Chronicle of the city of Düren / 1701–1750

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This list is a partial list of the chronicle of the city of Düren . It lists events dated from the first half of the 18th century in Düren .


  • On their return from the battle of Höchstädt (August 13), English troops camped at the Madonna's house
  • 2. A tower of Anna's Church burned by lightning


  • May 18: A Dutch-English army encamped in Düren
  • June 24th: English troops under the Duke of Marlborough in Düren
  • 4.7 .: The imperial army under Prince Eugene of Savoy camps on the Rur near Düren


  • Erection of a roller shed on the market square to lock in garden thieves and field thieves
  • Strong temperature contrasts: on July 20, over 100 people die from heat stroke, on July 29, just nine days later, extreme cold with snow


  • 62 Cellites live in Düren
  • Erecting a cross on the 'Wirteltränk', a ditch on the Arnoldsweilerstraße . Today it is in the old cemetery on Kölnstrasse.
  • December 10th: New Schumacher regulations


10.4 .: New fruit market regulations



The immigrant Langenberg merchant Rütger von Scheven received a concession to operate a paper mill, the first in Düren, now Neumühl


Franz Nikolaus Kannengießer began to manufacture industrial cloths


30.8 .: An electoral ordinance regulates the election of the council, the mayor and the city ​​councilor



  • 3rd and 4th fire in a tower of Anna's Church, again from lightning strikes
  • 4.19 .: On the complaint of a resident, the market 'Justice Instruments' ( pillory and criminal donkey ) from the market square and the town farm next to the granary brought


  • July 16: Tax exemption for residential buildings
  • Johann Paul Schoeller , ancestor of the cloth factory Leopold Schoeller Söhne, which still exists today, comes to Düren and becomes a cloth manufacturer
  • 10.9 .: The council orders the replacement of the thatched roofs with pan or loop roofs within six years



4.21 .: The foundation stone for the new building of the Capuchin monastery is 'On the Kallen' on Altenteich set


July 16: First vacancy regulation: empty spaces must be built on within six weeks, otherwise they will be auctioned


Completion of the property on the Kölnstr. 41 built Ursuline Church (demolished in 1885)


Johann Paul Schoeller takes over the 1st paper mill in Düren (Neumühl, founded in 1710)


6.4 .: The council decides to reintroduce the four annual fairs, no longer held as a result of the wars, on February 24, June 25, July 26 and October 2


A major fire causes the procurement of three incendiary syringes from Cologne


A crucifixion group is created on Kölnplatz , which has been located at the Carmelite Monastery in Kölner Landstrasse since 1905 . is located


The two previous Franciscan hospitals will be demolished and a new three-room hospital will be built on the same site


26.7. :: The council orders the building or walling of the empty spaces in the center of the city


Negotiations with the government about the tobacco trade in Düren (until 1739)


April 29th: The electoral war commissioner Stephan Laurenz von Sperl makes an important foundation for the poor


  • The city council defends its right to public mail against the government. In Düren there are imperial, municipal and private mail
  • November 4: The Düren pays homage to the Count Palatine Karl Theodor von Pfalz-Sulzbach , who succeeds him in the state government after the death of Elector Philipp
  • 11/17: New watch rules


  • 5. Fire in a tower of Anna's Church from lightning strike
  • Hugo Rudolf Hoesch builds an iron cutting mill in Schneidhausen


December 14th: Johann Coenen enforces the factory production of cloths in Düren


Pension dispute between guest house and ghost house


Construction of the first stone bridge (previously only a footbridge) over the Rur in the course of the current Aachener Str. (Johannesbrücke), completed in 1748


August 31: Regulations of the timber office, the main guild of building craftsmen
