Agent Hamilton - In the interests of the nation

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German title Agent Hamilton - In the interests of the nation
Original title Hamilton - I nationens interest
Country of production Sweden
original language Swedish , English , Russian , Arabic
Publishing year 2012
length 110 minutes
Age rating FSK 18
Director Kathrine Windfeld
script Stefan Thunberg
production Jan Marnell
music Philippe Boix-Vives
Jon Ekstrand
camera Jonas Alarik
cut Sofia Lindgren

←  Predecessor
Commander Hamilton

Successor  →
Agent Hamilton 2 - Revenge for the Daughter

Agent Hamilton - In the Interest of the Nation is a Swedish action film directed by Kathrine Windfeld in 2012, based on the Coq Rouge series by Swedish author Jan Guillou .


No one is allowed to kill other people in the Swedish intelligence service. Unless this is done for self-defense or in the national interest. The Swedish agent Carl Hamilton experiences how 14 people are murdered by an unknown mercenary group while smuggling high-tech grenades with GPS programming from the Swedish weapons manufacturer Nordfors during an undercover operation on the Uzbek - Afghan border. These grenades staff prepare the private US security and military companies Sectragon led by Rob Hart in Ethiopia a terrorist attack on one in Somalia 's exiled Ethiopian politicians before. One of them, Benjamin Lee, does not want to cover these machinations any further and gets out. He takes the Nordfors employee Martin Lagerbäck hostage, who specially traveled to Ethiopia to train the Sectragon employees. However, both are arrested while fleeing in Somalia and put in prison.

This escalates into an international incident, with the Swedish Prime Minister Sara Landhag wondering what a Nordfors employee is doing in Ethiopia. Your personal advisor, Tomas Tideman, suggests entrusting the company Sectragon with the exemption. She agrees, but only with Hamilton as the silent observer of the Swedish state. Carl Hamilton, meanwhile, kills his new girlfriend, the Polish doctor Maria Solska, accidentally with a knife in her apartment when he was dreaming of his mission in Afghanistan and Maria woke him up. Hamilton removes his tracks and only takes a photo of Maria with him. The police start the investigation, but without much evidence.

Hamilton flies to Beirut to meet his PLO contact Mouna Al Fathar . Then he travels to Somalia and meets the Sectragon mercenaries. They free Lagerbäck and Lee, who offers Hamilton inside information about his former company and Nordfors. Hamilton overpowers the Sectragon people and escapes with both of them in a Bell UH-1 helicopter. He brings Lagerbäck directly back to Sweden, while Lee is brought to Jordan by a contact from Mouna . A little later, however, Sectragon provides this contact and learns of Hamilton's relationship with the PLO. They also arrange for Lee to be placed on the list of wanted terrorists by the CIA in order to be able to trace him more easily. After Lee is transported to a secret location in Sweden, he gives all his information to the Swedish secret service. Nordfors and Sectragon are working together to instigate a war between Ethiopia and Somalia and to earn considerable money from it in the future.

When Lee is kidnapped by Sectragon, the prime minister becomes suspicious of her personal advisor for the first time, because only she, he and the secret service knew Lee's whereabouts. In the meantime, the investigator in the Maria Solska murder case is called back as the secret service spreads its protective hand over Hamilton. Sectragon rents a hotel room in Stockholm with a view of the Skanstullsbron Bridge under Lee's name. It is planned that at the meeting between the Ethiopian President and Sara Landhag, both of their state limousines will be blown up on the bridge and this will then be attached to the alleged terrorist Lee. In the meantime, Hamilton has brought Mouna from Beirut to Sweden to help him find Lee. Mouna is shot by a Sectragon mercenary, Hamilton gains access to the hotel room on his own, where a brutal duel with Hart, who is willing to carry out the attack to the last, ensues. Hamilton sees through a list of Hart's at the last second and shoots him. As a result, Tomas Tideman, a consultant who intrigued with Nordfors and Sectragon, is arrested.

In conclusion, Hamilton visits the police investigator in the Solska murder case at home and asks her not to continue investigating him because he is outside the law. She realizes that he is a secret agent and gives him the photo of Maria back.


“The brave agent Hamilton has been on duty for 26 years now. In 1986 the first novel about Carl Gustav Gilbert Graf Hamilton, a Swedish nobleman with a left-wing radical past, better known as top agent Coq Rouge, was published. The Swedish journalist and bestselling author Jan Guillou has written a total of ten books in the espionage series, nine have also been published in German. In the meantime, like so many successful heroes in novels, Carl Hamilton is allowed to lead a second existence as a film character. In earlier arrangements, Stellan Skarsgard ('Verblendung') and Peter Stormare ('Fargo') played the super agent, now Mikael Persbrandt, known in this country as Gunvald Larsson from 'Kommissar Beck', slips into the role. At his side, Pernilla August ('Star Wars: Episode I - The Dark Threat') can be seen another prominent Swedish face on the screen, and the Danish director Kathrine Windfeld ('Wallander') did everything right aside from the coherent cast. 'Agent Hamilton' is staged in an exciting and fast-paced manner, the characters take on an astonishingly large amount of contour for an action film, and the thriller also really deserves the age rating from 18.


“Sweden's renowned journalist and bestselling author Jan Guillou has already prompted US diplomats to flee the country prematurely with reports on CIA activities and thus seems sufficiently qualified to write the adventures of Sweden's answer to James Bond or a modern action hero à la Hollywood. Pleasantly old-fashioned staging (color, light, chronological narrative style) with a sophisticated story, the action scenes turn out very convincing. "



In 2012, the continuation of the series with Agent Hamilton 2 - In a personal mission appeared . Carl Hamilton, Mouna Al Fathar and DG with the usual cast.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Certificate of Release to Agent Hamilton - In the Interest of the Nation . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , June 2012 (PDF; test number: 133 152 V).
  2. ^ Agent Hamilton - In the Interest of the Nation
  3. ^ Agent Hamilton - In the Interest of the Nation ( Memento from October 15, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Agent Hamilton - On a personal mission (English)