The Sicilian (1987)

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German title The Sicilian
Original title The Sicilian
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1987
length 140 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Michael Cimino
script Steve Shagan
Gore Vidal (anonymous)
production Sidney Beckerman
music David Mansfield
camera Alex Thomson
cut Françoise Bonnot

The Sicilian is an American film directed by Michael Cimino from 1987. The screenplay was based on the novel of the same name by Mario Puzo , which depicts the life of the Sicilian brigand (robber) Salvatore Giuliano .


Towards the end of the Second World War , an outlaw named Salvatore Giuliano lives in the mountains of Sicily. He and his gang rob the rich, distribute the captured money among the poor and fight for the independence of Sicily. He also advocates the connection of Sicily (as another federal state) to the USA.

Giuliano and his gang adhere to a strict code of honor and are recognized by the population. He opposes the unholy alliance between politics, mafia and church, whereby he is covered in a certain way by the mafioso Don Masino Croce.

His growing popularity among the population, who revered him as Robin Hood of Sicily, led Giuliano to overestimate himself. When his power goes too far, the mafia decides to eliminate him. Giuliano is finally betrayed by a close confidante, Gaspare Pisciotto, and shot to death during a boat trip.


After Francesco Rosi with Who shot Salvatore G.? it was the second cinematic reworking of the story of Giuliano. Unlike Rosi, who tried to be authentic, Michael Cimino fell back into the ahistorical enthusiasm for a “Robin Hood” from Sicily with his film.


“A cinematic epic full of fascinating tableaus, but with weaknesses in the staging and character drawing. Nevertheless, the film offers exciting, intelligent cinema. "

"That is, admittedly, opulent cinema, almost epic, excellent story telling and a director who, in their restrained self-love, does not shy away from kitsch: a wonderful robber ballad."

- epd film 1/1988

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Sicilian. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed July 18, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used