Working group on municipal and church pensions

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Working Group on Municipal and Church Pensions
legal form registered association
founding 1998
Seat Munich
purpose Advice on the structuring of pensions for the public service
Chair Stefan Müller
Managing directors Klaus Stürmer (General Manager)

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kommunale und Kirchliche Altersversorgung eV (AKA) is an association of pension funds and supplementary pension funds in Germany that implement a form of company pension scheme for local and church employers .


The association was founded in 1998. It is Germany's specialist organization in the field of municipal and church pensions. As an umbrella organization , it unites a total of 43 municipal and church pension and supplementary pension funds. These funds look after more than 9.4 million people and over 50,000 employers and employers. The working groups of municipal pension funds for civil servants and municipal and church supplementary pension funds for workers in the public and church services, which existed separately until 1998, are still recognizable today as professional associations within AKA.

tasks and goals

AKA wants to work towards ensuring that retirement provision is further developed and also provided securely in the future. It helps ensure that retirement pensions remain affordable in the future, even in view of demographic developments.

The AKA is divided into

  • Professional association for supplementary benefits and in the
  • Professional association for civil servants.

The professional association for civil servants' supply, a sub-organization of the association, ensures the supply of civil servants in municipal and church services. It is established by law and carried out by the AKA kassen. For example, the association accompanies the changeover process that civil servant provision is going through or was going through as part of the federalism reform. 21 municipal and church pension funds belong to the professional association for civil servants, including five communal funds in the new federal states and four church funds. The pension funds have around 11,000 members (mainly cities, municipalities, districts, savings banks, health insurance companies, churches). They look after around 147,000 active civil servants and employees with pension entitlements as well as over 108,000 pension recipients. The pension funds provided over 3.3 billion euros in pension benefits in 2018. The Fachvereinigung Beamtenversorgung also aims to promote the uniformity of the statutes of its members and to support them in questions of granting subsidies .

The supplementary pension is the company pension for employees in the public and church services. The range of services is determined by the social partners in the public service through collective agreements. As part of its task, AKA works to ensure that the uniformity of the supplementary pension for public and church services in Germany is maintained. She is involved in collective bargaining as an expert. It implements the collective bargaining agreements in their model statutes, which in turn form the basis of the statutes of the individual health insurance funds. The AKA supplementary pension association consists of 22 municipal and church supplementary pension funds, of which thirteen are regional funds, three city funds, two savings bank institutions and four church funds. The member funds look after almost 38,000 municipal and church employers. More than 8 million workers and employees from the municipal and church service are insured, of which over 3.7 million are compulsorily insured. Almost 1.6 million pensioners received benefits amounting to around 5.7 billion euros from the health insurers in 2018.

The association is u. a. Member of the working group for company pension schemes (aba), the Society for Insurance Science and Design (GVG), the European Association of Public Sector Pension Institutions (EAPSPI) and the Federal Association of Public Services (bvöd).


The organs are the general assembly, the steering committee and the board of directors (§ 4 of the statutes of AKA). The executive board is supported by a chief executive officer and a managing director as his deputy (Section 10 (2) of the Articles of Association).


The following funds are members:


  • Langenbrinck, Bernhard / Mühlstädt, Björn: Company pension for public service employees: Introduction to the new supplementary pension . 3. Edition. Rehm, Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-8073-2338-1 .
  • Dietsch, Walter / Reinker, Torsten / Stirner, Rolf: The additional pension of the public and church service: manual for the personnel clerk . 2nd Edition. Rehm, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-8073-0097-9 .

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