Alberta Highway 10

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Template: Infobox high-level street / Maintenance / CA / AB-H
Highway 10 in Alberta, Canada
Hoo Doo Trail
Alberta Highway 10
Course of the H 10
Basic data
Operator: Alberta Transportation
Start of the street: Drumheller
( 51 ° 27 ′  N , 112 ° 42 ′  W )
End of street: East Coulee
( 51 ° 20 ′  N , 112 ° 29 ′  W )
Overall length: 22 km

Municipal District :

Highway 10 red deer river.JPG
East of Drumheller
Course of the road
Further on H9H56
node H9W to Calgary , O to Hanna , H56N to Camrose
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty together with H56
Locality Rosedale
crossing H10XW after Wayne
node H56S to Bassano
flow Red Deer River
Locality East Coulee
Continue on O as H564, S asH570

The Alberta Highway 10 is located in southern Alberta , northwest of Calgary . It begins in Drumheller and crosses the so-called Badlands , it ends after 22 km in East Coulee .


The start of the highway is in Drumheller. The first section has four lanes, it begins at the junction with Highway 9 . The first eight kilometers to Rosedale run together with Highway 56 , which then branches off to the south. The highway runs along the Red Deer River and then crosses it east of Rosedale. The route leads through East Coulee and ends east of its town limits. The highway splits into the two secondary highways 564 and 570.

Worth seeing

Hoodoos at Drumheller

The highway runs through the Badlands, a geographically interesting landscape. The hoodoos that appear there gave the route its nickname.

Individual evidence

  1. Alberta Highways 1 to 986. (PDF, 419 kB) Transport Alberta, p. 11 , accessed on April 29, 2016 (English).