Cum nuper

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Cum nuper is an encyclical of Pius IX. He turned to the bishops of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies on January 20, 1858 and expressed his "concern for the clergy ".

The Pope first thanked him for the letter he had received from the bishops at Christmas 1857 and praised their loyalty and fulfillment of their duties; this letter had finally prompted him to write this encyclical. He also regretted the terrible earthquake and thanked King Ferdinand II for the financial aid he had provided. In a broader sense, the Pope regards this terrible catastrophe as a test and sanction from God and he referred to the past corruption and abuses in which parts of the clergy should also have been involved.

In the following text he set up a code of honor for the clergy, he recalled the apostolic duties and the sacred mandate assigned to all priests as well as the observance of the doctrine of the faith. He urged the clergy to be honest, pious and circumspect and instructed them to take care of the souls entrusted to them. He put the Christian upbringing and training of young people in the foreground and once again insisted on compliance with the canonical provisions ; and this also includes the addition of auxiliary bishops , suitable bishops and the implementation of synods of bishops .

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