Claudius Mauritius von Gagern

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Epitaph Claudius Mauritius von Gagern in the Protestant Church of Morschheim

Claudius Mauritius von Gagern (born April 16, 1696 ; † March 26, 1758, presumably in Morschheim ) was a baron , owner of the Morschheim rule in the Palatinate , and founder of the southern German line of his family.

Origin and family

He came from the then still quite insignificant north German noble family von Gagern , which has its origin on the island of Rügen , in today's Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . His parents were Woldemar Moritz von Gagern (1655–1702) and his wife Anna nee. de Saint Pol. The father was an officer in the Venetian service and married as Quartermaster General , the daughter of his superior, from Lorraine coming general-in-chief , Count Claude de Saint Pol. After his death he joined the army of Margrave Ludwig von Baden-Baden (called Türkenlouis), fought in the War of the Spanish Succession and fell against the French in 1702 in the Battle of Hüningen .


Alliance coat of arms on the epitaph: Gagern (to the right of the viewer) and Steinkallenfels

Claudius Mauritius von Gagern married on May 15, 1713 - at the age of only 17 - the much older Maria Jacobea von Steinkallenfels (1683–1722), heir to the Alzey Burglehen in Morschheim. After her death, Elector Karl Philipp granted him this hereditary castle loan in 1737, which also included an estate in Laumersheim . Both possessions were imperial , the Morschheim rule was also a knight's seat . As a result, von Gagern now belonged to the imperial knighthood of the canton of Upper Rhine , in the Rhenish knight circle and soon took over the function of a knight council. Eventually he became an imperial baron .

Morschheim Castle seems to have been in a desperate state. In 1752 Gagern had repairs carried out on the palace building and the neighboring cattle yard. Here he wrote in a report that the house and the cattle yard were ruined, the masonry unusable, which is why they are now being rebuilt from the foundation. The castle no longer exists today.

Claudius Mauritius von Gagern became the founder of the famous Palatinate and Hessian line of his family. All known namesake of his family go back to him, so u. a. the diplomats Hans Christoph Ernst von Gagern (1766–1852) and Maximilian von Gagern (1810–1889), the President of the Frankfurt National Assembly Heinrich von Gagern (1799–1880), the General Friedrich von Gagern (1794–1848), and the Catholic Priest Ernst von Gagern (1807–1865). They are all descendants of Claudius Mauritius' eldest son Johann Friedrich von Gagern. The younger son Carl Friedrich Adolph von Gagern (1717–1786), Dutch major general , remained childless.

Claudius Mauritius von Gagern died in 1758, probably in Morschheim and was buried in the family crypt of the Protestant church there. In the choir of this church is his epitaph, with the alliance coat of arms Gagern and Steinkallenfels, today on the northern side of the east wall. His grandson Karl Christoph Gottlieb von Gagern (1743–1825), the last Obersthofmeister in Palatinate-Zweibrücken , grew up with him in Morschheim.


  • Paul Karmann: From the Baltic Sea to the Palatinate: Claudius Mauritius von Gagern and his family. In: Donnersberg yearbook. Volume 16, 1993, pp. 98-101 (find reference) .
  • Heinz Reif: Nobility and the bourgeoisie in Germany. Volume 1: Lines of Development and Turning Points in the 19th Century. 2nd edition, Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-05-004505-4 , p. 105 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  • Heinrich von Gagern : The life of the general Friedrich von Gagern. Volume 1, Leipzig 1856, p. 11 ( digitized in the Google book search).
  • Ernst Heinrich Kneschke : New general German nobility lexicon in association with several historians. 3rd volume, Leipzig 1861, p. 426 ( digitized in the Google book search).
  • State Office for Monument Preservation: The Art Monuments of Bavaria, Administrative Region Palatinate. Volume VII: District Office Kirchheimbolanden. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 1938, p. 230.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogical page on General Claude de Saint Pol
  2. Helmut Rössler: Between Revolution and Reaction: A Life Picture of Baron Hans Christoph von Gagern, 1766-1852. Musterschmidt-Verlag, 1958, p. 10 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  3. ^ Genealogical website on Maria Jacobea von Steinkallenfels
  4. Jump up ↑ Friedrich von Gagern : Swords and Spindles: Ancestors of the Occident. 1939, p. 73 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  5. ^ Website on Morschheim Castle