August Albanus (medic)

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Karl August Albanus ( Russian Август Адольфович Альбанус , at least since 1877 and Karl August von Albanus * April 21, jul. / 3. May  1837 greg. In Dünamünde , † May 31 jul. / 12. June  1887 greg. In Riga ) was a Russian doctor and zoologist .


Origin and family

August came from a German Baltic family. He was a grandson of the clergyman August Albanus (1765–1839) , who came from Beucha , and was a son of the pastor Adolf Albanus (1798–1856) and Helene Dahl. He married Helene Brückner († 1871) in 1862.


Albanus completed his schooling first at the private college run by his father in Engelhardtshof, then from 1853 to 1854 at the state high school in Birkenruh . Then he studied zoology and medicine in Dorpat from 1855 to 1859, and in 1860 was awarded a Dr. med. PhD . In 1861 he was still studying outside of Russia.

From 1862 he was a freelance doctor in St. Petersburg and in the same year took over the position of ordinator at the Obuchow Hospital, also in St. Petersburg, where he stayed until 1871.

Since 1862 he was also a member of the "Association of St. Petersburg Doctors" and since 1884 a member of the "German Medical Association". In 1872 he became the personal physician of the Governor General of Transcaucasia , Grand Duke Michael Nikolajewitsch Romanov in Tbilisi , which he stayed until 1887 after his return to St. Petersburg. He held the title of honorary doctor, had been a real councilor of state since 1877 and later became a privy councilor .

He received his departure in 1887, then moved to Riga and in the same year was an honorary member of the "Association of St. Petersburg Doctors".



  • Experimental studies on the relationship between the sympathetic neck cord and the temperature of the rabbit ear , Dorpat, 1860 (dissertation)
  • Twelve cases of tuberculosis of the peritoneum. In: St. Petersburger medicinische Zeitschrift, Volume 17, St. Petersburg 1870, pp. 313–353.
