Benedetto Cappelletti

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Benedetto Cappelletti (also Benedetto Capelletti ; born November 2, 1764 in Rieti ; † May 15, 1834 ibid) was an Italian clergyman, bishop of Rieti and cardinal of the Roman Church .


Origin and early years

He came from a family of landed gentry and was the son of Baron Muzio Cappelletti and his wife Caterina Colelli. He received his first education from the Benedictines of Montecassino Abbey . After receiving the ordination , Pope Pius VI appointed. him to the secret chamberlain and coadjutor canon of the prelate Benedetto Stay (1715-1801) at the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore . After the prelate's death on February 24, 1801, Benedetto Cappelletti was promoted to canon of the papal basilica. On February 4, 1801, he was a co-founder of the Academy for the Catholic Religion. After Filippo Casoni , the nuncio in Madrid, was elevated to cardinal status on February 23 of the same year, Cappelletti brought him the red biretta . On July 15, 1802 Benedetto Cappelletti joined the Curia as a trainee lawyer at the Courts of Justice of the Apostolic Signature .

Church career

Benedetto Cappelletti was Relator of the Congregation for the Administration of Goods and Apostolic Protonotary . Since he refused to take the oath to Napoleonic rule during the French occupation of Rome , he was exiled to Piacenza in 1810 and two years later to the island of Capraia . In May 1814 he found himself again as a member of the commission for ecclesiastical property management and in September of the same year as Apostolic Delegate in Viterbo, in November 1818 as Apostolic Delegate in Macerata and in March 1823 as such in Urbino; ​​he was also Apostolic Delegate in Pesaro . From February 1, 1829 he was Governor of the City of Rome and Vice- Camerlengo of the Roman Church. This was also confirmed by the College of Cardinals during the Sedis vacancy on February 11, 1829 . He remained in this position until July 2, 1832.

Cardinal and bishop

In the consistory of September 30, 1831 , the first of Pope Gregory XVI. When the consistory was held , the newly elected Pope made him cardinal in pectore . This was announced on the occasion of the consistory of July 2, 1832. Benedetto Cappelletti received the cardinal's hat on July 5 of the same year, and on December 17, 1832, San Clemente was awarded him as the titular church .

Benedetto Cappelletti was appointed bishop of his native town of Rieti on July 29, 1833. He received his episcopal ordination on August 15 of the same year in the Roman Church of Santa Maria in Campitelli by Cardinal Pietro Francesco Galleffi ; Co-consecrators were Giuseppe Della Porta Rodiani , Latin Patriarch of Constantinople and Vice-Grandeur of Rome, and Gabriele Ferretti , Nuncio in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies .

He died at his bishopric, seriously ill when he took up the office of bishop, and was buried in the cathedral of Rieti.


  • Alberto Postigliola:  CAPELLETTI, Benedetto. In: Alberto M. Ghisalberti (Ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 18:  Canella – Cappello. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1975.
  • Philippe Bountry: Le sacré collège des cardinaux . In: Souverain et pontife. Recherches prosopographiques sur la Curie Romaine à l'âge de la Restoration (1814–1846) . École française de Rome, Rome 2002, margin no. 147–149 (French, online edition [accessed May 12, 2020]).

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predecessor Office successor
Gabriele Ferretti Bishop of Rieti
Filippo de 'Conti Curoli