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Coat of arms of Balatonmagyaród
Balatonmagyaród (Hungary)
Basic data
State : Hungary
Region : Western Transdanubia
County : Zala
Small area until December 31, 2012 : Zalakaros
Coordinates : 46 ° 36 '  N , 17 ° 11'  E Coordinates: 46 ° 35 '44 "  N , 17 ° 10' 33"  E
Area : 31.53  km²
Residents : 470 (Jan. 1, 2011)
Population density : 15 inhabitants per km²
Telephone code : (+36) 93
Postal code : 8753
KSH kódja: 26462
Structure and administration (as of 2016)
Community type : local community
Mayor : Mátyás János Kalász (independent)
Postal address : Petőfi u. 112
8753 Balatonmagyaród
Website :
(Source: A Magyar Köztársaság helységnévkönyve 2011. január 1st at Központi statisztikai hivatal )

Balatonmagyaród is a municipality southwest of Lake Balaton , in Hungarian Balaton , in the middle of the nature reserve Kis-Balaton (Little Balaton) of the Balaton Oberland National Park not far from Zalakaros (approx. 7 kilometers) with almost 500 inhabitants, including Germans and Austrians. The place belongs to Nagykanizsa County.


The name Balatonmagyaród , mentioned at the beginning of the 20th century, goes back to the numerous hazelnut bushes (mogyoró) there. The names date from the 14th century: 1308 Mogoród / Magyarad, 1327 Mogoroth, 1370 Magyaród. There have been settlements in the area since ancient times, which shows various sites from 8000 (stone circle finds from the Neolithic ) to 1200 BC. BC (cremation burial necropolis from the late Bronze Age ). There are also finds from the Lengyel culture around 4800/4700 BC. A Roman trade route led through marshland via Magyaród and Hidvég (approx. 4 kilometers) towards Fenékpuszta (approx. 18 kilometers) to the Balaton Bay near Keszthely . After the Romans withdrew during the Migration Period (7th to 9th centuries), the area was settled by Avars and Slavs before the Magyars founded the Hungarian Kingdom in the 10th century with their conquest . From the Árpáden period (approx. 900 AD), a cemetery was opened in Balatonmagyaród-Oberkolon.

In the 11th century, the Kolon Castle ( Kolonvár / Colon civitas), the seat of the first royal district administrators, was south of Magyaród . From the 1540s, Magyaród, like many other settlements in the area, was attacked by the Turks . But also armed Hungarian residents of the neighboring communities Zalavár , Komárváros and Kiskomárom (both united under the name Zalakomár since 1969 ) "roamed" Magyaród and in 1686 the village was completely destroyed. This primeval village was a little higher than today's on a large peninsula of the Kis-Balaton , which was then part of Lake Balaton. The cultivation of the fields was tedious. Changing water levels of the Kis-Balaton and the Zala- Rivers often flooded the cattle meadows and brought "great misery over the residents" . In addition, many "moor wolves" lived in the reed areas at that time and tore the farmers' cattle in hard winters. The villagers also had fishing rights for which every fisherman ceded the landowner "one forint annually" . Angling and fishing are still part of the life of the Magyaród men today.

Since the end of the Turkish era, Magyaród was owned by the noble Széchényi family from Balatonszentgyörgy from 1696 to 1945 . According to a chronicle from 1715, immigrants of German origin also inhabited the place. The first schoolmaster taught in the village from 1725. The current Catholic stone church from 1814 was renovated in 2005. In 1848 752 people lived in the village and around 70 pupils were taught "after the end of agricultural work until spring" . In 1891 the number of residents, most of whom lived as "middle" farmers, was 1310 and there was already a post office. In 1896 a Roman Catholic schoolhouse, a teacher's house and a kindergarten were inaugurated. From 1920 the drainage of the Kis-Balaton continued, whereby the settlement gained a lot of agricultural areas. In 1924 Magyaród became a large municipality and center of the Zala agricultural domains of the Széchenyi family. From the 1960s onwards, the population fell sharply, as many residents moved to the nearby towns of Keszthely and Nagykanizsa (each about 22 kilometers).

Since the 1990s, with the renaturation of the Kis-Balaton ( Ramsar Convention ), tourism began to play a greater role apart from package tourism. The bird island of Milanenburg (Kányavár sziget, approx. 1.5 kilometers) with nature trail, hiking trails, picnic and fishing areas and the buffalo reserve (Bivaly reserve, approx. 1.5 kilometers) in the Kápolnapuszta with "primeval buffalos and primeval cattle" are right next to it Village.



Road no. 6831 leads through Balatonmagyaród. The nearest train station is about six kilometers south in Zalakomár .

Web links

Commons : Balatonmagyaród  - collection of images, videos and audio files