Sigrid Schuessler

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Sigrid Schüßler (* 1969 in Darmstadt ) is a German political activist from the right-wing extremist spectrum. Schüßler is mentioned by name in various publications by the constitution protection authorities .


According to his own statements , Schüßler studied literature , art and theater history in Bavaria and completed an acting and directing degree in Austria.

In 2004 Schüßler founded the "Hollerbusch Theater" and performed as "Hexe Ragnar" or "Hexe Ragna" in elementary schools and kindergartens. In 2005 she was nominated for the Aschaffenburg start-up prize. She also gave presentations at the NPD. The Education and Science Union (GEW) became aware of its connections to the NPD in 2007 and issued a leaflet warning against it. Peter Naumann introduced Schüßler to the RNF activist Iris Niemeyer. With her, Schüßler then founded the so-called “self-help group for politically persecuted women, men and their families in the times of the FRG regime” Jeanne D. , named after the French freedom fighter Jeanne d'Arc , where the “D.” stood for Germany.

In 2012 Schüßler was elected federal chairman of the NPD sub-organization Ring Nationaler Frauen (RNF). In the same year she also became deputy state chairman of the NPD, after having been an assessor on the Bavarian NPD board since 2008. In the state elections in Bavaria in 2013 , Schüßler was the NPD's top candidate. In the 2013 federal election , Schüßler was second on the Bavarian NPD state list , after having been ranked third on the NPD state list in the 2009 federal election . In spring 2014, after internal party debates, she was removed from office as RNF chairperson and expelled from the RNF. After her unsuccessful candidacy for the chairmanship of the NPD in November 2014, she resigned from the party, explaining on her Facebook page: “This is [...] not a so-called 'exit from the scene'. […] I also don't break with what is true, right and good in this party! ”A few days earlier, she had resigned from her position as deputy chairwoman of the Bavarian National Association of the NPD as part of the arrest of Sascha Rossmüller .

In 2015, Schüßler appeared as a speaker at demonstrations by the Magdeburg offshoot of Pegida . In January 2016, during a speech given by Karl Richter to the Munich City Council , Schüßler was noticed by heckling from the stands. After refusing to leave the session, the police took her away and later fined her for trespassing . A few days later she appeared as a speaker at an event organized by the party Dierechte in Bamberg. Because of your allegations in her speech that many refugees are “testosterone bombs from all over the world” who only came “to attack, humiliate and rape German women”, she became one of the Bamberg District Court for sedition He was sentenced to a fine of 150 daily rates of 15 euros each. Björn Clemens acted as Schüßler's legal advisor . Schüßler had advertised for support with a nude photo on Facebook, but according to the right end of the line , only six supporters of Schüßler were in the courtroom. At a demonstration organized by Pro NRW in November 2015 on Breslauer Platz in Cologne, Schüßler declared: "Islam belongs to Germany like the shit on the dining table". The Cologne District Court then sentenced her to a fine of 900 euros for insulting religious communities .

Schüßler was married to Falko Schüßler, a former activist of the Wiking Youth, which was banned in 1994, and Bayern chairman of the Freedom German Workers' Party , which was banned in 1995 , and has four daughters with him.


As early as 2007, the GEW warned against Schüßler in a leaflet, because she did not fall under the common neo-Nazi cliché: “No, she does not wear combat boots and bomber jacket .” For journalist Juliane Lang, too, she was fluent in several foreign languages ​​and various musical instruments Schüßler "by no means the image of the dull, uneducated Nazis". The sociologist Renate Bitzan considered it conceivable that the NPD one day, like Marine Le Pen, a party leader like Marine Le Pen , was conceivable in view of the Schüßler appearing "self-confident [...], cheeky and a bit provocative", who advertised with the slogan "irresistibly different" on election posters get.

In 2015, the WDR showed a documentary entitled “Female, sexy, right-wing extremist” on the phenomenon in the right-wing extremist scene, which has been dominated by men until now, that women like Sigrid Schüßler are increasingly attracting xenophobia and harsh slogans. The forward experienced Schüßler, posing in fetish clothes for an erotic calendar, as open-minded and modern, while at the same time agitating against homosexuals and full of praise for Adolf Hitler .

In May 2019 the documentary “Kleine Germanen” by Mohammad Farokhmanesh was released in the cinema, which was also shown in November 2019 on Arte and in June 2020 on ARD . In the film, which deals with the indoctrination of children in right-wing extremist families, interviews with Schüßler were processed alongside those with Götz Kubitschek , Ellen Kositza , Ricarda Riefling and Martin Sellner .

Individual evidence

  1. Constitutional Protection Report 2012 . In: Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution . 29th August 2013.
  2. a b Report on the Protection of the Constitution 2013 . In: Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution . 2014, pp. 66, 103.
  3. Constitutional Protection Report 2014 . In: Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution . April 2015, pp. 110f, 113.
  4. ^ Right-wing extremism | Target group: children and young people . In: State Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Baden-Württemberg . Retrieved May 3, 2020.
  5. a b Report on the Protection of the Constitution 2015 . In: Constitutional Protection of Saxony-Anhalt . 2016, p. 29.
  6. a b c Andrea Röpke : Girl thing! Women in the neo-Nazi scene . Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin 2012, ISBN 9783862841127 , p. 197ff, ( limited preview ).
  7. a b Andreas Speit: "The witch Ragnar" gives up . In: taz . December 29, 2014.
  8. Thomas Kuban : Blood Must Flow: Undercover Among Nazis . campus Verlag, Frankfurt 2012, ISBN 9783593398020 , p. 127, ( limited preview ).
  9. Angelika Kleinhenz: There are also fanatical neo-Nazis among women . In: Mainpost . December 1, 2011.
  10. Anne Lena Mösken: "You can love your country, yes . " In: Frankfurter Rundschau . February 18, 2012.
  11. a b Juliana Lang: More than "emotional competence". Girls and women in the extreme right. In: Sybille Steinbacher : Right-wing violence in Germany: To deal with right-wing extremism in society, politics and the judiciary . Wallstein Verlag, October 2016. ISBN 9783835340480 , pp. 116f, 119, ( limited preview ).
  12. Carolin Kreil: "The right-wing must not win the battle for the street". In: Mainpost . July 11th 2013.
  13. ↑ State lists for the 2009 Bundestag election in Bavaria - National Democratic Party of Germany . ( Memento from August 29, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) State Returning Officer Bavaria .
  14. Torsten Maier: Sigrid Schüßler leaves the NPD . In: Main-Echo . December 31, 2014.
  15. Manfred Schweidler: NPD Vice and "Bandidos" arrested . In: Mainpost . October 24, 2014.
  16. ^ Ex-NPD woman Schüßler condemned . In: image . November 7, 2016.
  17. LG Bamberg 1 Ns 1108 Js6649 / 16 and 2 OLG 130 Ss 15/18
  18. ^ Incitement to hatred in the case of a right-wing demonstration: District court confirms judgment . In: . 23 October 2017.
  19. Pablo Alberti: This Nazi woman is now on trial (but hopefully not like in this photo) . ( Memento of August 11, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) In: Huffington Post . August 8, 2017.
  20. Thomas Witzgall: Nackedei-Schüßler: Judge rejected, six fans and no judgment . In: right end of the line . 11th August 2017.
  21. P. Braun: Ex-NPD woman convicted of insulting Islam . In: image . 11th August 2016.
  22. Charlotte Theile: Female, self-confident, right-wing extremist . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . September 28, 2013.
  23. Ellen Esen: Right-Wing Extremists Today - Current Developments and Case Studies . In: Stephan Braun , Alexander Geisler, Martin Gerster (eds.): Strategies of the extreme right: Backgrounds - Analyzes - Answers . VS Verlag, 2009, ISBN 978-3-531-15911-9 , p. 295, ( limited preview ).
  24. Caterina Woj: Female, sexy, right-wing extremist . In; WDR . 5th October 2015.
  25. Paul Starzmann: Right women: The underestimated "Muttimasche" . In: Forward . March 9, 2016.
  26. Little Teutons . In: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger . 19th November 2019.
  27. Tim Schleider: Childhood isn't to blame for everything . In: Stuttgarter Zeitung . June 10, 2020.
  28. Heidi Ossenberg: Children cannot get out on their own . In: Badische Zeitung . May 9, 2019.
  29. Little Teutons . In: ARD Mediathek . June 10, 2020. (Interview scenes with Sigrid Schüßler among others at 17:08 - 19:50 min, 21:34 - 23:08 min, 44:40 - 45:22 min, 1:01:09 - 1:01 : 45 min)