Dmitri Ivanovich Mushketov

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Dmitri Ivanovich Mushketov (1926)

Dmitri Ivanovich Muschketow ( Russian Дмитрий Иванович Мушкетов ; born March 19 . Jul / 31 March  1882 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † 18th February 1938 in Leningrad ) was a Russian geologist , and university teachers .


Muschketov's father was the geologist Ivan Wassiljewitsch Muschketow . His mother, Ekaterina Pavlovna, née Joss, came from a German mining family and taught him German , French and English . He began studying at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute in 1899 . Karol Bohdanowicz was one of his teachers . In 1905 Muschketow was awarded the Small Silver Medal of the Imperial Geological Society . In 1907 he graduated with honors.

Subsequently, Mushketov worked in the Geolkom (Geological Committee of the All-Russian Geological Institute). 1907–1916 he took part with Dmitri Wassiljewitsch Naliwkin in the expedition to the Fergana Valley under the leadership of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky . Mushketov not only led the fieldwork on site, but also carried out work on tectonics and general geology. The geologists Lew Stanislawowitsch Kolowrat-Tscherwinski , Wladimir Iwanowitsch Lutschizki and Boris Alexandrowitsch Lindener cooperated with the expedition . The results were used to create a geological and petrographic map of the region. In 1915 Muschketow was appointed professor and adjunct geologist. In addition to Central Asia , Muschketov carried out investigations in Eastern Siberia , Yakutia , the Far East , the Donbas and the Caucasus . In southern Italy , he studied the Messina earthquake in 1908 . His main interests were stratigraphy , geomorphology , palaeontology , glaciers and mineral resources .

After the October Revolution , Mushketov became director of the Mining Institute and head of the Department of General Geology in 1918 . In 1922 he took on invitation on the XIII. International Geology Congress in Brussels . 1926–1929 he was chairman of the Geolkom as the successor to Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Jakowlew . Ivan Michailowitsch Gubkin was his deputy, and Alexander Karlowitsch Meister , Wladimir Klimentjewitsch Kotulski and Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Tichonowitsch were his assistants. In addition, Mushketov headed the geological department of the Institute of Seismology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) and the department of tectonics of the Geological Institute of the AN-SSSR. In 1926 he took part in the XIV International Geological Congress in Madrid as a delegate of the USSR . In 1928 he organized the 3rd All-Russian Geology Conference in Tashkent . At the XV. At the 1929 International Geology Congress in Pretoria , he was head of the USSR delegation and vice-president of the congress. On his recommendation, the USSR was chosen as the venue for the XVII. Congress elected. Mushketov also visited North America , China, and Japan .

In 1930 Muschketow founded the Bauman Institute for Applied Geophysics at the Mining Institute , of which he was then director. Vladimir Afanassjewitsch Obruchev appointed him head of the scientific working group of the Geological Institute (1931-1932). Participation in the XVI. International Geology Congress in Washington, DC in 1933 was not approved. However, his two reports were included in the proceedings and he was elected in absentia to chair the Commission on the Fractures of the Earth's Crust , while Gubkin led the USSR delegation. 1936 Muschketow was due to his scientific work without public defense of a dissertation for doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences doctorate. He was a member of the Russian Mineralogical Society, the Russian Geographical Society and the Moscow Society of Naturalists .

In 1937 Muschketov organized the XVII. International Geology Congress in Moscow . On June 29, 1937, 21 days before the opening, Muschketov was arrested with other geologists for founding a counterrevolutionary terrorist group in 1930. After the arrest, his apartment was completely cleared out. At a presentation of the NKVD - Major Vladimir Yefimovich Zessarski 1938 signed on February 3, Stalin , Voroshilov , Molotov and Kaganovich , the Muschketow the shooting list as No. contained 42.. On February 18, the verdict of the wandering military college of the Supreme Court of the USSR was pronounced and Mushketov was shot on the same day in Leningrad, along with Nikolai Vasilyevich Bobkow , Georgi Nikolayevich Frederiks and other geologists.

Muschketow was married to Ulyana Vasilyevna nee Kosinenko, who came to the Gulag in 1938 as the wife of a traitor . They had two daughters Marina (Marusja), who died in 1920, and Galina, who traveled with her father to the XIV International Geology Congress in Madrid in 1926 and got married there.

On December 8, 1956, Mushketov was fully rehabilitated by the Supreme Court of the USSR.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Yu. Ya. Solovev: On the 125th birthday of Dmitrii Ivanovich Mushketov (1882–1938) . In: Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation . tape 15 , no. 4 , 2007, p. 443-448 .
  2. ЕНИП - ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА "НАУЧНОЕ НАСЛЕДИЕ РОССИИ": Мушкетов Дмитрий Иванович (accessed February 9, 2018).
  3. Перечень награждённых знаками отличия Русского географического общества (1845–2012) . Исполнительная дирекция, Moscow 2012 ( [PDF; accessed on February 6, 2018]).
  4. Мушкетов Д. И .: Краткий отчет о геологических исследованиях в восточной Фергане в 1913–1915  гг . In: Известия Геологического комитета . tape 34 , no. 302 , 1915, pp. 1187-1206 .
  5. Репрессированные геологи . 3. Edition. Изд-во ВСЕГЕИ, Moscow, St. Petersburg 1999, p. 224 .
  6. a b Соловьев Ю. Я .: Дату смерти знает только МВД In: Вопросы истории естествознания и техники . No. 2 , 2001, p. 75–92 ( [PDF; accessed February 9, 2018]).
  7. АП РФ, оп.24, дело 414, лист 336 (accessed February 9, 2018).
  8. УЧЕНЫЕ В СТАЛИНСКИХ СПИСКАХ (accessed February 9, 2018).
  9. Вялов О. С: Всё, что я знаю о Д. И. Мушкетове, замечательном учёном, выдающемся организаторе и педагоге: Воспоминания ик 1ОО-летие соооо. Retrieved on February 9, 2018.