followers were arrested. When confronted again between 1946 and 1948, however, Yusuf Abdulrahman had better connections with the leadership. Emperor Haile Selassie had Abdullah al-Habaschi expelled from the country.

As a result, Abdullah continued his studies, traveling via Somalia to Jerusalem , Mecca and finally Damascus . In 1950 he reached Lebanon and moved to Beirut . There he met Sheikh Ahmad al-Adschuz, who founded the Jamʿiyyat al-Maschariʿ al-Chairiya al-Islamiyya ( Arabic جمعية المشاريع الخيرية الإسلامية, DMG Ǧamʿīyat al-Mašārīʿ al-Ḫairīya al-Islāmiyya ) or Society of Islamic Philanthropic Projects in English . Since both were very close in their theological views, they soon worked closely together and after the death of Ahmad al-Adschuz, Abdullah al-Harari took over the leadership of the Jamiyya as sheikh . Afterwards he was active in Beirut as a preacher, teacher and author of numerous books.

In 1996 and 2003 - 40 years after his expulsion - he traveled back to Harar to teach there. Most recently, however, he lived again in Lebanon, where he died at the age of 98 at the beginning of Ramadan on September 2, 2008.


His teachings, sermons and activities in Harar have an impact on Islam in Ethiopia and beyond.

The movement founded with the takeover of the Society of Islamic Philanthropic Projects in Beirut has gained influence in Lebanon and spread worldwide through the tightly organized AICP (Association of Islamic Charitable Projects ) and through Lebanese emigrants. Sheikh Abdullah no longer took over the official leadership of this organization himself.

He and his supporters advocated political non-violence, which earned him and his movement a lot of sympathy, especially in the western world. However, he was strictly rejected by Orthodox Muslims and he, too, met his opponents with uncompromising rejection and with the help of regulatory authorities.


The following works can be found at "Dar Al-Mashari '" in Beirut:

  • "The Explanation of the Thousand Lines of the Scholar as-Suyûtiyy in Hadith Terminology" (Scharhu alfiyati s-Suyûtî fî Mustalahi l-Hadîth)
  • "A poem about the doctrine of the faith in around 60 verses" (Qasîdatun fî lI ^ tiqâdi taqa ^ u fî Sittîna Baytan)
  • "The right way regarding the doctrine of the faith" ( As-Sirâtu l-Mustaqîm fi t-Tawhîd , ed.)
  • "The explanation of the work 'The right way regarding the doctrine of the faith' with authentic evidence" (Ad-Dalîlu l-Qawîm ^ alâ s-Sirâti l-Mustaqîm fit-Tawhîd)
  • "Summary of the teachings of Shaykh ^ Abdu l-Lâh al-Harariyy , which includes the individual compulsory knowledge of religion according to the Shâfi ^ îtic school of law" ( Mukhtasaru ^ Abdi l-Lâhi l-Harariyy al-Kâfilu Bi ^ ilmi d-Dîni d- Darûriyy ^ alâ Madhhabi l-Imâmi sch-Schâfi ^ iyy , ed.)
  • "Summary of the teachings of Shaykh ^ Abdu l-Lâh al-Harariyy , which includes the individual compulsory knowledge of religion according to the Malikite school of law" (Mukhtasaru ^ Abdi l-Lâhi l-Harariyy al-Kâfilu Bi ^ ilmi d-Dîni d-Darûriyy ^ alâ Madhhabil-Imâmi Mâlik)
  • “Summary of Shaykh ^ Abdu l-Lâh al-Harariyy , which includes the individual compulsory knowledge of religion according to the Hanafitic school of law” (Mukhtasaru ^ Abdi l-Lâhi l-Harariyy al-Kâfilu Bi ^ ilmi d-Dîni d-Darûriyy ^ alâ Madhhabi l-Imâmi Abî Hanîfah)
  • “The student's desire. A treatise on compulsory knowledge in the Islamic religion ”( Bughyatu t-Tâlib Lima ^ rifati l- ^ ilmi d-Dîni l-wâdjib , ed.)
  • " Quick-witted answers against the slanderers of authentic hadîth" (At-Ta ^ aqqubu l-Hathîth ^ alâ Man Ta ^ ana Fîmâ Sahha Mina l-Hadîth)
  • "The confirmation of the work ' Quick-witted answers against the slanderers of the authentic hadîth'" ( Nusratu t-Ta ^ aqqubi l-Hathîth ^ alâ Mana Ta ^ ana Fîmâ Sahha Mina l-Hadîth , ed.)
  • "The beautiful, pure fragrances on the birthday of the best of all creatures" (Ar-Rawâ'ihu z-Zakiyyah fî Mawlidi Khayri l-Bariyyah)
  • "The Explanation of the Work of the Scholar an-Nasafiyy in the Doctrine of the Faith" (Al-Matâlibu l-Wafiyyah Scharhu l- ^ aqîdah t-Tahâwiyyah)
  • "The exposition of the Sunni doctrine of the faith based on the explanation of the work of the scholar at-Tahâwiyy 'The Doctrine of Faith'" (Idhhâru l- ^ aqîdati s-Sunniyyah Bisharhi l- ^ aqîdati t-Tahâwiyyah)
  • "The Explanation of the Thousand Verses of az-Zubad in Shafi ^ îtic Jurisprudence" ( Scharhu Alfiyati z-Zubad fi l-Fiqhi sh-Shafi ^ iyy , ed.)
  • "The Explanation of the Work of Abî Shudjâ ^ s in Schâfi ^ îtic jurisprudence" (Scharhu Matni Abî Schudjâ ^ fi l-Fiqhi sch-Schâfi ^ iyy)
  • "The precise conceptual analysis of the work 'The correct way regarding the doctrine of the faith'" (Asch-Scharhu l-Qawîm fî halli Alfâthi s-Sirâti l-Mustaqîm)
  • The explanation of the work "al- ^ Aschmâwiyyah" in Malikitic jurisprudence (Scharhu Matni l- ^ Aschmâwiyyah fi l-Fiqhi l-Mâlikiyy)
  • "The Explanation of the Work ' Scharhu Mutammimati Al-Âdjrûmiyyah '" (a treatise on Arabic grammar , Scharhu Mutammimati l-Âdjrûmiyyah fî n-Nahwi )
  • "The explanation of the work " al-Bayqûniyyah " in the Hadîth terminology" (Sharhu l-Bayqûniyyah fî l-Mustalah)
  • "The clear evidence against those who contradict the Koran" ( Sarîhu l-Bayân fî r-Raddi ^ alâ Man Khâlafa l-Qur'ân , ed.)
  • "Exposure of the misleading statements of Ahmad bin Taymiyyah through Sunni treatises" (al-Maqâlâtus-Sunniyyah fî Kaschfi Dalâlâti Ahmad ibn Taymiyyata)
  • "The stringed pearls in the Koran recitation rules " (ad-Durru n-Nadîd fî 'Ahkâmi t-Tadjwîd)
  • "Explanation of the 13 attributes of God " (Scharhu s-Sifâti th-Thalâtha ^ aschrata l-Wâdjibati lil-Lâh )
  • “The saving doctrine of faith. A Treatise Presented " (al- ^ aqîdatu l-Mundjiyatu)
  • "Explanation of the work ' at-Tanbîh ' of the scholar asch-Schirâziyy in Schâfi ^ îtic jurisprudence" (Sharhut-Tanbîh lil-Imâm Schîrâziyy fi l-Fiqhi sh-Schâfi ^ iyy)
  • "Explanation of the work 'The Teaching Method for Students' by the scholar Zakariyyâ al-Ansâriyy in Shâfi ^ îtic jurisprudence" (Sharhu Manhadji t-Tullâb lish-Shaykhi Zakariyyâ l-Ansâriyy fi l-Fiqhi sh-Schâfi ^ iyy)
  • "Explanation of the work 'The sure way to attain the love of God' by the scholar ^ Abdu l-Lâh Bâ ^ lawiyy " (Sharhu Kitâbi Sullami t-Tawfîq Ilâ Mahabbati l-Lâhi ^ alâ t-Tahqîq)
  • "Explanation of the work 'A Treatise in Poetry ' by the scholar As-Sabbân " (Scharhu Mandhûmati s-Sabbân fi l- ^ arûd)
  • "The Sunni refutation of the misleading statements of the sect Hizbu t-Tahrîr " (al-Ghâratu l-Îmâniyyah fi Raddi Mafâsidi t-Tahrîriyyah)
  • "The splendid pearl in the conceptual analysis of the work of the scholar at-Tahâwiyy 'The Doctrine of Faith'" (ad-Durratu l-Bahiyyah fî Halli alFâdhi l- ^ aqîdati t-Tahâwiyyah)
  • "Refuting the claim of some that the Prophet knew everything Allaah knows" ( Risâlatun fi r-Raddi ^ alâ Qawli l-Ba ^ di Inna r-Rasûla Ya ^ lamu kulla schay'in Ya ^ lamuhu l-Lâh - a basic one Scripture that opened up new possibilities for the textual criticism of the Koran in particular)
  • "Rejection of the claim that the first creature is the light of the Prophet Muhammad" (Risâlatun fî Butlâni da ^ wâ Awwaliyyati n-Nûri l-Muhammadiyy)
  • " Islamically necessary warning" (at-Tahdhîru sh-Schar ^ iyyu l-Wâdjibu)
  • "Mutual support in the rejection of evil" (at-Ta ^ âwunu ^ ala n-Nahyi ^ ani l-Munkar)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Liane Wobbe: The teachings of Abdullah al-Harari in Germany - The Islamic Association for Charitable Projects. V. (IVWP) . In: Handbook of Religions . Churches and other religious communities in Germany and in German-speaking countries , issue 45, OLZOG Verlag, Munich
  2. ^ Sheikh Abdullah al Harari. The Herald Scotland, September 11, 2008, accessed April 7, 2019 .

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