Alexander Turyn

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Alexander Turyn , even in the Polish spelling Aleksander Turyn (* 26 December 1900 in Warsaw ; † 26. August 1981 in Urbana , Illinois ) was a Polish -US-American Hellenist , Kodikologe and paleograph .


Turyn, son of the craftsman Aaron Turyn and the high school teacher Ester, née Glazer, studied Classical Philology at the university there from 1919 to 1923 after attending school in Warsaw . In 1923 he received his doctorate with a dissertation on metrics under Tadeusz Stefan Zieliński and Gustaw Przychocki (1884-1947). This was followed by another year of study from 1923 to 1924 at the University of Berlin . After his return, he received an assistant position at the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Warsaw , after his habilitation in 1929 a lecturer position and in 1935 after the retirement of Zieliński a position as an adjunct professor. In 1939, after the outbreak of World War II , he traveled to Rome and Athens for research purposes . In 1941 he moved to the USA . There he taught at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor from 1941 to 1942 , and then from 1942 to 1945 at the New School for Social Research in New York . In 1945 he received a position at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , and in 1946 he became a US citizen. In 1947 he was appointed professor. He held this chair until his retirement in 1969.

Turyn was a member of the Center for Advanced Study of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Advisory Board of the Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies , the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow , the Academy of Athens and the Epistemoniké Hetaireía ( Επιστημονική Εταιρεία ) of Athens. Because of his intensive research, the Vatican Library appointed him a research assistant.

Turyn has received multiple awards for his research. In 1934 he received the Gold Cross of the Greek Order of the Phoenix from the Greek government , a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1959 , the Goodwin Award of Merit in 1960, the highest award from the American Philological Association and in 1978 the Alfred Jurzykowski Foundation Prize .

Turyn was married to Felicia Leontine, nee Sachs. They had a son, Andrew Stanislaus Gustavus Turyn. A brother named Adam Turyn lived in London.

Research priorities

Turyn dealt with the handwritten tradition of the poet Pindar and the tragedians Aeschylus , Sophocles and Euripides and undertook numerous research trips to relevant libraries for this purpose. These works, which are essential for the text-critical edition of the respective authors, brought him, as well as his Pindar edition and his catalogs of dated manuscripts from the 13th and 14th centuries in the Vatican, in Italy and in Great Britain high recognition in the fields of Greek edition philology, codicology and Paleography a.

Fonts (selection)

Font directories

  • Krzysztof Pawłowski: Bibliografia prac prof. A. Turyna. In: Eos 72, 1984, pp. 17-25.
  • John Lewis Heller , John Kevin Newman (ed.): Serta Turyniana. Studies in Greek Literature and Palaeography in Honor of Alexander Turyn. University of Illinois Press, 1974, pp. I-IV: Alexander Turyn, Publications and Vita .
  • Rocznik Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności 1945-1946, pp. XXIV-XXV, (online) (PDF).

Monographs and Articles

  • Observationes metricae. In: Eos 25, 1921-1922, pp. 91-104. - Review by Paul Shorey , in: Classical Philology 19, 1924, pp. 190-192, (online) .
  • De Aeli Aristidis codice Varsoviensi atque de Andrea Taranowski et Theodosio Zygomale. Krakow 1928.
  • Studia Byzantina. I. De Homeri et Ioannis Actuarii codd. Varsov. II. De Theodosio Zigomala. In: Eos 31, 1928, pp. 305-518. - Review by: Rodolphe Guilland, in: Revue des Études Grecques 43, 1930, p. 359, (online).
  • Niektóre kwestie prozodyczne liryki greckiej. 1929 (Sprawozdania Tow. Nauk. Warsz., Wydział I, 32). - ("Some questions about the prosody of Greek poetry")
  • Studia Sapphica. Leopolis 1929 (Eus Supplementum vol. 6). - Review of: Edgar Lobel , in: The Classical Review 43, 1929, 136.
  • Stan badań i zagadnienia metryki greckiej. Polskie Tow. Filologiczne, Warsaw 1930. - ("State of research and questions on Greek metrics")
  • De codicibus Pindaricis. Academia Polona Litterarum, Cracow 1932 (Archiwum filologiczne, 11).
  • Sylwety greckie. Warsaw 1934. - ("Greek Silhouettes")
  • The Manuscript Tradition of the Tragedies of Aeschylus. New York 1943 (Polish Institute Series No. 2).
  • The Manuscripts of Sophocles. In: Traditio 2, 1944, pp. 1-41.
  • The Sophocles Recension of Manuel Moschopolus. In: Transactions of the American Philological Association 80, 1949, 94-173.
  • Studies in the Manuscript Tradition of the Tragedies of Sophocles. Urbana 1952.
  • The Byzantine Manuscript Tradition of the Tragedies of Euripides. Urbana Press 1957 (Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, 43). - Review of: Glanville Downey, in: Speculum 33, 1958, pp. 565-567, (online) .
  • Codices Graeci Vaticani saeculis XIII et XIV scripti annorumque notis instructi. Vatican 1964. - Review. John Peradotto , in: The American Journal of Philology 88, 1967, pp. 209–213, (online) (PDF)
  • Dated Greek manuscripts of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in the libraries of Italy. 2 Vols., University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Chicago, London 1972. - Review by: Nigel Guy Wilson , in: Speculum 50, 1975, pp. 159-161, (online) .
  • Michael Lulludes (or Luludes), a scribe of the Palaeologan era. In: Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici NS 10-11, 1973-1974, pp. 3-15.
  • Dated Greek manuscripts of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in the libraries of Great Britain. Washington 1980 (Dumbarton Oaks Studies, 17). - Review by IC Cunningham, in: The Journal of Hellenic Studies  103, 1983, pp. 230-231, (online).

Text edition

  • Pindari carmina cum fragmentis. Academia Polona Litterarum, Krakow 1948; second edition Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1952.


  • John Lewis Heller, John Kevin Newman (Eds.): Serta Turyniana. Studies in Greek Literature and Palaeography in Honor of Alexander Turyn. University of Illinois Press, 1974. - (Festschrift; book advertisement by: BJ (= Jacques Bompaire )), in: Revue des Études Grecques 89, 1976, pp. 630-631, (online) . - (contains a table of contents)
  • Miroslav Marcovich (Ed.): Festschrift for Alexander Turyn. In: Illinois Classical Studies 6.1, 1981, (online) (PDF).
  • Miroslav Marcovich (Ed.): Studies in memory of Alexander Turyn (1900–1981): Part Three : Illinois Classical Studies 7.1, 1982, (online) (PDF). - (Originally planned as part of the Festschrift, it became a commemorative volume after Turyn's death)
  • Miroslav Marcovich (Ed.): Studies in memory of Alexander Turyn (1900–1981): Part Four : Illinois Classical Studies 7.2, 1982, (online) (PDF). - (Like Part Three )
  • Miroslav Marcovich: Alexander Turyn †. In: Gnomon 54, 1982, 97-98. - (obituary)
  • Lidia Winniczuk : Aleksander Turyn 26 XII 1900-26 VIII 1981. In: Meander 37, 1982, pp. 335-350. - (obituary)
  • Marian Plezia : Aleksander Turyn 1900–1981. In: Eos 72, 1984, pp. 5-16. - (obituary)
  • Marian Plezia: Aleksander Turyn 1900–1981. In: Iza Bieżuńskiej – Małowist (ed.), W kręgu wielkich humanistów. Kultura antyczna w Uniwersytecie Warszawskim po I Wojnie Światowej. Warsaw 1991, pp. 75-83.
  • John Vaio : Alexander Turyn. In: WW Briggs jr. (Ed.): Biographical Dictionary of North American Classicists. Westport, London 1994, pp. 654-656, (online excerpt) .
  • John Vaio: Alexander Turyn. In: American National Biography. New York, Oxford 1999, Vol. 22, pp. 2-3.
  • Michał Kozłowski: Emigracyjna twórczość Aleksandra Turyna (1900–1981). In: Nowy Filomata 18, 2014, Issue 2, pp. 263-271 (online) .

Web links