Anna Morawska

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Anna Morawska , maiden name Żelazna , pseudonym Maria Garnysz (born January 24, 1922 in Zakopane , Second Polish Republic , † August 19, 1972 in Cracow ) was a Polish publicist , translator and writer; In 1970 she wrote the biography about the German martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer .


Youth and education

She was the daughter of the doctor Józef Żelazny and was given the maiden name Anna Żelazna. She attended the Lyceum and graduated with the Matura in the spring of 1939. After the invasion of Poland in September 1939, she worked in the General Government as an employee in hospitals, most recently in Krakow. After the end of the Second World War, she studied English , French literature and philosophy at the Jagiellonian University . During her studies she learned the German language and in 1949 married Stefan Morawski.

Profession and work

After graduating, Anna Morawska first worked as an employee in a library. She published her first articles by 1955 in the publishing house of the Polish Catholic lay association PAX . In the years 1950–1960 she traveled to Taizé several times and learned a different kind of faith and liturgy from the Taizé community. She was often in the German Democratic Republic and made contact with Elisabeth Adler in East Berlin , Günter Särchen in Magdeburg and Lothar Kreyssig . In 1966 she took part as a speaker at the Pax Romana World Congress in Lyon.

The social pedagogue Günter Särchen and the President of the Evangelical Synod Lothar Kreyssig founded the Action Reconciliation for Peace Services in 1958 , have organized annual pilgrimages to the People's Republic of Poland since 1960 and set up a Polish seminar . The Anna Morawska Seminar was set up under the responsibility of Aktion Sühnezeichen , which later became the Anna Morawska Society . A branch of the Anna Morawska seminar was established in East Berlin under the direction of civil rights activist Ludwig Mehlhorns . In 1988 Günter Särchen accepted the German-Polish Prize for the Anna Morawska Society.

Books (selection)

  • Perspektywy. Katolicyzm a współczesność . SIW Znak , Więź , Warszawa 1963.
  • Spór o uczciwość wobec boga. Wybór tekstów . Biblioteka Więźi, 1966.
  • Wybór pism. Dietrich Bonhoeffer . Biblioteka Więźi, Znak , Warszawa-Kraków 1970.
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Chrześcijanin w Trzeciej Rzeszy . SIW Znak , Więź , Warszawa 1970.

Translations (selection)

  • Karl Rahner : About the possibility of belief today. (O możliwości wiary dzisiaj) . Wydawnictwo Znak , Kraków 1965, ISBN 83-7006-048-X .
  • Paul Tillich : Taizé 1940–1965 . Znak 1965, pp. 986-1010.
  • Karl Rahner: About the need and the blessing of prayer. (Kiedy się modlisz) .
  • as Maria Garnysz: Vance Packard : The People Shepers. (Manipulacja masami) . Znak 7 (49), pp. 785-795.
  • Josef Pieper : Death and Immortality. (Śmierć i nieśmiertelność) . Znaki Czasu, Éditions du Dialogue, Paris 1970.


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