Adolf Wilhelm Ziegler

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Adolf Wilhelm Ziegler (born March 9, 1903 in Munich ; † August 30, 1989 there ) was a German Roman Catholic theologian , church historian and university professor. He taught from 1948 to 1968 as a full professor for ancient church history and patrology at the Ludwig Maximilians University .


After studying philosophy and theology, Adolf Ziegler was ordained a priest in 1927 by Michael von Faulhaber . He was in pastoral care a. a. in Munich St. Benno used as a cooperator. In 1930 he received his doctorate ( Dr. theol. ) At LMU, and in 1937 he completed his habilitation in church history in Würzburg . From 1937 to 1938 he worked as a part-time pastor for the German Wehrmacht in Munich, from 1939 to 1945 as a pastor in Freising and Moosburg, he was also a pastor in the field hospital of the Freising seminary. In 1940 he was dismissed as a lecturer at the University of Würzburg because of "political unreliability". He was refused a lectureship at the LMU Munich by the National Socialists. In 1945 he was appointed associate professor for church history at the Philosophical-Theological University in Dillingen . From 1948 until his retirement in 1968 he taught as a full professor for ancient church history and patrology at the LMU Munich. In the years 1955 to 1956 he was the dean of the Catholic Theological Faculty. In the winter semester of 1951/52 he joined the Catholic student association WKSt.V. Unitas Burgundia at.

In the Soviet occupation zone , his book The Russian Godless Movement ( Kösel Pustet , Munich 1932) was placed on the list of literature to be sorted out.



Publications in book form

  • The nomination and presentation rights of the University of Munich. Award paper , awarded by the theological faculty of the University of Munich , Munich 1929 (also university paper, Munich, dissertation, 1929).
  • The Russian wicked movement. An authentic representation with rich image material, first published in Germany , Munich 1932.
  • The Union of the Council of Florence in the Russian Church (= The Eastern Christianity 4), Würzburg 1938 (Habil.).
  • New studies on the first letter of Klemens , Munich 1958.
  • with Joseph Anton Fischer , Johannes Fuchs, Lantbert von Freising , 937-957, the bishop and saint. Remembrance of the millennium in 1957 , Munich 1959.
  • (Ed.): Monachium. Contributions to the church and cultural history of Munich and southern Bavaria on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the city of Munich in 1958 , Munich 1958.
  • Religion, Church and State in Past and Present (3 volumes), Munich 1969–1974.
    • Volume 1: History. Prehistory, antiquity, middle ages, modern times , Munich 1969.
    • Volume 2: The relationship between church and state in Europe , Munich 1972, ISBN 3-7863-0137-9 .
    • Volume 3: The Relationship between Church and State in America , Munich 1974.
  • The Freising Mohr . A study of the local history of the Freising bishop's coat of arms , Hermanno Tüchle Septuagenario , Munich 1975.
  • A work of peace. Memories of the military chaplaincy 1939–1945 in a prison camp , Munich 1979, ISBN 3-87904-090-7 .
  • Martin Dauner, 1889–1972. A picture of life from an eventful time , Munich 1984.

Articles in collective works

  • The behavior of the ecclesiastical shepherds during the Slavic migration of the 6th and 7th centuries; Appendix: The Freising Slavic monuments and other literary memorials of Freising , In: Episcopus: Studies on the episcopate. His Eminence Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber, Archbishop of Munich-Freising, offered on his 80th birthday by the Theological Faculty of the University of Munich, Regensburg 1949, pp. 110–135.
  • Methodius in Ellwangen , In: Land und Reich - Stamm und Nation. Problems and Perspectives in Bavarian History. (= Ceremony for the 90th birthday of Max Spindler ), On behalf of the Commission for Bavarian State History , edited by Andreas Kraus , 3 volumes, here: Volume 1 Research reports on antiquity and the Middle Ages , Verlag CH Beck, Munich 1984, pp. 305-324.

Magazine articles


  • Bibliography AW Ziegler , in: Wilhelm Gessel (Hrsg.), Peter Stockmeier (Hrsg.), Bavaria Christiana for the early history of Christianity in Bavaria (Festschrift for Adolf Wilhelm Ziegler) (= Contributions to the Old Bavarian Church History (BABKG), Volume 27), Munich 1973, pp. 235-242.
  • Lothar Waldmüller , Sigmund Benker , On the death of Prof. Dr. Adolf Wilhelm Ziegler , in: BABKG , volume 38, 1989. pp. 283–285.
  • Manfred Weitlauff , Adolf Wilhelm Ziegler in memoriam , in: MThZ year 41, 1990, pp. 103-105.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Catholic Church. German Bishops' Conference .: Priests under Hitler's terror: a biographical and statistical survey . Matthias Grünewald Verlag, Mainz 1984, ISBN 3-7867-1152-6 , p. 792 .
  2. Klaus Witt City : The Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Würzburg during the Third Reich. In: Peter Baumgart (Ed.): Four hundred years of the University of Würzburg. A commemorative publication. Degener & Co. (Gerhard Gessner), Neustadt an der Aisch 1982 (= sources and contributions to the history of the University of Würzburg. Volume 6), ISBN 3-7686-9062-8 , pp. 399-435; here: p. 411 and 420.
  3. Wolfgang Burr (ed.): Unitas manual . tape 2 . Verlag Franz Schmitt, Siegburg 1996, p. 308 .
  4. ^ List of the literature to be discarded 1953

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