The heart is a dark forest

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Original title The heart is a dark forest
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2007
length 86 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Nicolette Krebitz
script Nicolette Krebitz
production Tom Tykwer ,
Doris J. Heinze
music Fetish Bergmann ,
Gonzales ,
And Me ,
The Whitest Boy Alive
camera Bella halves
cut Sara shields

The Heart is a Dark Forest is a film drama directed by Nicolette Krebitz with Nina Hoss in the lead role. Krebitz directed, wrote the screenplay, worked with Sara Schilde on editing and also selected the music. The producer was Tom Tykwer . Stylistically, the work is a “mixture of Berlin school realism, theater rehearsal and fairytale surrealism”. A family's crisis is shown. According to Krebitz, mother of a four-year-old son, many young women experience professional success, but once they have children at thirty one of the two partners has to stay at home and withdraw for a long time.


The film tells the story of Marie, a married woman with two children, who one day discovered by chance that her husband Thomas, a musician, has a second family nearby with Anna, one of her former friends. The plot follows how Marie tries to cope with this discovery, how she remembers the positive sides of their relationship with the help of old tapes and videos, how she is humiliated and the ground slips from under her feet, she welcomes her husband Followed the concert and can no longer find his way around in reality. In flashbacks of their relationship, which are represented by brief appearances on a theater stage, clues for the development of the situation are offered, in partly surreal scenes, showing how Marie becomes increasingly estranged from her fellow men, even from objects. The radical conclusion can only be heard, but it is clear. He shows Marie's solution, which refers to the classic theme of the Medea story. In addition, motifs by Arthur Schnitzler can be seen , especially from the dream novel .


The reviews were very different. In the world , Oliver Koerner von Gustorf considered the film to be “gripping, clever, contemporary cinema”. Nicolette Krebitz stages “a thoroughly German tragedy” with a feeling for dialogue and subliminal comedy . According to cinema critic Ralf Blau, Krebitz is imaginative and sensitive and portrays the modern family precisely. In doing so, they play a “sophisticated game” with references to religion and mythology. Ulrich Kriest from film-dienst recognized topics related to modern relationships, about which the film asks "some pretty unpleasant questions."

Josef Schnelle from Deutschlandfunk said: “Nina Hoss plays this role with disturbing consistency and the story is heading for an end that one can only fear. A tough film from the gloomy interior of the consequence. German cinema has not produced such a radical film for a long time. But it is always believable, always impressive and of great urgency. Hidden between the years, you can discover one of the really great German films of the year and a director of high standing. "Rüdiger Suchsland praised Artechock :" A bitter, yet beautiful film about the battle of the sexes, an investigation into the German ragged bourgeoisie and its own slightly rancid morality, and the deconstruction of all the beautiful ideas of 'new motherliness' and the 'pop stuff' that has dominated literature and journalism for the past decade […]. "

The heavy "decisive artistic will", a burdensome artistic claim, or "words and images that always and always want to mean something" was criticized several times. Martina Knoben, epd Film , stated that her fate seemed to be forced upon the main character rather than grown out of her . "[With] his constructed plot, the pathos and the dreamy atmosphere", Krebitz takes a likable risk. Unfortunately, the story is predictable and gets stuck in the theatrical. According to Jan Schulz-Ojala from Tagesspiegel , the film quickly goes under. Krebitz does not make anything of the interesting initial situation: "She is not interested in causes or conflicts, but only in Marie's silent, roaring trauma"

While Nina Hoss received honorable mentions, and in some cases the "consistently outstanding actors" were appreciated, the casting of small supporting roles with prominent actors was criticized as pretentious.

The German Film and Media Evaluation FBW in Wiesbaden awarded the film the title valuable.


The production was made in cooperation with the NDR . The cinema release in Germany was on December 27, 2007. The first public screening took place on October 27, 2007 at the Film Days in Hof, the premieres on December 18, 2007 in the zeise kinos in Hamburg and on December 19 in the Berlin Kino International .

On February 11, 2008, Nicolette Krebitz (for the direction) and Bella Halben (for the camera) received the 2007 German Film Critics' Special Prize for Das Herz ist eindunkler Wald from the Association of German Film Critics (VdFk). The reasoning stated: “Incredibly original, virtuoso and at the same time sovereign in their means, Krebitz and Halben open the doors to another cinema realm, and prove cinematic sense of possibility. Between surreality, dark romanticism and light-cool realism, this work captivates with its stylistic range and the confident handling of references to film history. "

Review mirror



  • film-dienst No. 26/2007, p. 34, by Ulrich Kriest: The heart is a dark forest

Rather negative

  • epd film No. 1/2008, p. 51, by Martina Knoben: The heart is a dark forest


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for The heart is a dark forest . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , July 2007 (PDF; test number: 110 758 K).
  2. a b c d Ulrich Kriest: The heart is a dark forest , in: film-dienst No. 26/2007, p. 34
  3. a b c d Oliver Koerner Von Gustorf: The naked Nina Hoss steps towards the act of revenge , in: Die Welt , December 27, 2007
  4. a b Ralf Blau: The heart is a dark forest , in: Cinema No. 1/2008, p. 57
  5. ^ Critique by Josef Schnelle , Deutschlandfunk, December 27, 2007
  6. ^ Review by Rüdiger Suchsland , artechock film
  7. a b Martina Knoben: The heart is a dark forest , in: epd Film No. 1/2008, p. 51
  8. a b Jan Schulz-Ojala: After the party , in: Der Tagesspiegel , December 27, 2007