Bel Ami 2000 or How do you seduce a playboy

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Original title Bel Ami 2000 or How do you seduce a playboy
Country of production Austria
original language German
Publishing year 1966
length 101 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Michael Pflegehar
script Klaus Munro
Kurt Nachmann
Michael Pflegehar
Mario Siciliano
production Mario Siciliano
Karl Spiehs
music Heinz Kiessling
camera Ernst Wild
cut Margot von Schlieffen

Bel Ami 2000 or How to seduce a Playboy is an Austrian comedy film directed by Michael Pflegehar from 1966 .


Bel Ami , the world's most widely read men's magazine, is looking for Bel Ami, the perfect playboy of the year , like every year. Due to a computer error, accountant Peter Knolle is selected as the new Bel Ami from millions of men on earth, and editor-in-chief Sokker is appalled. Since the press has already been informed, the election cannot be declared invalid. The shy and surprised Peter is therefore brought to Paris by photographer Boy Schock. He wants to stage a photo series with him in which Peter is to be portrayed as a playboy. Meanwhile, an article about Peter's secret double life has gone to the press - staid official during the day, party animal at night.

In Paris, Peter meets Ginette, who plays his lover during his stay. She joins Coco, with whom Boy creates a love triangle with Peter. When everyone is dancing in a nightclub that evening, Ginette learns that her father wants to visit her. Since he believes that his daughter is studying in Paris, everyone rushes to Ginette's apartment and places Peter in bed with Ginette. The plan is working; Ginette's father is now angry with Peter and not his daughter. When Peter discovers the factory owner's payroll, he can give him some important tips on correct tax fraud and Ginette's father is forgiving again. In Paris, Peter and Boy also meet Vera, the editor of the women's magazine Bettina , who followed them from Germany. She wants to prove that Peter is not a Bel Ami. Peter and Boy flee to the airport in a car, where they remove two sailors' clothes and flee on an India Airlines plane. You land in Tokyo and are received as deep-sea specialists. Peter is supposed to test a Japanese special missile that resembles a submarine and with which one can travel around the world. Peter accidentally launches the rocket too early and finally lands in Rome. Here he meets the (nude) film star Anita Bionda, who is happy to finally have someone around who doesn't talk about sex all the time. Peter confesses to her that he is still a virgin and they sleep together during a flight to Anita's apartment.

In Rome, Peter meets Boy and Vera. Vera fell in love with Peter, but still writes the truth about the supposed Playboy for her readers. Peter reveals to both that he is having a relationship with Anita, who has also invited him to a party that evening. Boy implies that this is one of the notorious nude parties, and Peter is already undressing when he's left in Anita's apartment. In the end, dressed only with a bouquet of flowers, he faces a party that Anita had invited to an auction of their furniture. Chaotic scenes and a wild chase ensue, at the end of which Peter meets Boy again. He tells him that Vera wants to withdraw and start a simple life. Peter reaches her when she is about to set sail on a yacht and goes on board with her. There is a reconciliation, which Boy wants to put on film again. In the end, Sokker is satisfied with the material that Boy delivered him. Peter in turn realizes that there is a Bel Ami slumbering in everyone.


The story of Bel Ami 2000 or How to seduce a playboy is based on the novel Bel Ami 66 by Anatol Bratt . The idea of ​​casting Peter Alexander came from the innovative director Michael Pflegehar, who wanted to get Alexander out of the Schlager template and thus gave him the most untypical role for him. The selection of Alexander's film partners also goes back to Pflegehar. The film was shot in Paris, Rome and Tokyo and was released in theaters on November 23, 1966. On September 21, 1973 it ran on ZDF for the first time on television.

Peter Alexander sings the title Bel ami a gogo by Klaus Munro .


For the film service , Bel Ami 2000 or How to seduce a playboy was an “unsuccessful, stylistically inconsistent attempt to satirize excesses of the modern lifestyle. The ironic intentions mostly turn into tasteless directness. ”“ Despite modernist cinema gags and loud effort, Pflegehar did not satirize consumer sex at all. It was copied, ”said Der Spiegel on the occasion of the film premiere in 1966. Cinema called the film a“ parody of the beginnings of the sex film wave. Conclusion: moderate pun, pretty decor ”. The Protestant film observer drew the following conclusion: “Ironic color grotesque from Austria, which raises what it wants to denounce (e.g. the sex hype) to the subject of its portrayals with relish. This sometimes really amusing mixtum compositum would have been worthy of a better cause. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Roman Schliesser: The super nose. Karl Spiehs and his films , Verlag Carl Ueberreuter, Vienna 2006, pp. 34, 84
  2. Bel Ami 2000 or How do you seduce a Playboy. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  3. Pop in a Coupé . In: Der Spiegel , No. 50, 1966, p. 15
  4. See
  5. Critique No. 35/1967, p. 52