The end of time

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Episode of the Doctor Who series
title The end of time
Original title The end of time
Country of production United Kingdom
original language English
length 2 × 60 minutes
classification Season 4, episodes 17-18
new series: 59th - 60th episode in total,
including classic series: 755th - 756th episode in total
( list )
First broadcast December 25, 2009 to
January 1, 2010 on BBC One
first broadcast
December 19, 2012 on FOX Channel
Director Euros Lyn
script Russell T Davies
Phil Ford
production Tracie Simpson
music Murray Gold
camera Ron Taylor

←  Predecessor
The red garden

Successor  →
Five to twelve

The end of time (Engl. Title The End of Time ), the fourth and fifth special episode of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who , the place in 2009, a regular season were sent. In this two-parter has David Tennant his last regular appearance as a doctor before passing the role on to Matt Smith at the end of the story .

The episode aired on December 25, 2009 and January 1, 2010 on BBC One and BBC HD. It was written by Russell T Davies and Phil Ford and directed by Euros Lyn. It is the last story with showrunner Russel T Davies, who subsequently handed over the post to Steven Moffat .


The Doctor visits the planet of the Ood, where he meets Odd Sigma. This tells him that the Ood have bad dreams and the doctor is allowed to participate in a collective dream of the Ood. There the doctor sees the master, believed dead, Wilfred Mott, a stranger to him with his adult daughter, and Lucy Saxon in her prison cell. Through the collective dream, the doctor lets the Ood see the events that led to the death of the master, in return the doctor receives the images of a woman who pulls the master's signet ring from the ashes and thus gives the master the opportunity to resurrect to let. The Ood Elder prophesies that something would lurk in the dark and that past events threaten to destroy the future, the present and the past.

Lucy Saxon's prison cell is opened by the woman who recovered the master's ring from the ashes. Lucy is brought to the followers of the master who know from the master’s books how the master can be brought back to life. However, Lucy sensed the plan of the followers, so that they had allies made a means that should disrupt the process. The resurrection succeeds, but the body of the Master is unstable through Lucy's means, so that the building in which the process was carried out is destroyed. When the doctor reaches the place, all he finds is the rubble.

Billionaire Joshua Naismith watched the building fire on his PC monitor. He shows the pictures of his young adult daughter Abigail and points to the shadow of a fugitive who they are sure is the master. Naismitht gives his subordinates the order to open the "gate" .

Meanwhile, Wilfred leaves the house to meet his friends, whom he has called, including a minibus, to look for the doctor. Wilf outputs a description and asks his friends to call all acquaintances and forward it according to the pyramid scheme. He cannot tell them who the doctor is, but he assures them that they will need him urgently.

Meanwhile, the doctor has recorded the master's trail. When he finally finds it, the doctor realizes that the master's body is in the process of dissolving. In his madness, the master is not interested in the doctor's offer of help and finally escapes him when the doctor meets Wilfried. In a café he lets Wilfred review the events of his last adventures and expresses himself in great fear of his coming regeneration, which was foretold by the Ood.

After meeting Wilfred, the doctor resumes the search for the master. When he finds him, the master opens up to the doctor and he realizes that the danger that the Ood have announced is not the master. Before the doctor can find out more, the master is drugged and kidnapped by Naismith's people. The doctor is dejected and left behind.

Coming to himself again, the doctor rushes with his TARDIS to Wilfred, who has received a message on television to arm himself and stay ready. The doctor suspects that Wilfred is involved in everything. When asked whether he had noticed anything, Wilfred hid the message from the doctor, but showed him a book by Naismith that his granddaughter Donna had given her fiancé and commented on with strange behavior. In Naismith's picture on the book cover, the doctor recognizes the man from the collective dream of the Ood. Together with Wilfred, the doctor sets off to Naismith's property.

In Naismith's estate, the master is led to the gate. According to Naismith, this is a healing device that should make his daughter immortal. Meanwhile, the doctor and Wilfred meet the Vinvocci in the property, who actually own the gate. They explain to the doctor that the gate is so powerful that it can even heal and improve entire planet populations. The doctor, having a premonition, rushes to the gate where the master wants to implement his own plan. The doctor, who can still bring Wilfred to safety, can only watch how all people turn into doppelgangers of the masters.

The Vinvocci manage to save Wilfred and the doctor and bring them to their spaceship. From these the doctor learns that the master has retrieved a Gallifreyan diamond that he wants to insert into the gate. The diamond represents a connection to the Timelords on the last day of the Time War. It is revealed that the Timelords, under the leadership of Rassilon, are responsible for the madness of the Master who leads him to the diamond and can thus ensure that the Timelords together with their planet can break out of the time war that the doctor has closed for time travelers as protection for the entire universe. Knowing this, the Doctor returns to Earth, armed with Wilfred's pistol.

The master tries to penetrate the returned timelords with the help of the gate. However, Rassilon destroys the transmission mechanism and people transform themselves back. Rassilon is now trying to destroy all life in order to reach a new, disembodied level of existence for himself. The doctor can prevent this by shooting the diamond with the pistol. As a result, Gallifrey is sucked back into the war. The master, furious that he was a tool of Rassilon throughout his life, also jumps back to war to take his revenge on Rassilon.

The doctor and Wilfred stay behind. However, Wilfred is locked in a radioactive chamber. The doctor frees Wilfred from this, but takes the entire charge on himself, which damages his body so much that regeneration begins. Knowing that his time is running out and that the Ood's prophecy has come true, he begins to revisit all companions of his current regeneration.

After this farewell journey he collapses and with the last of his strength reaches the TARDIS, which he steers into orbit. Once there, full regeneration begins. Under the force of the outflowing regeneration energy, the TARDIS takes considerable damage and falls back to earth.


The other events of the last day of the war were told in 2013 in the anniversary special Der Tag des Doktors (English original title The Day of the Doctor ). Rassilons rule after his failed plan and its revenge on the doctor were in 2015 , the fear of the doctor (Engl. Heaven Sent ), and in hell of a mess (English. Original title Hell Bent ) continued. The fate of the Masters was retold in 2017 in the two-part series The Masks of Damnation (Originally World Enough and Time ) and The Doctor Falls (Originally The Doctor Falls ).

Web links

  • Part 1 on the official website of the BBC
  • Part 2 on the official website of the BBC