Ardeschir Zahedi

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Ardeschir Zahedi (1968)
Ardeschir Zahedi (right) with Schahnaz Pahlavi
Ardeschir Zahedi and Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi at the Hajj in Mecca

Ardeschir Sahedi ( Persian اردشیر زاهدی, DMG Ardešir Zāhedi ; Born October 16, 1928 in Tehran , Iran ) is a former eminent Iranian diplomat during the 1960s and 1970s. Zahedi was a member of the Rastachiz party .

Young years

Ardeschir Zahedi was born in 1928 as the son of General and Prime Minister Fazlollah Zahedi . Ardeschir Zahedi received a PhD in Agriculture from Utah State University in 1950 , where he was a member of Kappa Sigma. Seven years later he married the daughter of the Shah of Persia , Princess Schahnaz Pahlavi ; the marriage ended in divorce in 1964.

Political career

Zahedi served as Iranian Ambassador to the United States from March 16, 1960 to March 3, 1962 , and as Ambassador to the United Kingdom from 1962 to 1966 . Under Prime Minister Amir Abbas Hoveida he was Iran's Foreign Minister from March 3, 1966 to 1971.

Zahedi was born on March 7, 1973 re-ambassador to the United States, serving there until the Islamic Revolution in January 1979. the mid-1970s was Zahedi companion of movie stars Elizabeth Taylor , the two "the hottest couple" in the Washington, DC known were. During the Hanafi -Unruhen 1977 Zahedi step in a hostage-taking of a federal building in Washington, along with two other ambassadors of Muslim nations as an intermediary one, the captors brought to the task and the release of 149 hostages.

In 1978, Zahedi urged the Shah to appease the Islamist insurgents in Iran by holding several high-ranking officials such as Prime Minister Hoveida and SAVAK Director Nematollah Nassiri responsible for the current situation in Iran. When the Shah left Iran in 1979, Zahedi continued to serve as ambassador to Washington, but resigned when Ruhollah Khomeini took power in Iran. Zahedi supported the sick Shah and his family in obtaining political asylum in Panama , Mexico , Morocco and finally in Egypt . He was on the Shah's deathbed and attended his 1980 Cairo funeral .

Late years

Zahedi is now retired and lives in the Swiss town Montreux . He received honorary doctorates of Law and Humanities of the State University of Utah , from the Osttexanischen State University , the State University of Kent , of St. Louis University , the University of Texas , the State University of Montana , the Washington College , the Westminster College , the Harvard University , Chungang University of Seoul and the College of Political and Social Science of Lima in Peru . In December 1976, Zahedi received the Kappa Sigma Fraternity 'Man of the Year' award at a ceremony in Washington . In 2002 he was inducted into the Alumni Hall of Honor at the Utah State University College of Agriculture.

In an interview in May 2006, Zahedi expressed support for the Iranian nuclear program , considering it an "inalienable right of Iran" under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). He told Voice of America that the US accepted the start of the $ 50 billion nuclear program in the 1970s. Two documents in particular, dated April 22, 1975 and April 20, 1976, would show that the United States and the Empire of Persia were negotiating a nuclear program and that the United States was willing to assist Persia in the construction of uranium enrichment and fuel recycling plants to help.


  • Ardeschir Zahedi (اردشیر زاهدی), The Memoirs of Ardeshir Zahedi: Volume One [Persian Language] ( Khaterat-e Ardeshir Zahedi -خاطرات اردشیر زاهدی), (ِ Ibex Publishers). ISBN 978-1-58814-038-8 .
  • Ardeschir Zahedi (اردشیر زاهدی), The Memoirs of Ardeshir Zahedi: Volume Two [Persian Language] ( Khaterat-e Ardeshir Zahedi -خاطرات اردشیر زاهدی), (ِ Ibex Publishers). ISBN 978-1-58814-065-4 .
  • Ardeschir Zahedi, The Memoirs of Ardeshir Zahedi: Volume One [English] , (ِ Ibex Publishers). ISBN 978-1-58814-073-9 .


Web links

Wikisource: Ardeschir Zahedi  - Sources and full texts (English)

Individual evidence

  1. [1]
  2. a b c Biography. Ardeshir Zahedi, accessed November 6, 2012 .
  3. Utah State University USU Alumni = Great Success ( Memento from October 29, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  4. a b according to the writer Barbara Howar
  5. a b Dafna Linzer: Past Arguments Don't Square With Current Iran Policy. In: The Washington Post. March 27, 2005. Retrieved 2012 .