Christoph Benckendorf

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Christoph Benckendorf (* 1548 in Crossen , Duchy of Crossen ; † 1605 in Warsaw ) was a Brandenburg lawyer , politician and diplomat .


Christoph Benckendorf was probably originally a member of the Altmark noble family of those of Beneckendorff . His parents were the court judge from Kurbrandenburg, Andreas Benckendorf and Anna Maria von Bismark .

As his undisputed brother Martin Benckendorf (1545–1621), for whom sexton names deviating parents, he studied philosophy, albeit with the main focus in Wittenberg .

In 1597 he was electoral councilor and court administrator. From 1598 he was Vice Chancellor under Chancellor Johann von Löben . In 1604 he was accepted into the Secret Council College, which was newly established by Joachim Friedrich von Brandenburg (1546–1608) and initially consisted of nine councils .

In the service of the electoral prince he had successfully decided on 14 embassies and died as a Privy Councilor and member of the Brandenburg government. He was the heir to Panckau and Blanckenburg.

Benckendorf was married to Catharina, née Hellmann, widowed Blanckfeld (1555–1597) since 1580. The marriage resulted in four daughters and two sons.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Gottfried Biedermann : Gender register of the laudable knights in Voigtlande ... , Kulmbach 1752, Tfl. II.
  2. Georg Gottfried Küster (Ed.): Martin Friedrich Seidels picture collection. Berlin 1751, p. 138.
  3. Georg Gottfried Küster (Ed.): Martin Friedrich Seidels picture collection. Berlin 1751, p. 139, § 6.
  4. ^ A b Fritz Roth : Complete evaluations of funeral sermons and personal documents for genealogical and cultural-historical purposes. Volume 8, Boppard am Rhein 1974, R 7559.
  5. Adolf Stölzel : Brandenburg-Prussia's legal administration and constitution presented in the work of its sovereign princes and highest judicial officials. Volume 1, Berlin 1888, p. XXXIII.
  6. Christian August Ludwig Klaproth, Immanuel Karl Wilhelm Cosmar: The royal Prussian and electoral Brandenburg real secret Council of State on its 200-year foundation day January 5, 1805 , Berlin 1805, p. 315, No. 6.
  7. ^ Johann Friedrich Gauhe : Des Heil. Rom. Reichs Genealogisch-Historisches Adels-Lexicon. Leipzig 1740, column 99.