The Adventures of Apollo - The Tyrant's Crypt

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The Adventures of Apollo - The Tyrant's Crypt (English Original: The Trials of Apollo, Book 4: The Tyrant's Tomb ) is the fourth part of the five-part fantasy series The Adventures of Apollo by Rick Riordan based on Greek mythology . The book was published in English in 2019 by Disney Hyperion Verlag and in German in 2020 by Carlsen Verlag , translated by Gabriele Haefs . It is set in modern times and is about Apollo , an Olympian god who was sent to earth by Zeus as a punishment . Without divine powers, he tries to free all ancient oracles from the power of three Roman emperors in order to be able to return to Olympus and become a god again. It is, in a way, the continuation of the Percy Jackson franchise as well as the Heroes of Olympus franchise, and also set in the same world as them.

In this tape you are trying to protect Camp Jupiter.


Apollo and Meg bring the corpse of their friend Jason to Camp Jupiter, a camp for Roman demigods . On the way there they are attacked by a Eurynomus . You drive off the highway into the ditch below. The fall is slowed down by trees, which Meg, a Demeter daughter , makes to hold the Eurynomos. There she sees Lavinia and comes to their aid together with dryads . They defeat the monster and Lavinia brings them, with the corpse, which was not damaged in the coffin , to Camp Jupiter via a secret passage. More waiting in the secret passage Hazel joins them, at the same time they are attacked by two more Eurynomoi. Hazel tries to stop the daimons while the others try to escape through the tunnel with the coffin. Apollo tries to help Hazel by singing a song. Before Hazel can kill the one Eurynomos, he scratches Apollo. Through a curse that is transmitted in this way, Apollo will slowly turn into a zombie who listens to Tarquinius' orders . When they arrive at the camp, they are greeted with a shock, because they also knew him. Apollo sings about the search and about the heroic death of Jason.

After singing, Apollo faints because the magical singing has cost him a lot of strength. In the dream he sees Caligula and Commodus discussing their plan on yachts to either take Camp Jupiter without conflicts or, if, firstly, it is not feasible to fire Greek fire on Camp Jupiter and thus completely destroy it. The next evening, after sleeping for a day and a half, Jason's funeral takes place. Lupa comes up and tells Apollo to get the help of a deity through a ritual in order to be able to defeat the enemies. Apollo and Frank, the praetor of the Legion , go to see Ella, a harpy , and Tyson , a friendly cyclops , who are trying to reconstruct the Sibylline Books from Ella's memory. They receive a prophecy from them that says where Tarquinius is and that they should go to him. They later go to the Senate , where it is decided that Apollo, Meg, Lavinia and Hazel should carry out this assignment. You should go to him and find out more about his plans there and more about his plans there. After learning about Tarquin's plans to take Camp Jupiter, they are even more afraid for the camp. You will also learn that Tarquin is holding the dumb god imprisoned in the Sutro Tower . Upon their return, they realize that they need to free the dumb God in order to resolve their communication problems and perform the ritual of calling a God . So Apollo, Reyna and Meg go to the Sutro Tower to free the god. On the way up, they are attacked by oversized ravens . You can mitigate to Apollo through magic it difficult singing markets. On the way up, Apollo remembers that the dumb god is Harpocrates , that Apollo has humiliated him terribly and that he hates him for that reason. Above you can see that Harpocrates also has the voice of Sibylle von Cumae in a glass with him. After an argument they manage to get the last breath of the god they absolutely need for the ritual. On their return they are attacked again by Eurynomoi, but they can defeat him together with Lavinia, who has escaped from the camp.

Lavinia explains a plan from her and Dryads how they can destroy the yachts. She calls this plan "Plan L". When they return to camp, they see Camp Jupiter in the middle of a fight. Apollo calls Diana with the ritual , but she does not appear. Since there are only a few legionaries left, the emperors Commodus and Caligula demand the surrender of the camp. But Frank instead places them on the Spolia Opima , a duel between the army commanders depending on the victory or defeat. So Apollo and Frank fight against Caligula and Commodus. Frank sacrifices himself by lighting a construction with his piece of wood, on which, similar to that of Maleager's , his life hangs, which Caligula kills with Greek fire. But Commodus is able to escape the explosion, but is killed by Apollo in mourning because Frank is also dead. Before that, however, Commodus can give the order to shoot from the yachts at Camp Jupiter. The shot of each yacht goes straight up due to "Plan L" and falls on the respective ship and destroys it. Then they have to fight Tarquin while Apollo slowly turns into a zombie. When they have almost lost, Diana finally comes, defeats Tarquin and heals Apollo. Arion saves Frank, who has mysteriously survived, Reyna joins the hunters of Artemis and Don, a faun , dies in "Plan L". Hazel becomes the new Praetor of the Legion as there always have to be two and Reyna is gone now.

Apollo and Meg go back to Camp Halfblood. As a parting present, Apollo receives his old divine bow, which he once gave to the Legion, and Meg Samen. They also get a prophecy from Ella and Tyson who is a Terza Rima . You need to find more lines of prophecy.

main characters

  • Apollo / Lester Papadopoulos: former god, must free the oracles, servant of Meg
  • Meg McCaffrey: daughter of Demeter , master of the Apollo
  • Frank Zhang: Son of Mars , Praetor of the 12th Fulmatia Legion, his life hangs on a piece of wood, Hazel's friend
  • Hazel Levesque: daughter of Pluto , former centuria of the 5th cohort, now praetor, Frank's friend
  • Lavinia Asimov: daughter Terpsichore , centuria of the 5th cohort, homosexual
  • Reyna: daughter of Bellona , former praetor, now huntress of Artemis


In August 2020, the book was on the Spiegel bestseller lists in the youth novel category.

Like Percy Jackson , ... it is based on Roman and Greek mythology. It is like all The Adventures of Apollo books written from Apollo's point of view as a personal narrator - first-person narrator . At the beginning of each chapter, instead of a chapter heading, a chapter-matching haiku by Rick Riordan.

German edition

Rick Riordan: The Adventures of Apollo - The Tyrant's Crypt . tape 4 . Carlsen Verlag, Hamburg 2020, ISBN 978-3-551-55691-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. Rick Riordan: The Adventures of Apollo - The Tyrant's Crypt . tape 4 . Carlsen Verlag, Hamburg 2020, ISBN 978-3-551-55691-2 .
  2. ↑ book report. Retrieved on August 9, 2020 (German).