The other bands

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The other bands is a conceptual summary for alternative music bands in the last years of the GDR . The other bands were characterized, among other things, by their more frequent use of open or hidden system-critical texts, and many participants helped shape the turnaround of 1989 . The stylistic spectrum of the music so named was quite wide; were represented, among others, new wave - indie rock - and Electronics -Bands and the punk bands of the GDR . Numerous groups such as Hard Pop , AG Geige , The Expander of Progress ,Cadavre Exquis , Dekadance or Feeling B developed a style of music with Dadaist tendencies at that time . This genre development largely dissolved in the course of reunification in 1989/1990 . Bands like Rosengarten can be seen as representatives of Gothic Rock . The origin of medieval rock can also be found in the orbit of the other bands , from which formations such as Subway to Sally and Corvus Corax emerged .

The radio DJ Lutz Schramm brought this music to a wider audience in his Parocktikum broadcast on the GDR youth radio DT 64 . In 1988 the sampler LP Kleeblatt No. 23 - The other bands appeared in the "Kleeblatt" sampler series of the GDR music label Amiga , and in 1989 the Parocktikum program brought out a compilation with the title Parocktikum as LP and MC . Another album with the title Parocktikum 2 was released as MC in 1990, but no longer on the Amiga label, but on Zensor . From 1990 onwards, various samplers with indie bands from the GDR were released - mostly on CD , sometimes also on LP.

List of bands


  • Ronald Galenza, Heinz Havemeister (ed.): "We always want to be good ..." Punk, new wave, hiphop and independent scene in the GDR from 1980 to 1990 . Schwarzkopf and Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-89602-637-2 (2nd revised and expanded edition, including almost complete discography of all sound carriers of alternative GDR bands on state and independent labels)
  • Alexander Pehlemann, Ronald Galenza (Ed.): Tension. Power. Resistance. Magnetic tape background. GDR 1979–1990. Verbrecher Verlag, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-935843-76-3 .

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