Gravibus ecclesiae

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Gravibus ecclesiae is the encyclical with which Pope Pius IX. on December 24, 1874, 1875 was declared the Holy Year .

He laid down the rules and solemnity for the coming Jubilee Year and emphasized that a Jubilee year has always been of redemption, grace and return for all people who came to Rome from all over the world . Pius IX also remembered the great jubilee year 1825, which Pope Leo XIII. had been opened and regretted again that the jubilee year 1850 could not take place in the usual framework (compare: Encyclical Exultavit cor nostrum ).

The difficulties and attacks have not subsided and the church is still facing severe attacks. The Pope declares that in order to glorify the Church and to heal the Christian people, the year 1875 will be made the Jubilee year. He laid down the provisions and named cathedrals in Rome where the requirements for prayer and indulgences apply. He also describes some exceptions and emphasizes that he does not intend to announce a general amnesty .

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