Werner J. Cahnman

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Werner Jacob Cahnman (also Cahnmann, born September 30, 1902 in Munich ; died September 27, 1980 in Forest Hills / New York ) was a German, then American sociologist .

Life, work and effect

Werner Cahnmann's father Sigwart Cahnmann was a chemical manufacturer and president of the B'nai B'rith lodge in Munich, his mother Hedwig Schülein was deported to Piaski in 1942 and was a victim of the Holocaust there . Cahnmann's three sisters and two brothers were able to emigrate. Werner Cahnmann studied law and political science at the Universities of Munich and Berlin and was established in 1927 at Otto von Zwiedineck-south Horst to Dr. rer. publ. PhD.

He then worked at the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry and at the Kiel Institute for World Economy and Shipping, became a lecturer at the Jewish Lehrhaus in Munich, and from 1930 to 1934 was the legal counsel of the Bavarian State Association in the Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith . In 1938 he was sent to the Dachau concentration camp . Freed from this thanks to an intervention by his academic teacher Karl Haushofer , he emigrated to the USA via England in 1939. There he was initially visiting Ph. D. at the University of Chicago and then taught sociology at Fisk University , Atlanta University and other universities, from 1960 at Rutgers University . After the war he was also a visiting professor at the University of Munich (retired there in 1968). He also worked on the Conference of Jewish Social Studies and was a co-founder of the Committee for Sociological History , also co-editor of the journal Reconstruction . The State Department temporarily recruited him as a scientific analyst.

Influenced by Ferdinand Tönnies , Max Weber - whose type theory he adopted - and George Herbert Mead , he presented numerous studies on areas of social prejudice . His main areas of work were the sociology of the Jews, historical sociology (he was chairman of the working group in the American Sociological Association ) in general, geopolitics and the history of the social sciences . As an academic teacher, the slight scholar on the podium was subtle and clear; as a negotiator, impressive and effective.

Selected publications

  • 1931: Economic pessimism and the Ricardian system
  • 1943: "The Mediterranean and Caribbean Regions", in Social Forces
  • 1943: "Concepts of Geopolitics", American Sociological Review, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Feb., 1943), pp. 55-59.
  • 1952: "The Cultural Consciousness of Jewish Youth", in Jewish Social Studies
  • 1963: "The Life of Clementine Kraemer", New York 1963 & LBI Year Book 9 London 1964 (267–292)
  • 1964 (with A. Boskoff ): Sociology and History: Theory and Research
  • 1969: "The Three Regions of German-Jewish History", in Jubilee. Volume dedicated to Curt C. Silberman
  • 1971 (with Rudolf Heberle ): Ferdinand Toennies on Sociology: Pure, Applied and Empirical
  • 1973: (as ed.) Ferdinand Toennies: A New Evaluation
  • 1974: " Pariahs, Strangers and Court Jews ", in American Sociological Review (German see: 2005)
  • 1974: " Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling on the emancipation of the Jews ", in: Journal for Bavarian State History
  • 1981: “Tönnies and the theory of social change . A reconstruction ”, in: L. Clausen / FU Pappi (ed.), Arrival at Tönnies , Kiel: Mühlau
  • 1994: (posthumously) "Weber and Toennies: Comparative Sociology in Historical Perspective"
  • 2007 (posthumously): Social Issues, Geopolitics, and Judaica , edited by Judith T. Marcus and Zoltan Tarr , Transaction Publ., New Brunswick, USA & London 2007
  • 2005: German Jews. Your history and sociology (collection of essays, contains: Judaism and national community; "Old and new gods"; materials on the political situation of the Jews in Austria and Hungary; Jews in the German landscapes: new youth and old faith; unrest in Palestine. Travel report and Conclusions from 1936; Who should go to Palestine ?; The description of the Jews in Munich from 1804; Why learn Hebrew ?; Theodor Herzl - one way or another ?; The Jews in the Danube region; The social structure of the Munich Jewish community and its changes; In the concentration camp Dachau ; Economic and social causes of hostility towards Jews; The German Jews and the Jewish community in America: A comment; Role and importance of the Jewish craft class; Adolf Fischhof as an advocate of nationality and its effect on Jewish-political thought in Austria; The village and small-town Jew as type; The Pariah and the Stranger: A Conceptual Explanation; Histor ische sociology: what it is and what it is not.) Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster. ISBN 3896916041 . First English German Jewry, its history and sociology. Selected essays Transaction Publ., New Brunswick & Oxford 1989 ISBN 0887382533


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