Andreas Winhart

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Andreas Winhart (born May 25, 1983 in Rosenheim ) is a German politician of the AfD . He has been a member of the Bavarian State Parliament since 2018 . He became known in 2018 through racist remarks. Winhart was under observation by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution until the beginning of 2019, despite a mandate .

education and profession

After his parliament Profile visited Winhart after high school , the FH Kufstein (2003-2005), the Munich School of Political Science (2005-2010) and the School of Applied Management Erding (2006-2009). On the other hand, according to his homepage, he attended the Rosenheim Technical University from 2006 and studied business administration there , then political science in Munich .

Political activity

Winhart was a member of the CSU Bavaria and from 2011 deputy chairman of the Junge Union in the local association Bad Aibling . In March 2015 he switched to the AfD and justified this with the fact that the CSU had betrayed more and more of its “conservative core issues”. He founded the Junge Alternative (JA) Rosenheim and became its chairman directly on the board of the AfD Rosenheim. Since then he has been a member of the AfD Bavaria and became district chairman in Rosenheim.

In 2016 Winhart was regional chairman of JA Bayern and co-founded a network of AfD-affiliated university groups in Bavaria. He claimed that migrants would exacerbate student housing shortages in the future. He supported the founding of new AfD university groups and their strategy of specifically registering university events in order to attract protests and attention.

Winhart ran in the Rosenheim-Ost constituency for the state election in Bavaria in 2018 . With 10.1% of the first votes, he missed the direct mandate , but got on the list in the constituency of Upper Bavaria as one of 22 AfD members in the Bavarian state parliament .

Election campaign 2018

Illegal aid

From May to August 2018, Winhart said he ordered up to 1,500 copies of the Deutschland-Kurier magazine per week from the Association for the Preservation of the Rule of Law and Civil Liberties . He used a nationwide free offer from the association, which already existed in 2017, and had the magazine distributed in his AfD district association. These campaign aids were not shown in the report of the AfD Rosenheim. Winhart's information confirmed research by the ARD magazine Panorama on the close, active cooperation between the AfD and the association, which the AfD federal board had contested until then. Constitutional lawyers see this cooperation as a form of illegal party donations; the Bundestag administration examines the process.

Racist, anti-Semitic and other offensive statements

On September 30, 2018, Winhart claimed during an election campaign appearance with Alice Weidel in Bad Aibling that Albanians and Kosovars would "clear the booth" as mobile care workers. By asylum seekers it should be far more cases of HIV , scabies and tuberculosis arrived in the district: He has "let nachrecherchieren" by the health department Rosenheim. He said with applause: "I want to know if a negro kisses me or coughs in the neighborhood , then I have to know whether he is sick or is he not sick." The AfD's choice offers the chance, "the Soros fleet with to sink all the lifeboats in the Mediterranean ”.

The former statements were criticized as racist stereotypes, the latter as an indirect call to murder. The unsubstantiated claim of a migration controlled by the Jewish investor George Soros is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory and a current variant of the thesis of world Jewry .

The Rosenheim Health Department publicly contradicted the alleged large number of cases of infection on October 8, 2018 and informed Winhart that the Robert Koch Institute saw “no relevant risk of infection for the general population from asylum seekers”, but rather a greater susceptibility of asylum seekers, mostly to common infections. On October 14, a group of 20 citizens reported Winhart to the public prosecutor's office for sedition . The AfD board warned him, but let him run for a promising place on the list. After the state elections, Winhart regretted the expression “negro” on his Facebook page as “not politically correct”. Media reports rated this only as a partial excuse and pointed out that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is watching Winhart despite his immunity. The Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution classified its speech excerpts as extremist because of the derogatory statements about Albanian and Kosovar nursing staff and alleged risks of infection by asylum seekers. At the beginning of 2019, the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution stopped observing Winhart because there were no indications that he was abusing his mandate to actively and aggressively combat the free and democratic basic order . The suspicion of extremism is not completely dispelled.

The public prosecutor's office in Traunstein did not initiate an investigation against Winhart because they classified his statements as insulting and abusive towards population groups, but not as seditious. In the context it cannot be ruled out that he wanted to “speak in favor of a health policy measure”.

On March 22, 2020, Winhart came into the general public again after he commented on Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is under precautionary Corona quarantine, on Twitter: "Well, behind bars would be better, but it's a start." At the end of April In 2020 Winhart filed a criminal complaint against the city of Rosenheim for assault. At the beginning of March, a strong beer festival took place in Rosenheim, which was canceled after three days due to the spread of the corona virus . Winhart wrote that there was a suspicion “that Rosenheim politics had put the health of the population at risk for a little attention before the local elections ”, and spoke of a “ corona party ”. However, Winhart himself wrote on Twitter on March 4th shortly before the start of the festival, when a cancellation was already being discussed: "Oh my God ... is this panic really necessary?" The Rosenheim health department was open on March 3rd Rejection advised. Winhart himself took part in a strong beer festival in Feldkirchen-Westerham at this time . After the Rosenheim Autumn Festival was canceled at the end of April 2020, Winhart criticized this decision as "disproportionate"; the festival falls “victim to the CSU ban mania”. A “middle ground with higher hygiene requirements and wider table distances” would have been “desirable” according to Winhart.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Bavarian State Parliament: Winhart, Andreas
  3. Andreas Winhart new deputy of Stefan Schlier. OVB online, October 13, 2011; JU is split into two associations. OVB online, March 18, 2013; CSU with proven leadership. OVB online, March 20, 2013
  4. Change from Andreas Winhart to AFD. OVB online, March 24, 2015
  5. ^ Eva Thöne: AfD: Right group work. Time March 31, 2016
  6. State election in Bavaria 2018: All results and election winners in constituency 127 - Rosenheim-Ost. Welt online, October 14, 2018
  7. ^ The Regional Returning Officer of the Free State of Bavaria: State election on October 14, 2018 - Final result. ; Johann Osel: state elections in Bavaria are the new AFD deputies. Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), October 17, 2018
  8. Press release: Internal emails prove secret election campaign funding of the AfD. ARD Panorama, September 20, 2018
  9. Christian Fuchs: Mails corroborate suspicion of illegal funding of the AfD , Zeit Online, September 20, 2018
  10. a b Maximilian Kettenbach, Florian Naumann, Marcel Görmann: AfD man spoke of "negroes" - meanwhile the protection of the constitution is watching him. Mercury, November 1, 2018
  11. Frederick Schindler: AfD parliamentary group in Bavaria: right-wing radicals in the state parliament. Taz, October 18, 2018
  12. ^ Inge Günther: Anti-Semitism: Feindbild George Soros. Frankfurter Rundschau, November 2, 2018
  13. ^ AfD in Bavaria: The Law and Order Group. BR24, October 19, 2018; AfD candidate: wrong job title. Passauer Neue Presse, October 24, 2018
  14. Bavarian State Parliament. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution observed these MPs in Bavaria. Spiegel, November 1, 2018
  15. Protection of the Constitution: AfD members of the state parliament no longer observed. BR, January 9, 2019
  16. Maximilian Amos: About the "Negro" and his diseases. Legal Tribune Online, February 12, 2019
  17. Coronavirus. Merkel in quarantine [...] Twitter comments stunned March 23, 2020; accessed on March 23, 2020
  18. Marcel Görmann: Member of parliament puts strong beer festival ad against Rosenheim - his own behavior exposes him, May 2, 2020
  19. ^ "Corona Party": AfD politician Andreas Winhart shows the city., April 30, 2020