Planet of the Dead

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Episode of the Doctor Who series
title Planet of the Dead
Original title Revelation of the Daleks
Country of production United Kingdom
original language English
length 2 × 45 minutes
classification Season 22, episodes 12–13
638th - 639th episode overall ( list )
First broadcast March 23, 1985 to
March 30, 1985 on BBC One
first broadcast
February 27, 1995 to
March 2, 1995 on VOX
Director Graeme Harper
script Eric Saward
production John Nathan-Turner
music Roger Limb
camera John Walker
cut Ray Wingrove

←  Predecessor
The amulet

Successor  →
The Verdict: The Enigmatic Planet

Planet of the Dead (Revelation of the Daleks) is the 142nd plotline of the British science fiction - television series Doctor Who . It consists of 2 episodes that aired on March 23, 1985 and March 30, 1985.


After the TARDIS landed on the planet Necros, which is the leading planet for burials, the doctor and Peri are attacked by a mutant who is fatally injured by Peri. Before the mutant dies, he thanks the two time travelers that he is finally released from his ailment and tells the doctor about the great healer who carried out terrible genetic experiments on him. The two then make their way to the funeral home of the planet, where the doctor wants to meet with the scientist Arthur Stengos to get more information about the great healer.

At the same time, Natasha and Grigory break into the funeral home to look for Natasha's father Arthur Stengos. They discover a laboratory below the institute in which they encounter a glass Dalek that contains a human figure. The figure is Natascha's father, who asks his daughter to kill him before he completely mutates into a Dalek and loses his free will. After she initially hesitates, Natascha fulfills her father's last wish and kills him, whereupon they are surprised and captured by employees of the institute

When the doctor and Peri arrive at the funeral home, they are greeted by Jobel and Tasambeker and separated from each other inside the building, as the doctor goes in search of his friend while Peri is shown around by Jobel and Tasambeker. After Peri made friends with the institute's DJ, who played music for the dead all the time, Tasambeker attacked Jobel at the behest of the great healer and fatally wounded him. Shortly thereafter, Tasambeker is surprised by a Dalek who now kills her.

The doctor is also surprised by the Daleks, but locked in the same prison cell as Natascha and Grigory, who are freed after a short time by a mercenary named Orcini. The mercenary was sent to the planet to kill the great healer because a partner named Kara can no longer bear him. The group confronts the great healer, who is actually Davros, the creator of the Daleks, and tries to overpower him and his Daleks. The attempt fails and both Grigory and Natascha lose their lives in the attack.

Kara then has to pay for her betrayal and is wiped out by the Daleks. At the same time, the Doctor and Peri, who was also captured by Daleks, are reunited and learn that Davros only used the dead on Necros to breed new Daleks who are only loyal to him.

Out of nowhere, another Dalek fleet appears on Necros, attacking and destroying Davros' new Dalek army. These are original Skaro Daleks who, on the orders of Colonel Daleks, capture Davros and bring him back to Skaro, where he must answer for his crimes. After Davros has left Necros with some of the Skaro-Daleks, the mercenary Orcini makes the decision to blow up himself and the entire funeral home on Necros and all the mutants and Daleks that are still inside.

The doctor, Peri, and a few of the institute's staff barely manage to avoid the explosion, and the unemployed Necrosians wonder how to finance their survival. The doctor advises them that they can earn very well with the flowers growing on Necros, and then leaves the planet with Peri without specifying a precise destination.


The plot of the series is loosely based on the novel The Loved One: An Anglo-American Tragedy and the film ... year 2022 ... who want to survive . Eric Saward got the idea for the doctor's blue mourning cloak because he found Colin Baker's costume hideous and wanted to hide it for as long as possible.

The serial was the last to be recorded on film and indoors on video. From the beginning of the following season everything was filmed on video. It was also the last serial that played Peter Howell's version of the Doctor Who theme. In order to hide Davros' appearance, actor Terry Molloy has been listed under a false name in the role of the great healer in TV magazines.

Audience ratings

  1. Revelation of the Daleks - Part 1: 7.4 million viewers
  2. Revelation of the Daleks - Part 2: 7.7 million viewers

Cast and dubbing

The dubbing of the story was done by HW Film in Munich, directed by Hendrik Wiethase , who also wrote the dialogue book.

role actor Voice actor
The (6th) doctor Colin Baker Michael Schwarzmaier
Perpugilliam "Peri" Brown Nicola Bryant Maria Boehme
Kara Eleanor Bron Heidi Treutler
Jobel Clive Swift Michael Rüth
DJ Alexei Sayle Gudo Hoegel
Davros Terry Molloy Thomas Rau
Tasambeker Jenny Tomasin Susanna Sandvoss
Orcini William Gaunt Klaus Kindler
Bostock John Ogwen Peter Musäus
Grigory Stephen Flynn Randolf Kronberg
Natasha Bridget Lynch sheer Uschi Wolff
Takis Trevor Cooper Michael Gahr
Lilt Colin Spaull Peter Thom
bird Hugh Walters Thomas Reiner
Daleks Royce Mills
Roy Skelton
Hendrik Wiethase
Arthur Stengos Alec Linstead
mutant Ken Barker


This serial is one of the few that a novel version of Target Books has never published. That was because you could never agree on license costs with author Eric Saward. The serial was first released on VHS in 1999 with Planet of the Daleks , before a new edition was released in 2001 as part of The Davros Box Set . The serial was released on DVD in England on July 11, 2005.

In Germany, the serial, divided into 4 episodes of 25 minutes each, was shown for the first time in German from February 27, 1995 to March 2, 1995. The episodes were released on DVD in their original form on February 26, 2016 as part of the Doctor Who DVD set . Volume 2 .

Dismissal and rejected ideas

The series was canceled indefinitely shortly before the broadcast of the serial by the BBC and should only 18 months later with the 14-part serial The judgment ( The Trials of a Time Lord back). The serial was supposed to end with the Doctor bringing Peri to Blackpool to distract her from what was happening on Necros. Since the production team didn't know if they could ever break the cliffhanger , the last scene was cut in the middle of the doctor's last sentence, in which he mentions Blackpool as the next target of the TARDIS, and faded into the credits.

The following is known about the original plans for season 23:

  • In The Nightmare Fair (Engl. The nightmare's Fair ) should the Celestial Toymaker in Blackpool celebrate his return. Michael Gough , who had played the role of the toymaker back in the 1960s, was hired for the role and was supposed to challenge the doctor to a series of video games that played for the fate of the planet.
  • In The Ultimate Evil (Engl. The ultimate evil ) should the Doctor and Peri on the recreational planet Tranquela land where Dwarf Mordant using a beam gun has turned all visitors in insane killer.
  • In Mission to Magnus (Engl. Mission to Magnus ), the Ice Warriors were to return, trying to shift the axis of the planet Magnus to create a more pleasant environment for them. Sil, the villain from the serial Revolte auf Varos, should also make an appearance.
  • Yellow Fever and How to Cure It (Engl. Jaundice and how it heals ) was planned as a return of the Autons, the last in the 1970 to Jon Pertwee met as a third doctor. The plot was to be filmed in Singapore and included surprise appearances by the Masters and the Rani.
  • The Hollows of Time (Engl. The sanctuaries of the time ) the return of Tractators should show the latest in Serial Frontios with Peter Davison emerged as the fifth doctor.
  • The Children of January (Engl. The January children ) should be considered as the season finale Z'ros, a new alien race, introduce.

Some of the scripts were later produced as radio plays by Big Finish Productions under the title Doctor Who - The Lost Stories .


  • An early working title of the serial was The End of the Road (Engl. The end of the road ).
  • This was the first serial in which you saw Davros and the Daleks floating in mid-air.

Web links

  • Planet of the Dead on the official website of the BBC with photonovel with Telesnaps to illustrate the episode
  • Planet of the Dead - Detailed summary in the Doctor Who Reference Guide. (English)

Individual evidence
