Ad suburbicarias dioeceses

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Ad suburbicarias dioeceses was a motu proprio of Pope John XXIII. It was released on March 10, 1961.

Here the Pope stipulated that he and his successors would in future freely appoint the owners of the suburbicarian bishoprics and thus the cardinal bishops . Previously, cardinals who resided in Rome and had been cardinals longest after the creation date could opt for a cardinal bishop's seat according to CIC 236 3 (1917). He announced another change in the legal status of the suburbicarian dioceses, which took place on April 11, 1962 with Suburbicariis sedibus .

John XXIII justified the change with the growth of the population in the suburbicarian dioceses, which made more effective pastoral care necessary. The bishops should be suitable for the direction of a diocese because of their age, their health and their curial tasks, and too frequent changes should be prevented. At the same time, John XXIII appointed Archbishop Giuseppe Ferretto, who was only elevated to Cardinal on January 16, 1961, was Cardinal Bishop of Sabina e Poggio Mirteto .

Pius X. had already restricted the option right. He stipulated that the cardinal bishops should no longer change their dioceses. Previously, there was a ranking between the suburbicarian dioceses and as soon as there was a vacancy, all the cardinals behind in the ranking moved up. The highest-ranking diocese was Ostia - Velletri , which the cardinal dean held. The Pope divided it on May 5, 1914 into a diocese of Ostia, which today consists of four parishes and which the cardinal dean has since led in addition to his previous diocese, and the diocese of Velletri. He also provided the Cardinal Bishops with suffragans , bishops who assist them in the governance of their dioceses. But Pope Benedict XV accepted this change . back.

Suburbicarian diocese Official Age at appointment as Cardinal Bishop Term of office Successor as Cardinal Bishop Age at appointment as Cardinal Bishop Term of office
Albano Giuseppe Pizzardo 70 1948-1970 Krikor Bedros XV. Agagianian 75 1970-1971
Ostia Eugène Tisserant 66 1951-1972 Amleto Giovanni Cicognani 89 1972-1973
Porto e Santa Rufina Eugène Tisserant 82 1946-1972 Paolo Marella 77 1972-1984
Palestrina Benedetto Aloisi Masella 68 1948-1970 Carlo Confalonieri 78 1972-1986
Sabina e Poggio Mirteto Marcello Mimmi 75 1958-1961 Giuseppe Ferretto 62 1961-1973
Frascati Gaetano Cicognani 78 1959-1962 Amleto Giovanni Cicognani 79 1962-1973
Velletri Clemente Micara 66 1946-1965 Fernando Cento 81 1965-1973

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Michael Buchberger: Lexicon for theology and church . Herder, 1964 ( [accessed July 15, 2020]).