Aloe myriacantha

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Aloe myriacantha
Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Grass trees (Xanthorrhoeaceae)
Subfamily : Affodilla family (Asphodeloideae)
Genre : Aloes ( aloe )
Type : Aloe myriacantha
Scientific name
Aloe myriacantha
( Haw. ) Schools. & School f.

Aloe myriacantha is a species of the genus Aloes in the subfamily of the Affodilla plants (Asphodeloideae). The specific epithet myriacantha is derived from the Greek words myrios for 'numerous' and akantha for 'thorn'.


Vegetative characteristics

Aloe myriacantha grows stemless, is simple or sprouting and then forms small groups. The eight to twelve linear leaves form a rosette . The cloudy green leaf blade is 25 centimeters long and 0.8 to 1 centimeter wide. There are few white spots on it near the base. The underside of the leaf is covered with numerous, warty, almost prickly spots near the base. The white teeth on the leaf margin are small and 1 to 2 millimeters apart. Their distance increases towards the tip of the leaf.

Inflorescences and flowers

The simple inflorescence reaches a length of 20 to 25 centimeters. The dense, heady grapes are about 4.5 inches long and 6 inches wide. The egg-shaped pointed bracts have a length of 10 to 20 millimeters and are 5 to 12 millimeters wide. The usually cloudy reddish, rarely greenish white flowers are on 10 to 15 millimeter long peduncles . They are 15 to 20 millimeters long and narrowed at their base. Above the ovary , the flowers are not or only slightly narrowed. Your outer tepals are not fused together. The stamens and the stylus barely protrude from the flower.


The number of chromosomes is .

Systematics and distribution

Aloe myriacantha is found in Burundi , Rwanda , Kenya , Tanzania , Uganda , Zaire , Zimbabwe , Malawi and the South African provinces of Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal on rocky grasslands at heights of up to 2,630 meters.

The first description as Bowiea myriacantha by Adrian Hardy Haworth was published in 1827. Joseph August Schultes and his son Julius Hermann Schultes put the species in the genus Aloe in 1829 .

Synonyms are Leptaloe myriacantha (Haw.) Stapf (1933), Aloe johnstonii Baker (1887), Aloe caricina A. Berger (1905) and Aloe graminifolia A. Berger (1905).



Individual evidence

  1. Gideon F. Smith, Colin C. Walker, Estrela Figueiredo: What's in a name: epithets in Aloe L. (Asphodelaceae) and what to call the next new species . In: Bradleya . Volume 28, 2010, p. 97.
  2. ^ Adrian Hardy Haworth: Description of New Succulent Plants. (Decas octava novarum Plantarum Succulentarum) . In: Philosophical Magazine . Volume 1, 1827, pp. 122-123 ( online ).
  3. Caroli a Linné… Systema vegetabilium: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species. Cum characteribus, differentiis et synonymiis . Volume 7, Part 1, 1829, p. 704 ( online )

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