Bernhard Friedrich Moritz Joseph von Jechner

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Baron Bernhard Friedrich Moritz Joseph von Jechner (born April 25, 1750 in Hackenberg near Bergneustadt ( Oberberg district ); † November 22, 1821 in Düsseldorf ) was a Prussian major general and most recently assigned to Minister Stein .



His parents were the Austrian Rittmeister Jakob Arnold von Jechner and his mother NN von Neuhoff called von Ley .

Military career

He was born on 26 April 1763 as a Corporal Corporal in the Infantry Regiment. 9, . He was born on July 4, 1763 Ensign and on August 16, 1772 Seconde Lieutenant . As such, he took part in the War of the Bavarian Succession . On April 2, 1785 he became Premier-Lieutenant and then took part in the campaign in Holland in 1787 . On January 15, 1790 he was promoted to staff captain and on December 4, 1792 he became captain and company commander . In the First Coalition War , he fought in the sieges of Mainz and Landau. Before Mainz he was the first to climb the Zahlbacher Schanze when he attacked it with a group of volunteers. He fought in the capture of Frankfurt and the battles of Hochheim and Deidesheim, also in the battle of Kaiserslautern , the cannonade of LaLune and the battle of Denningen.

On February 18, 1795 he became major and command of the demarcation line on the Wupper . For his services during the war he received the Pour le Mérite on February 23, 1798 . Then on June 1, 1799 he was appointed commander of a grenadier battalion . The battalion was formed from the grenadier companies from regiments No. 9 and No. 48 . On February 5, 1803 he received a new battalion in Wesel , formed from the grenadier companies from regiments No. 9 and No. 44 . On January 20, 1806 he came to the command of the infantry regiment No. 9. There he was promoted to lieutenant colonel on May 27, 1806 . He participated in the Fourth Coalition War and was made inactive on August 10, 1807 with half pay. On January 2, 1808, he was scheduled for re-employment. On June 11, 1809, he was given the task of investigating the behavior of the officers from Schill's corps . On March 7, 1810, he was promoted to colonel , but without the associated pay increase. It was not used again until the Wars of Liberation . The Allies had recaptured the Duchy of Berg , and on November 9, 1813 General von Bülow had also taken over the Principality of Minden and the County of Ravensberg . A Bergische Brigade should be formed as soon as possible, therefore Jechner was promoted to major general on November 19, 1813 and assigned to Minister Freiherr vom Stein . Jechner, who comes from the Bergisches Land , should reorganize the country. On November 29, 1813, the central administration department issued an appeal to all patriots to report to the Bergische Brigade . On July 21, 1815, he retired with a pension of 1,500 thalers. He died in Düsseldorf on November 22, 1821, the last of his family.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Karl von Vechelde : Ferdinand von Schill and his crowd , p. 75f.