Arab Bishops' Conference

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The Arab Bishops' Conference ( French Conférence des Evêques Latins dans les Régions Arabes , CELRA ; Latin Conferentia Episcoporum Latinorum Regionum Arabicarum ; Arabic مجلس الأساقفة اللاتين في البلدان العربية, DMG Maǧlis al-Asāqifa al-Lātīn fi 'l-Buldān al-ʿArabīya ), founded in 1967, is an association of the Roman Catholic bishops of the Latin rite in the Middle East on the Arabian Peninsula and in East Africa . The organization is based in Jerusalem .

The Bishops' Conference includes the Latin diocesan bishops and local ordinarii in Egypt , Djibouti , Iraq , Israel , Kuwait , Lebanon , the Palestinian Territories , Somalia , Syria , the United Arab Emirates and Cyprus . Somalia and Djibouti are also associate members of the Association of Bishops' Conferences of East Africa .

In the region, the structures of the Latin Church are only weak and due to the lack of a church hierarchy, all dioceses are directly subordinate to the Holy See ( exemption ). That is why the few Latin ordinarii in the Arab world are not organized in national bishops 'conferences, but together form an international bishops' conference. The Eastern Catholic Churches , which originated in this region, are much more widespread. The bishops of the Eastern Church are organized in several assemblies .


Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem IsraelIsrael Israel , Jordan , Palestine , CyprusJordanJordan Palastina autonomous areasPalestine Cyprus RepublicRepublic of Cyprus 
Archdiocese of Baghdad IraqIraq Iraq
Diocese of Djibouti DjiboutiDjibouti Djibouti
Diocese of Mogadishu SomaliaSomalia Somalia
Apostolic Vicariate of Aleppo SyriaSyria Syria
Apostolic Vicariate of Alexandria in Egypt EgyptEgypt Egypt
Apostolic Vicariate of Beirut LebanonLebanon Lebanon
Vicariate Apostolic Northern Arabia BahrainBahrain Bahrain , Qatar , Kuwait , Saudi ArabiaQatarQatar KuwaitKuwait Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia 
Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia United Arab EmiratesUnited Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates , Yemen , OmanYemenYemen OmanOman 


  1. 1965–1970 Alberto Gori OFM , Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
  2. 1970–1987 Giacomo Beltritti , Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
  3. 1987–2008 Michel Sabbah , Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
  4. 2008–2016 Fouad Twal , Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
  5. 2016–2017 Giuseppe Lazzarotto , Titular Archbishop of Numana
  6. since 2017 Pierbattista Pizzaballa , Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Web links


  1. Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center, 912 04 Jerusalem, Israel [1]