Burak Yiğit

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Burak Yiğit at the Berlinale 2015

Burak Yiğit (born January 1, 1986 in Berlin ) is a German actor .


Yiğit played at the Hebbel Theater under the director Tamer Yiğit , in short films, but also on television. A larger audience saw him in 2008 in the crime scene episode On the Sunny Side , in which he played the young crook Deniz Nezrem. He had his first film role in 2006 in the Berlinale opening film May 1st - Heroes at Work . In 2011 he received the Bavarian Film Prize and the Max Ophüls Prize for the best young actor for the leading role in the film Bis zum Blut - Brothers on Probation . The thriller Victoria by Sebastian Schipper , which premiered in competition at the Berlinale in 2015, was in the same year for the German Film Award nominated for best feature film.

On stage he could be seen in BABA - or My stolen life in Heimathafen Neukölln, The Last Days of Mankind at HAU - Hebbel am Ufer and City of Light in the Volksbühne Berlin .

Filmography (selection)


Web links