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Dorfwelver fire station
Village center
Center of the village looking towards the beech forest

Dorfwelver is a district of the municipality of Welver in the Soest district in North Rhine-Westphalia with about 250 inhabitants.


Dorfwelver is about two kilometers north of Welver . Dorfwelvers borders lie along the Ahse , the Lake and the Salzbach, which later flows into the Ahse. The neighboring villages are Dinker , Nateln , Recklingsen , Kirchwelver , Illingen , Süddinker and Norddinker (both last to Hamm), starting clockwise in the north . The landscape is characterized by agriculture and forest.


The similarity of the name with Welver was obviously not purely by chance. Dorfwelver probably also owes its name to the Welvereburg, which, located in the area of ​​Kirchwelver, was the origin of the settlement of the whole area. In order to make a clear distinction to the church area possible, the residents called the settlement on the other side of the forest Dorfwelver. The two neighbors were linked by the same origin of name in earlier centuries.

In 1328, the city of Soest acquired the Rüdenberg free county, which also included the parish of Dinker. Thus stood Soest to the right of the civil jurisdiction and ecclesiastical supervision. The knights of the village did not want to submit to the new masters. Haus Galen was destroyed around 1440, and the knight's seat Bockhövel, which was located between the rivers Lake and Ahse, was probably destroyed in this way. While Bockhövel and Galen were destroyed as early as the 15th century, Haus Matena survived the turmoil of history relatively unscathed. In the mid-1960s, the momentous decision was made to demolish the extensive facility. Today only the moats and trees are left. In earlier centuries water power was used to run mills. While the Schwannemühle belongs to Dinker, the Kortemühle was on the Salzbach in the Dorfwelveraner area. The mill, first mentioned in a document in 1252, which made use of a storage height of 3.10 meters, was attached to the Welver monastery for a long time. Not only was grain ground here, but a sawmill was also operated with water power. In 1965 the mill ceased operations. In preparation for the now completed Salzbach regulation, the water rights were sold. Dorfwelver was an independent municipality until 1969 and was incorporated into the municipality of Welver on July 1, 1969 due to the municipal reorganization in North Rhine-Westphalia. The noble house Haus Matena was demolished about 30 years ago. This gave Dorfwelver its original name, to Matena. In August 1991 the restaurant Zum Strohdach, which is well-known beyond the municipal boundaries, burned down .


The majority of the residents of the place are Protestant. You belong to the parish of Dinker. The Catholics belong to the Catholic parish of Welver.



Mayor is Rolf Wagener ( SPD ).

Former mayor:

  • Gabriele Schröder ( CDU )
  • Heinz Kegel ( SPD )
  • Hubert Damberg (CDU)
  • Karl Vogelsang (SPD)

Culture and sights


Approximately 2.75 km of the Welver marathon route run through Dorfwelver . Furthermore, the dorfwelveraner playground is the starting point for many sporting activities such as walking, Nordic walking or jogging in the surrounding forest and field paths.

Regular events

Every year a village festival and the traditional Schnadegang take place alternately in the village . In addition, the local volunteer fire brigade organizes the traditional sausage sale of homemade sausages on the 1st weekend in October.

Club life

  • Dinker-Nateln-Dorfwelver shooting club
  • Dorfwelver volunteer fire department


The newspaper with the highest circulation in Dorfwelver is the Soester Anzeiger with local sections Welver and Hamm. There was also the Westfalenpost until 2009 .

Media perception

Dorfwelver was the focus of the Bild newspaper when, in the summer of 2006, an anaconda belonging to a citizen escaped from the neighboring village of Dinker in Dorfwelver and hid in the local woods for over half a year until it was finally found in January 2007. On July 23, 2007, Dorfwelver was the focus of the report Mittendrin in the broadcast local time of the West German Broadcasting Corporation .

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Bünermann: The communities of the first reorganization program in North Rhine-Westphalia . Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, Cologne 1970, p. 93 .

Web links

Coordinates: 51 ° 38 '  N , 7 ° 57'  E