Autoput A2

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Template: Infobox high-level road / Maintenance / RS-A
Autoput A2 in Serbia
Autoput A2
 E761-SRB.svg E763-SRB.svg
Course of the Autoput A2
Basic data
Operator: Koridori Srbije
Start of the street: Belgrade
( 44 ° 45 ′  N , 20 ° 18 ′  E )
End of street: Požega
( 43 ° 49 ′  N , 20 ° 5 ′  E )
Overall length: 151.7 km
  of which in operation: 120 km
  of which under construction: 31 km
  of which in planning: - km

Okrug (district):

Course of the road
node A1 E75( Belgrade Ring Road )
Junction Obrenovac M26
Junction Ub 146
Junction Lajkovac M27
tunnel Tunel Brančići (990 m)
Junction Ljig M22
tunnel Tunel Golubac (125 m)
tunnel Veliki Kik Tunel (200 m)
Junction Takovo 177
tunnel Tunel Savinac (270 m)
tunnel Tunel Šarani (885 m)
tunnel Tunel Brđani (445 m)
Junction Preljina M22
node Preljina A5 E761
tunnel Tunel Trbušani (250 m)
flow Čemernica (bridge: 250 m)
Junction Pakovraće M23
tunnel Tunel Laz (1750 m)
Junction Lucani 181
flow Bjelica (bridge: 460 m)
tunnel Tunel (2040 m)
Junction Požega M21
  • Under construction
  • In planning
  • The Autoput A2 is a under construction or planned motorway in Serbia . It will run from the capital Belgrade via Lajkovac , Čačak to Požega . It will be part of the European  routes 761 and  763 .

    Since the renumbering of the Serbian road network in 2013, the motorway has been called Autoput A2 .

    Construction progress

    The motorway was divided into the following subsections:

    • Surčin (Belgrade) - Obrenovac (~ 17.58 km) *: Construction began at the beginning of March 2017. The construction work period was set to 32 months. It is expected that the section will be completed in mid to late 2019. The company CCCC (China Communication Construction Company) will carry out the work; Serbian subcontractors are to carry out 49% of the contractually agreed construction work. According to the Serbian government, the total cost of the project is EUR 208 million. The largest sub-project is the construction of a 1766 meter long motorway bridge over the Save . The road was opened on December 18, 2019. This means that the A2 motorway can be used from Surcin to Preljina.
    • Obrenovac - Ub (26.23 km)
    • Lajkovac - Ljig (24 km)
      For the financing and construction of these two sections of the Serbian government with a contract Chinese Export-Import Bank for a loan of 301 million US dollars (about 220 million euro closed). The loan was granted to the Serbian state at an interest rate of 2.5% annually and for a term of 15 years. The first installment is not due for five years. The total costs amount to 333.7 million US dollars (approx. 244 million euros), with the Serbian state assuming a share of 10%. The construction contracts were signed in December 2013 with the Chinese Shandong High Speed ​​Group . The official start of construction with the groundbreaking ceremony took place on August 8, 2014. In addition to the construction of the roadways, the contracts also include the construction of 14 bridges and a motorway junction on the first section and the construction of 16 bridges and a tunnel on the second section. As with the sections Obrenovac - Ub, Ub - Lajkovac, traffic was opened on August 18, 2019
    • Ub - Lajkovac (12.5 km)
      The tender was carried out in 2010. This was won by a consortium consisting of the Serbian construction companies Putevi Užice and Planum with construction costs of 7.333 billion RSD (approx. 64 million euros). Construction work started in mid-2010 and should be finished after 16 months at the end of November 2011. Due to financial problems of the consortium and the resulting construction delays, the construction work was initially extended until November 2013 and finally completed in 2015. The section will open after the construction work on the Obrenovac – Ub and Lajkovac – Ljig sections. The traffic was opened on August 18, 2019.
    • Ljig - Preljina (40.36 km)
      The section was divided into three sections: Ljig - Boljkovci (10.72 km), Boljkovci - Takovo (12.57 km) and Takovo - Preljina (17.07 km). Besides the construction of the lanes of the contract includes the construction of five tunnels (1.93 km), including two in open construction , the construction of 78 bridges, 21.5 km of water pipes and 13.4 km noise barriers .
      For the financing and construction of this section, the Serbian government has signed a contract with the Azerbaijan government for a loan worth 308 million euros . The loan was granted to the Serbian state at an interest rate of 4.0% annually and for a period of 15 years. AzVirt company from Azerbaijan has been chosen as the main contractor. Serbian subcontractors are expected to carry out 49% of the contractually agreed construction work. The contract was signed in April 2012. The construction work lasted until 2016; the section was opened to traffic on November 7th of this year.
    • Preljina - Požega (30.96 km)
      The section was divided into three parts:
      • Preljina - Prijevor (8.27 km)
        It runs along the Čemernica and Velika Morava rivers and includes the Trbušani tunnel, three overpasses and a bridge over the Čemernica river.
      • Prijevor - Lučani (15.51 km)
        It comprises 20 bridges (a total of 3.2 km), the Laz tunnel, a junction at Čačak and three overpasses.
      • Lučani - Požega (7.18 km)
        It comprises three bridges (a total of 862 m), a tunnel, a junction at Krstac and a bridge over the Bjelica river.
      Construction work began in May 2019 and, according to the Serbian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, should last around 2.5 years.

    Web links

    Individual evidence

    1. Uredba o kategorizaciji državnih puteva. (pdf) ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 14/2012). In: Archived from the original on January 12, 2016 ; Retrieved January 12, 2016 (Serbian).
    2. ^ Belgrade – South Adriatic. Highway E 763 Belgrade - South Adriatic. In: Retrieved June 9, 2017 .
    3. Beta: Chinese loan contract for Obrenovac-Ljig motorway confirmed. In: November 27, 2013, accessed June 9, 2017 .
    4. Kinezi se uključuju u gradnju Koridora 11. Nastavlja se razvijanje putne mreže. In: December 24, 2013, accessed June 9, 2017 (Serbian).
    5. Autoput Ub - Lajkovac do proleća. In: Radio-Televizija Srbije , June 28, 2010, accessed June 9, 2017 (Serbian).
    6. S. Stevanovic: Ubrzana izgradnja deonice autoputa od Uba do Lajkovca. In: Press , November 8, 2011, accessed June 9, 2017 (Serbian, newspaper article).
    7. Tanjug: Preljina-Požega motorway preliminary draft presented - construction will start in spring 2014. In: December 9, 2013, accessed June 9, 2017 .