Avraham Shochat

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Avraham Shochat

Avraham (Beige) Shochat ( Hebrew אברהם שוחט, Born June 14, 1936 in Tel Aviv ) is an Israeli politician.


Schochat holds a degree in civil engineering from the Technion in Haifa .

In the early 1960s, Shochat was one of the founders of the Arad settlement . Later he was the first mayor of Arad. In 1984 he was elected to the Knesset (later a member of Avoda ), where he v. a. profiled in terms of economic issues. For a time he was head of the finance committee.

For the second Rabin cabinet , Shochat was appointed finance minister in 1992. He held this office until Benjamin Netanyahu's election victory in 1996, then again in the Barak government from 1999 until it was overthrown in 2001.

His political stance is close to the center of the political spectrum. Towards the end of the Barak administration, for example, he voted for the Clinton plan, provided that the Palestinians expressly renounce their right of return to Israel.

As finance minister, he led the market into a period of growth. His opponents blame him for the subsequent periods of recession and for hastily yielding to demands for wage increases. In his first term of office he was therefore very popular, but in his second term he was nicknamed "beige have-nothing". He tried to introduce a taxation of capital in Israel, especially his proposal to introduce a stock exchange tax is remembered - a proposal that was later rejected by Rabin. Relations with the head of the Israeli Central Bank, Jacob A. Frenkel , were rather cool due to disputes over the latter's rather conservative interest rate policy.

On February 9, 2005, Shochat announced his retirement from political life. Finally, he decided to postpone this withdrawal for a few months in order to retain a majority in the Judges Appointment Commission against Ruth Gavison's appeal to the Supreme Court of Israel (BaGaTz). Shochat finally left the Knesset on January 11, 2006.

In November 2006 Shochat was appointed chairman of the Commission to Examine Higher Education in Israel.

For the past few years Shochat lived in Tel Aviv. He is married to the daughter of the third Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eschkol and has three children.

See also

Web links

Commons : Avraham Schochat  - Collection of images, videos and audio files