Bernhard Walther Marperger

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Bernhard Walther Marperger (born May 14, 1682 in Hamburg , † March 28, 1746 in Dresden ) was a German Lutheran theologian.


Born as the son of Paul Jacob Marperger from Nuremberg and his wife Sara, daughter of the businessman Bernhard Syburg from Hamburg, he attended the St. Aegiden high school in Nuremberg . There he received extensive training and was able to enroll at the University of Altdorf in 1699 . Funded by professors Johann Christoph Wagenseil and Johann Christoph Sturm , he acquired the degree of master's degree in 1702 and then went on an educational trip to Jena , Wittenberg , Berlin and Halle .

During his two-year stay in Halle, influenced by an illness, he turned to Lutheran theology. On his return to Nuremberg he went to the St. Egidienkirche as a preacher and became a deacon there in 1706, for which he was ordained in Altdorf. On January 14, 1711, he was appointed deacon at the Nuremberg main church St. Sebald . On May 5, 1714, he was accepted into the preachers' college and thus took over the inspection of the Nuremberg grammar school. In 1715 he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Prussian Society of Sciences .

When the foundation stone of the newly built Egidienkirche had been laid in 1718 , he gave the inaugural and dedication sermons. After he had obtained his doctorate in Altdorf on June 13, 1724 , in the same year he accepted a call to the court of the Saxon Elector August the Strong as senior court preacher , thus becoming the highest Saxon church council and senior consistory assessor. In Dresden, Marperger was caught up in the confessional conflicts between Pietism and Lutheran Orthodoxy .

His marriage to Agathe, the daughter of Johann Graefen, the senior pastor at the St. Sebald Church in Nuremberg, and his second marriage to Anna Magdalena Murrer in 1706 resulted in 7 children, two of whom Marperger's sons survived.

Works (selection)

Latin scripts

  • Diss. De Licentia Poetica, Altdorf 1700
  • Diss. De Imporentia rationis in Pneumatica, pro gradu Magisterii, 1702
  • Diss. De Fatis Mathesos, pro Praesidio, 1702
  • Inaug. Theol. De nexu veritatis cum pietate, sine Praeside, 1724
  • De Agno ad arae cornua ligando, ad illustrandum Psalm CXVIII in memoriam Saecularem ADXXX exhibitae Aug. Cenf., Dresden 1730
  • De quarto decimo mensis Abh. Hebrraeorum diei expiationis comparato, 1730

German writings

  • Communion booklet, in oblong format
  • Interpretation of the first three chapters of the Epistle Johannis, Nuremberg 1710
  • Good thoughts from the bad times, Nuremberg 1712, 1732
  • Warning of damnable suicide and consolation for contested souls, Nuremberg 1715
  • Notes on the Ertz-Bishop Tillotson's sincere Nathanel, Nuremberg 1716
  • Instructions for the true souls of the sick and dying, Nuremberg 1717
  • The sick and dying bed illuminated with the word of life, Nuremberg 1724
  • Dresden hymn book, Dresden 1725
  • A healing soul to the sufferings of Jesus from the XIV and XV Cap. Marci; along with a reflection on Job XVI, 19, Dresden 1726
  • True teaching Elensbus, viewed from a writing perspective, Dresden 1st part 1727, 2nd part 1728
  • Editing institutions of the Chur-Saxon Evangelical Lutheran Churches for the upcoming Jubilee AC, Dresden 1730
  • The great atonement and sin offering of the great day of atonement, as a German example of the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ, Nuremberg 1733
  • The last sin offering in the law, illuminated as a complete model of the crucified Jesus, and applied to edifying contemplations of the Passion, Dresden 1735


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Members of the previous academies. Bernhard W. Marperger. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences , accessed on May 4, 2015 .

Web links

predecessor Office successor
Johann Christian Bucke Court preacher in Dresden
1724 - 1746
Johann Gottfried Hermann