Apostolic Vicariate of Beirut

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Apostolic Vicariate of Beirut
Basic data
Country Lebanon
Apostolic Vicar Cesar Essayan OFM Conv
Apostolic Vicar Emeritus Paul Dahdah OCD
founding 1953
Parishes 8 (2010 / AP 2010 )
Catholics 15,000 (2010 / AP 2010 )
Diocesan priest 1 (2010 / AP 2010 )
Religious priest 160 (2010 / AP 2010 )
Catholics per priest 93
Friars 210 (2010 / AP 2010 )
Religious sisters 1,115 (2010 / AP 2010 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Arabic
cathedral Saint Louis des Pères Capucins
address BP 11-4224, Beyrouth, Liban

The Apostolic Vicariate of Beirut ( Latin apostolicus Vicariatus Berytensis ) is a Lebanon located Latin Roman Catholic Apostolic Vicariate with headquarters in Beirut .

It was founded on June 4, 1953 from the cession of territory by the Apostolic Vicariate Aleppo .

Cared for by the Carmelites , who also provide the Apostolic Vicar, it covers the whole country and in 2002 counted 15,000 Catholics in eight parishes . Of the 138 priests , only two are diocesan priests , the rest of them come from different religious communities and are therefore mainly foreigners. At the same time, the vicariate also has 136 lay brothers and 1,375 nuns .

The vast majority of Catholics in Lebanon, however, are Maronites and also Melkites and Syrians .

See also

Web links

Commons : Vicariate Apostolic Beirut  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Saint Louis Cathedral in Beirut