Dominique Venner

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Dominique Venner (born April 16, 1935 in Paris ; † May 21, 2013 ibid) was a French editor and writer who wrote historical and weapons works . He was a member of the right-wing extremist terrorist organization Organization de l'armée secrète (OAS).

Venner, who in the 1950s was a militant activist in ultra-right movements such as B. Jeune Nation , founded nationalist pan-European groups in the 1960s, such as B. Europe Action . In 1968 he became a member of an association that originally arose from GRECE and also founded the short-lived Institut d'études occidentales (IEO), in which a large number of right-wing intellectuals reorganized. Venner later withdrew from militant political activism. First he headed the magazine Enquête sur l'histoire and then La Nouvelle Revue d'Histoire , which was founded in 2002.


The years of militant activism

Venner was the son of an architect who was a member of the Parti populaire français (PPF) and was involved in the army very early on (in the military school of Rouffach ). When the Algerian War began in 1954 , Venner volunteered. He fought in this war until October 1956, which had a decisive influence on his development. Venner joined the right-wing terrorist organization OAS when it became clear that Algeria would be granted independence.

He joined the Jeune Nation movement after his return . One effect of the events of the popular uprising in Hungary was the storming and occupation of the headquarters of the PCF by right-wing demonstrators on November 7, 1956, in which Venner also took part. Furthermore, he participated together with Pierre Sidos in the establishment of the short-lived Parti nationaliste and in the establishment of the Mouvement populaire du 13-Mai of General Lionel-Max Chassin. The young activist spent 18 consecutive months in the political prisoner sector of La Santé prison because of his participation in the creation of the OAS.

After his release in the fall of 1962, Venner wrote a manifesto entitled For a Positive Review . This was often reflected in Lenin's book What to be done? compared and "was for a long time the founding text for a whole wing of the right-wing extremists". In the manifesto, Venner analyzed the failed April coup by the generals in 1961 in Algeria and the existing rift between "national" and "nationalists" and proposed the development of a revolutionary, nationalist, "struggle-destined" organization that was "monolithic and hierarchized ”and“ should be formed by gathering all experienced nationalist activists who are loyal and disciplined ”.

In January 1963 he founded the Movement Europe action and the accompanying magazine, for which he also worked as an editor, and the thus cooperating "Éditions Saint-Just," and thus collected in the vicinity European-nationalist beliefs members of the Fédération des étudiants nationalistes , surviving members of the collaboration , such as Lucien Rebatet , and a large number of militant youth. In the following years, Venner worked under the pseudonym Julien Lebel in the founding of the organization GRECE , before he founded the Institut d'études occidentales (IEO) with Thierry Maulnier that same year , as well as an associated magazine with the title Cité in 1970 -Liberté - “a company that worked both parallel and in open competition with GRECE” - with which he gathered a large number of intellectuals in the context of anti-communism , the fight against “spiritual decomposition” and for “Western values” ( Robert Aron , Pierre Debray-Ritzen , Thomas Steven Molnar , Jules Monnerot , Jules Romains , Louis Rougier , Raymond Ruyer , Paul Sérant , etc.). After the institute had organized various colloquia and published seven editions of the Cité-Liberté , it was dissolved in 1971 - the year in which Venner withdrew from politics.

The writing career

Choosing a career as a writer, he devoted himself to historical subjects. In addition to his work on weapons and hunting, his writings include: Baltikum (1974), Le Blanc Soleil des vaincus (1975), Le Cœur rebelle (1994), Gettysburg (1995), Les Blancs et les Rouges (1997), Histoire de la Collaboration (2000), Histoire du terrorisme (2002). His works have brought him the criticism of the political scientist Gwendal Châton, according to which his work as a historian “fits into a clever strategy in order to gain a new respectability: that of the intellectual”, where “the point is to instrumentalize history and in the To serve the Kulturkampf ”; “'Traditionalism', the recourse to history and European tradition are nothing more than a rhetorical veil that masks an ideological continuity,” and Dominique Venner dedicates himself, through the intermediate medium of his historical work, to the “manipulations of history, whereby he uses various rhetorical strategies ”. Venner's book Histoire de l ' Armée rouge received the Broquette Gonin History Prize of the Académie française in 1981.

In 1995 Venner - advised by his friend François de Grossouvre - published the Histoire critique de la Résistance , in which he pointed to a strong presence of members of the nationalist right in the area of ​​the Résistance (often called "vichysto-résistants"). However, the debate sparked by the work was limited because the author failed to characterize Marshal Pétain's attitude to the Resistance.

Of his most recent works, Histoire et tradition des Européens (2002) in particular caused a sensation, in which he defines those elements that, in his opinion, constitute the foundations of European culture, as well as the new concept of «traditionisme» (in which tradition is not as that which is common to the peoples is understood, but as what constitutes their uniqueness in the course of time).

After he was editor of the magazine Enquête sur l'histoire , which was discontinued at the end of the 1990s, he founded the bimonthly La Nouvelle Revue d'Histoire in 2002 , of which he was editor-in-chief and which was temporarily in 2006 due to legal action regarding the title La NRH was renamed and for u. a. the following personalities write or have written: Bernard Lugan , Jean Tulard , Aymeric Chauprade , Alain Decaux , François-Georges Dreyfus or Jacqueline de Romilly . Venner has brought the Libre Journal des historiens back to life for Radio Courtoisie , a program that is often based on the last edition of La NRH .

Suicide in Paris

On May 21, 2013, Venner shot himself in the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral . In his weblog he had previously written "...  nous entrons dans un temps où les paroles doivent être authentifiées par des actes  ..." ("... we are entering a time in which words must be reinforced by deeds ..."), with the aim To “wake up the unconscious” (“  ébranler les somnolences  ”). The party leader of the Front National Marine Le Pen expressed her respect for this "eminently political act" with which Venner wanted to wake up the French on Twitter . Politicians on the left, on the other hand, expressed dismay and spoke of the gesture of an individual on the extreme right of society. The suicide was linked in public with Venner's criticism of an alleged Islamic influence , what he saw as an Americanization of Europe and Afro-Maghreb immigration and the introduction of same-sex marriage in France, which he also expressed in his last blog entry. Bruno Gollnisch from the far-right Front National described Venner as an “extremely brilliant intellectual ” whose death was a “protest against the decadence of our society”.

Frigide Barjot , spokeswoman for the anti-legalization of same-sex marriage organization La Manif pour tous , distanced herself from Venner and emphasized that he was not a member of this organization.


  • Guide de la contestation: les hommes, les faits, les événements. Robert Laffont, Paris 1968.
  • Ils sont fous, ces gauchistes! Pensées. Choisies et parfois commentées par Dominique Venner. Ed. de la Pensée moderne, Paris 1970.
  • Guide de la politique. Balland, Paris 1972.
  • Pistolets and revolvers. Ed. de la Pensée modern et Jacques Grancher, coll. "Le Livre des armes" no 1, Paris 1972.
  • Les Corps d'élite du passé. (dir.), Balland, Paris 1972 - Réunit: Les Chevaliers teutoniques , par Jean-Jacques Mourreau, Janissaires. by Philippe Conrad, Mousquetaires , by Arnaud Jacomet, Grenadiers de la Garde , by Jean Piverd, et Cadets. by Claude Jacquemart.
  • Monsieur Colt. Balland, coll. "Un Homme, une arme", Paris 1972.
  • Carabines and fusils de chasse. Ed. de la Pensée modern et Jacques Grancher, coll. "Le Livre des armes" no 2, Paris 1973.
  • Baltic states: dans le Reich de la défaite, le combat des corps-francs. 1918–1923, Robert Laffont, coll. "L'Histoire que nous vivons", Paris 1974.
  • Armes de combat individual. Ed. de la Pensée modern et Jacques Grancher, coll. "Le Livre des armes" no 3, Paris 1974.
  • Le Blanc Soleil des vaincus: l'épopée sudiste et la guerre de Sécession, 1607–1865. La Table ronde, Paris 1975.
  • Les Armes de la Resistance. Ed. de la Pensée modern et Jacques Grancher, coll. "Le Livre des armes" no 4, Paris 1976.
  • [Collectif], Les Armes de cavalerie. (dir.), Argout, Paris 1977, ISBN 2-902297-05-X . Hors-série n ° 4 de la revue Gazette des armes .
  • Les Armes blanches du IIIe Reich. Ed. de la Pensée modern et Jacques Grancher, coll. "Le Livre des armes" no 5, Paris 1977.
  • Westerling: guérilla story. Hachette, coll. "Le Livre des aventuriers", Paris 1977, ISBN 2-01-002908-9 .
  • Les Armes américaines. Ed. de la Pensée modern et Jacques Grancher, coll. "Le Livre des armes" no 6, Paris 1978.
  • Les Corps-francs allemands de la Baltique: la naissance du nazisme. Le Livre de Poche , n ° 5136, Paris 1978, ISBN 2-253-01992-5 .
  • Dominique Venner, Thomas Schreiber, Jérôme Brisset, Grandes énigmes de notre temps. Famot, Genève 1978.
  • Les Armes à feu françaises. Ed. de la Pensée modern et Jacques Grancher, coll. "Le Livre des armes" no 7, Paris 1979.
  • Les Armes russes et soviétiques. Ed. de la Pensée modern et Jacques Grancher, coll. "Le Livre des armes" no 8, Paris 1980.
  • Le Grand livre des armes. Jacques Grancher, Paris 1980.
  • Histoire de l'Armée rouge. Tome 1: La Révolution et la guerre civile: 1917-1924. Plon, Paris 1981, ISBN 2-259-00717-1 .
  • Le Mauser 96. Ed. du Guépard, Paris 1982, ISBN 2-86527-027-0 .
  • Dagues et couteaux. Ed. de la Pensée modern et Jacques Grancher, coll. "Le Livre des armes" no 9, Paris 1983, ISBN 2-7339-0075-7 .
  • Histoire des armes de chasse. Jacques Grancher, Paris 1984.
  • Le Guide de l'aventure. Pygmalion, Paris 1986, ISBN 2-85704-215-9 . (pagination non connue)
  • Les Armes blanches: sabres et épées. Ed. de la Pensée modern et Jacques Grancher, coll. "Le Livre des armes" no 10, Paris 1986, ISBN 2-7339-0160-5 .
  • Les Armes de poing: de 1850 à nos jours. Larousse, Paris 1988, ISBN 2-03-506214-4 .
  • Les arms des services spéciaux. Jacques Grancher, Paris
  • Treize meurtres exemplaires: terreur et crimes politiques au XXe siècle. Plon, Paris 1988, ISBN 2-259-01858-0 .
  • L'Assassin du président Kennedy. Perrin, coll. "Vérités et légendes", Paris 1989, ISBN 2-262-00646-6 .
  • L'Arme de chasse aujourd'hui. Jacques Grancher, coll. "Le Livre des armes" no 11, Paris 1990.
  • Les Beaux-arts de la chasse. Jacques Grancher, coll. “Passions”, Paris 1992.
  • Le Couteau de Chasse. Crépin-Leblond, coll. "Saga des armes et de l'armement", Paris 1992, ISBN 2-7030-0099-5 .
  • Le Coeur rebelle. Les Belles-Lettres, Paris 1994, ISBN 2-251-44032-1 .
  • Gettysburg. Ed. du Rocher, Monaco / Paris 1995, ISBN 2-268-01910-1 .
  • Histoire critique de la Resistance. Pygmalion, Collection rouge et blanche, Paris 1995, ISBN 2-85704-444-5 .
  • Les armes qui ont fait l'histoire. Tome 1, Crépin-Leblond, coll. "Saga des armes et de l'armement", Montrouge, 1996, ISBN 2-7030-0148-7 .
  • Revolvers et pistolets américains: l'univers of the arm. (avec la collaboration de Philippe Fossat et Rudy Holst), Solar, coll. “L'Univers des armes”, 1996, ISBN 2-263-02429-8 .
  • Histoire d'un fascisme allemand: les corps-francs du Baltikum et la révolution. (sous-titré du Reich de la défaite à la nuit des longs couteaux: 1918–1934 ), Pygmalion, Collection rouge et blanche, Paris 1996, ISBN 2-85704-479-8 .
  • Les Blancs et les Rouges: histoire de la guerre civile russe. 1917–1921, Pygmalion, Collection rouge et blanche, Paris 1997, ISBN 2-85704-518-2 . réed. augmentée, Le Rocher, 2007, ISBN 978-2-268-06385-0 .
  • Encyclopédie des armes de chasse: carabines, fusils, optique, munitions. Maloine, Paris 1997, ISBN 2-224-02363-4 .
  • Dictionnaire amoureux de la chasse. Plon, coll. "Dictionnaire amoureux", Paris, 2000, ISBN 2-259-19198-3 .
  • Histoire de la Collaboration. (suivi des dictionnaires des acteurs, partis et journaux), Pygmalion, Paris, 2000, ISBN 2-85704-642-1 .
  • Histoire du terrorisme. Pygmalion et Gérard Watelet, Paris, 2002, ISBN 2-85704-749-5 .
  • Histoire et tradition des Européens: 30,000 ans d'identité. Ed. du Rocher, Monaco / Paris, 2002, ISBN 2-268-04162-X .
  • De Gaulle: la grandeur et le néant: essai. Ed. du Rocher, Monaco / Paris, 2004, ISBN 2-268-05202-8 .
  • Le Siècle de 1914. Utopies, guerres et révolutions en Europe au XXe siècle. Pygmalion, Paris, 2006, ISBN 2-85704-832-7 .
  • Ernst Jünger. Ed. du Rocher, Monaco / Paris, 2009, ISBN 978-2-268-06815-2 .
  • Le Choc de l'histoire: religion, mémoire, identity. Via Romana, Versailles, 2011, ISBN 979-1-09-002907-1 .

Works published in German

  • Mercenaries without pay. The German Freikorps 1918–1923. Neff, Vienna a. Berlin 1974. 2nd edition: A German hero fight. The history of the Freikorps 1918–1923. Mercenaries without pay . Arndt, Kiel 1989, ISBN 3-88741-141-2 . (Translation from the Baltic States: dans le Reich de la défaite, le combat des Corps-francs, 1918–1923 , Paris 1974).
  • American revolvers and pistols. Neff, Rastatt 1997, ISBN 3-8118-5402-X . (Translation from Revolvers et pistolets américains , 1996).
  • A samurai from Europe. The breviary of the indomitable . Ahnenrad der Moderne, Bad Wildungen 2014, ISBN 978-3-935562-14-0 (translation from Un samouraï d'Occident. Le bréviaire des insoumis ).
  • For a positive review. The end of the old right . Jungeuropa, Dresden 2017, ISBN 978-3-9817828-9-9 . (Translation from Pour une critique positive , 1962).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Article in The New Yorker magazine
  2. Pierre Milza locates the Jeune Nation movement in the context of right-wing extremism and neo-fascism in his work L'Europe en chemise noire. Les extrêmes droites en Europe de 1945 à aujourd'hui (Flammarion, “Champs” collection, 2002, pp. 64–68).
  3. According to Pierre Milza ( op. Cit. P. 131), the Europe-Action shows «convictions that are both European and national». For this reason, Pierre-André Taguieff describes them as “national-European” (see Sur la Nouvelle Droite. Jalons d'une analyze critique , “  Descartes et cie  ”, 1994).
  4. Compare information in Volume 1 in the Dictionnaire de la politique française , Henry Coston (1967).
  5. See Le Cœur rebelle , Les Belles-Lettres, Paris 1994, ISBN 2-251-44032-1 .
  6. ^ Dans un message, Dominique Venner expliquait les raisons de son suicide. Le Monde , May 21, 2013, accessed May 22, 2013 .
  7. ^ Les Actualités françaises , November 14, 1956.
  8. La Nouvelle Revue d'Histoire No. 27, p. 52.
  9. Pierre Milza , Fascismes français, passé et présent , Flammarion, 1988, p. 320.
  10. Pierre Milza, L'Europe en chemise noire. Les extrêmes droites en Europe de 1945 à aujourd'hui , Flammarion, collection “Champs”, 2002, p. 193. Note 1 (p. 443) also says: “In December 1982, at the congress, the Parti des forces nouvelles demanded Politburo member Roland Hélie encouraged the militants to reread Venner's writings. »See Pierre-André Taguieff ,“ La stratégie culturelle de la “Nouvelle Droite” en France (1968–1983) ”, in Vous avez dit fascismes ?, Under the guidance of Robert Badinter , Paris, Arthaud / Montalba, 1984, p. 13 -52.
  11. «Zero plus zero, that always equals zero. The addition of mythomaniacs, conspirators, nostalgics, careerists, “nationalists” will never result in a coherent force. To hold on to the hope of uniting the incompatible is to remain in error. The few precious elements are paralyzed by the madmen who surround them. The general judgment is not mistaken on this. In doing so, they do considerable damage to the nationalism with which they are often confused. They make the healthy elements withdraw and dry up the recruitment of the valuable.
    There can be no union with them. On the contrary, it is important to point out the fundamental differences that separate them from nationalism. The spinners must be ruthlessly removed. Under this condition it will be possible to attract new members and effective supporters. »
  12. The choice of the name of the French revolutionary is explained by the desire to distance oneself from the Catholic, extreme right.
  13. ^ Nouvelle École , August-September 1968 .
  14. According to Pierre-André Taguieff .
  15. The IEO presents itself as a «center of reflection, information and concentration, open to all who reject chaos and who, in the occidental tradition, seek solutions to the problems that arise in the development of society. »(Quoted from Pierre-André Taguieff, Sur la Nouvelle Droite. Jalons d'une analyze critique ,«  Descartes et cie  », 1994).
  16. See the publisher's account of the book Le Cœur rebelle (éd. Les Belles Lettres , 1994), a work entirely dedicated to the memory of his militant time, which ended in the early 1970s with the closure of the Institut d'études occidentales. In another of his books he states: “In my youth I was heavily involved in fighting activities, but I withdrew completely from it. I learned a lot from it. I have come to see myself as a rebellious heart, a rebel who was faithful to the values ​​of righteousness in his childhood. »Addendum to Siècle de 1914 , Pygmalion, 2007, p. 404. The page« Biography », with the subtitle« Restituer la longue mémoire du passé »from Dominique Venner's official website says:« Around 1970 he finally broke away his political commitment, which he said was inconsistent with his calling. »
  17. Jean-Yves Camus and René Monzat , Les droites radicales et nationales en France , Presses universitaires de Lyon , 1992, pages 264 and 265 state "D. Venner more or less withdrew from politics in the 1970s".
  18. «I am a writer to the extent that I feel connected to what I have written. I am a historian by calling, passionate about understanding and seeking the truth. First and foremost, I demand a free spirit, without political or ideological obligations, and have therefore decided to work outside the university barriers. ”, Ibid .
  19. Gwendal Châton, “The history in the prism of memory of the extreme right: Enquête sur l'Histoire and La Nouvelle Revue d'Histoire. two magazines by Dominique Venner », in Michel J. (dir.), Mémoires et Histoires. Des identités personnelles aux politiques de reconnaissance. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, "Essais" collection, 2005, pp. 213–243.
  20. G. Châton, op. Cit. Pp. 221-222.
  21. G. Châton, op. Cit. P. 227.
  22. G. ChatON, op. Cit ., P.233.
  23. Bénédicte Vergez-Chaignon, Les Vichysto-résistants: de 1940 à nos jours , Perrin, 2008, p. 721.
  24. See the following excerpts in this regard ( Memento of the original from June 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. from the book. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  25. Website of the journal ( Memento of the original dated August 30, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  26. ^ Anne-Laure Frémont: Un homme se suicide dans Notre-Dame de Paris. Le Figaro , May 21, 2013, accessed May 21, 2013 .
  27. La manif du 26 may et Heidegger. May 22, 2013, accessed May 22, 2013 (French).
  28. Compte Twitter officiel de Marine Le Pen: Tout notre respect à Dominique Venner… May 21, 2013.
  29. Venner suicide at Notre-Dame 'political' - Le Pen. BBC News, May 22, 2013, accessed May 22, 2013 .
  30. Clémence Olivier: Suicide de Notre-Dame: Frigide Barjot prend ses distances avec Dominique Venner - France Info., accessed on May 22, 2013 (French).