Dieter Egner

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Dieter Egner, 2014

Dieter Valentin Egner (born October 6, 1944 in Schlangenbad ) is a German politician ( SPD ) from Büdingen and well-known initiator of cultural , social and voluntary institutions and events.


Attending the Herbert von Meister school ( elementary school ) in Frankfurt-Sindlingen from 1951 to 1959 was followed by training as a chemical laboratory assistant at Hoechst AG in Frankfurt-Höchst . From 1964 to 1968 Egner completed the evening school in the Politics seminar in Frankfurt am Main in order to obtain the technical college entrance qualification. There he was also the course speaker and volunteer tutor for the freshmen . During his primary school days from 1958 Egner worked on a voluntary basis in the Protestant community youth in Frankfurt-Sindlingen and after the family moved in the parish in Kelkheim im Taunus . With the beginning of his training at the Farbwerke Hoechst AG he volunteered for union youth work in the IG Chemie-Papier-Keramik and with the DGB youth in Frankfurt-Höchst and with the SPD young socialists , especially in political and cultural youth education work (Seminar paper) and at the annual Easter march . He was a co-founder of the Höchst Youth Center and worked as an editor for various self-produced youth newspapers of the apprentice movement . From 1961 to 1969 he was co-founder and chairman of the working group of the SPD Young Socialists in the Hoechst AG paintworks. In January 1965 Egner joined the SPD, which he still belongs to today. In 1967 he was elected chairman of the youth council of the Farbwerke Hoechst AG (plant Höchst), later he was also chairman of the youth council of the Hoechst group. From 1967 to 1969 he worked in the youth committees of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau in Darmstadt and in the church service in the world of work , especially in educational work as a volunteer speaker and seminar leader .

In 1968 Egner moved to Kelkheim with his parents. From 1968 to 1972 he was course speaker and honorary tutor for the freshmen at the Department of Politics in Frankfurt. From 1972 to 1977 Egner was a member of the district council in the Main-Taunus-Kreis , a legislative period that was extended due to the local government reform . From 1973 to 1974 he was a member of the board of the Hessischer Jugendring in Wiesbaden .

In 1974 Egner moved to Ronneburg for business reasons . There he held the office of the local association chairman of the SPD-Ronneburg from 1978 to 1981. In 1979 Dieter Egner married his wife Ursula. From 1980 to 1981 he initiated the Ronneburg Days of the Friends of Ronneburg - cultural, a series of events together with the adult education center that organizes concerts and readings on the Ronneburg . In 1980 Egner obtained state recognition as a qualified social worker ( FH ).

With the birth of their daughter Pia in 1981, the Egner family moved to Büdingen. There Egner organized - together with the city library and the cultural group as sponsors - cultural activities, cabaret events, a theater festival and contributions to the Hessentag . From 1982 to 1992 Egner was deputy chairman of the Büdinger Kulturkreis. In 1982 he founded a youth forum in Büdingen together with Pastor Ulf Häbel.

From 1983 Egner worked in various functions in the SPD in the city center, including treasurer, secretary, press spokesman and chairman. For the SPD, Egner was involved in the Wetterau district from 1985 to 1989 as a member of the district council, including in the cultural policy committee. From 1989 to 1993 he was a city councilor in Büdingen. From April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2011, he was a member of the local advisory council for the city center of Büdingen. From April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2011, Egner was a city councilor in Büdingen, and from 2006 chaired the committee for youth, culture, social affairs, tourism and legal affairs. From 2007 to 2011 he was also the SPD chairman of the core city of Büdingen.

Professionally, Dieter Egner was youth education advisor for the Main-Kinzig district from 1983 to 1988. In 1984 he was responsible for planning and setting up the youth education center in the Main-Kinzig district. In 1988 he was appointed head of the youth education center in the Main-Kinzig district. In 2000 he became head of the “youth work and youth social work” department in the youth welfare office of the Main-Kinzig district with the work areas youth professional aid, youth education, youth promotion and school social work.

From 1984 Egner worked on a voluntary basis in the committees of the German Youth Hostel Association, Hessen State Association in Frankfurt am Main, as a member of the main committee and district chairman in the Main-Kinzig district.

From 1984 to 1988 he was honorary spokesman for the state association for cultural youth education in Hessen and from 1997 to 2005 co-founder and spokesman for the state working group of youth art schools in Hessen as well as founder and honorary executive chairman of the music and art school in Büdingen. In November 1999 Egner was a founding member of the “50s Museum” association in Büdingen. In 2002 Dieter Egner was the founder and until 2010 chairman of the association “Lebendiges Mittelalter in Büdingen” eV, since his retirement as chairman in 2010 he has been an honorary member and still an active helper. In autumn 2002 he initiated the “IdeenWerkStadt” - among other things with the support of the city administration in applications for the state competition “Ab in die Mitte” and the federal model program “Active in old age”.

Dieter Egner has been a volunteer project manager for the federal model program “Active in old age” in Büdingen since 2009. The initiative organized over 20 events and civic projects, such as reading sponsors, little researchers in kindergarten, wish-grandmas and wish-grandpas, senior sponsors in elementary school. The project will be continued by Egner even after the official end of the federal program. Since 2011, Egner has been a volunteer project advisor on behalf of the municipal authorities of the city of Büdingen for the implementation of the state program "Volunteer Guides" with the task of training volunteer advisers for civic engagement. In 2013, Egner founded a volunteer agency together with committed fellow citizens, which, in addition to the placement of volunteers, also organizes the Volunteer Day. With the influx of civil war refugees, especially from Syria - since 2014 - the voluntary agency spontaneously set up the working group “New Neighbors - Help for Refugees”. The working group with its sponsor and helper system organizes German courses, arranges contacts with locals and accompanies visits to doctors and authorities.


Web links

Commons : Dieter Egner  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Merit medal of the city of Büdingen - the citizen plaque on
  2. State award for Dieter Egner on
  3. ^ Announcement of the awards from September 1, 2014 , Der Bundespräsident