Looking for Mr. Goodbar

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German title Looking for Mr. Goodbar
Original title Looking for Mr. Goodbar
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1977
length 136 minutes
Age rating FSK 18
Director Richard Brooks
script Richard Brooks
Judith Rossner
production Freddie Fields
music Artie Kane
camera William A. Fraker
cut George Grenville

In Search of Mr. Goodbar is an American feature film from 1977. Richard Brooks directed it , who also wrote the screenplay with Judith Rossner . This is based on the novel of the same name by Rossner. The book is based on a true case, the murder of a teacher for the deaf and dumb on the night of January 1st to 2nd, 1973 in New York. At the 1978 Academy Awards , the film was nominated in two categories, but came away empty-handed.


Theresa Dunn grew up in a strict Catholic family. Theresa is known in her family as the good, reliable daughter, while her sister Katherine leaves nothing to be desired, has a spontaneous wedding and an abortion behind her. Even so, Theresa has the feeling that Katherine is the favorite child. After high school, Theresa goes to college and begins an affair with one of her professors. This is married, but is not thinking of getting a divorce and leaves Theresa after graduation.

She leaves home and starts working at a school for the deaf in New York. In search of sexual freedom, Theresa embarks on the New York nightlife and often spends her evenings in a bar called “Mr. Goodbar ”. There she meets different men and throws herself into short-lived adventures. She develops a kind of addiction to harder and harder sex and gets involved with increasingly seedy men in search of it. Theresa starts an affair with the Italian Tony, a gangster. They meet regularly for increasingly harder and more dangerous sex. During this time she meets the social worker James, a nice, middle-class man from the neighborhood. James woos Theresa, but is treated very badly by her because he stands for the philistine bourgeoisie that Theresa is determined to leave behind.

Theresa ends the relationship with Tony after Tony fell out at his mother's birthday party in Theresa's presence. On New Year's Day, Theresa resolves to change her life and stop the one-night stands. She wants to go to “Mr. Goodbar ”and from the next day you will have more control over your life. On this New Year's Eve, Theresa meets Gary, whom she takes home with her. The sex doesn't work, the actually homosexual Gary doesn't get an erection and completely misunderstands Theresa's reaction. He begins to hit her and pulls a knife with which he stabs Theresa over and over again. The film ends with the camera shot on the face of the dead Theresa.


The film, produced by Paramount Pictures , premiered on March 28, 1977.

In the German dubbed version, Traudel Haas took on the part of Diane Keaton, Lutz Riedel spoke Richard Gere. Gisela Fritsch was cast for Tuesday Weld , the role of Tom Berenger fell to Norbert Langer .


The lexicon of international film 's verdict: "A cinematic largely fascinating, shocking end, but speculation is not free study on sham emancipation and the behaviors of the society of disappointed people." Film critic Roger Ebert wrote that the film "is well worth seeing, especially because of Diane Keaton's performance ”.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Women's film: Farewell to yesterday , article in Der Spiegel magazine , issue 1/1978; Retrieved February 3, 2012.
  2. ^ German synchro file , accessed on February 3, 2012.
  3. Looking for Mr. Goodbar in the Lexicon of International FilmsTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used , accessed February 3, 2012.
  4. ^ Roger Ebert: Looking for Mr. Goodbar , accessed February 3, 2012.