Boxer's compensation

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The boxer's compensation is a compensation to which the Chinese Empire of the Qing Dynasty committed itself in writing to the eleven western countries on September 7, 1901 in the so-called " Boxer Protocol ".

The amount of compensation

庚子 赔款 债券 Boxer Compensation

The following reparations payments were determined (numbers differ slightly, depending on the source): 450,000,000 tael fine silver (approx. £ 67.5 million  / US $ 333 million  ) plus 4% interest p. a. over 39 years that was a total of 982,238,150 tael (approx. 34,683 tons of silver) for the loss that China caused to the eight-nation alliance . The compensation payments were distributed as follows:

  1. Russia 28.97%
  2. Germany 20.02%
  3. France 15.75%
  4. Great Britain 11.25%
  5. Japan 7.73%
  6. Italy 7.32%
  7. USA 7.32%
  8. Belgium 1.89%
  9. Austria-Hungary 0.89%
  10. Netherlands 0.17%
  11. Spain 0.025%
  12. Portugal 0.025%
  13. Sweden 0.025%
  14. Norway 0.025%

The (alleged) reasons Western countries have for the compensation payments from China are:

  1. Dispatch of combat troops who u. a. Pay and interest costs;
  2. Compensation for the losses of citizens, missionaries, merchants and companies;
  3. Compensation for the loss of national churches;
  4. Compensation for the loss of the Chinese Christians.

Since the US had asked for less compensation than was then written into the Boxer Protocol, they converted the excess compensation received into a scholarship for Chinese students ( Boxer Rebellion Indemnity Scholarship Program ).

Subsequently, Japan and France also used part of the compensation for young Chinese students to finance their studies .

After the First World War , claims by China against defeated Germany and Austria-Hungary were offset.

In 1920, after the October Revolution , the Soviet government granted an exemption from liability for boxer compensation.

When China's compensation payments for the Boxer Compensation came to an end in 1938 , the actual compensation was more than six hundred million silver dollars, or around one billion yuan .

See also

Web links

Commons : Boxer Rebellion Indemnity Scholarship Program  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. “庚子 赔款” 词条。 (German: “Boxer compensation” entries). In: 中国 近代史 词典》 (German: "Dictionary of Modern Chinese History"), 上海 辞书 出版社 (German: Shanghai Dictionary Publishing House), 1982 年