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Location of Dorsoduro in the old town of Venice, including the islands of Giudecca , Sacca Fisola and Sacca San Biagio to the south (from east to west)

Dorsoduro is a district of Venice and is located in the southern part of the old town. The sestiere has around 15,586 inhabitants (as of December 12, 2007), of which 4,763 are on Giudecca and 1,535 on Sacca Fisola , both offshore islands in the south. The small island of Sacca San Biagio west of Sacca Fisola is uninhabited. The northern main part extends over the following parishes (from west to east), each with its seat on the island of the same name (exceptions in brackets):

  1. San Pantalon
  2. Santa Maria del Rosario vulgo dei Gesuati (with Basilica della Salute and San Agnese, on Academia Island)
  3. San Gervasio e Protasio vulgo San Trovaso
  4. Sant'Angelo Raffaele (with San Sebastiano, on the island of San Sebastiano)
  5. San Nicolò dei Mendicoli
  6. Santa Maria del Carmelo vulgo dei Carmini

There are three more parishes on the Giudecca . The area amounts to 92 hectares .

Maps of the Sestiere Dorsoduro
(without the islands of Giudecca , Sacca Fisola and Sacca San Biagio in the south )
Isole di dorsoduro.png
The 17 individual islands of Dorsoduro
Rii di Dorsoduro.png
Canals separate the individual islands from Dorsoduro
Chiese di Dorsoduro.png
The churches of Dorsoduro
Palazzi di dorsoduro.png
The palaces of Dorsoduro
Maps of the islands of Giudecca , Sacca Fisola and Sacca San Biagio of the Sestiere Dorsoduro to the south
Rii di Giudecca.png
Canals separate the individual islands from Giudecca
Chiese di Giudecca e San Giorgio.png
The churches of Giudecca
Palazzi di giudecca.png
The palaces of Giudecca

The name is derived from the state of the sestiere before colonization. Dorso duro means hard back and indicates the fact that it was solid, sometimes rocky ground on which the district was built. The Dorsoduro district also includes the Giudecca islands with the islands of Sacca Fisola and Sacca San Biagio in the west , while the island of San Giorgio Maggiore in the east belongs to the Sesteriere San Marco .

Dorsoduro is characterized by its wealth of sacred and profane magnificent buildings. The clients, architects and builders were able to use two long stripes of the riverbank (Canal Grande and Zattere) in the city as well as one on the Giudecca and the island of San Giorgio in order to realize their visions.

The Palazzo Dario on the Grand Canal , at the beginning of the Rio delle Torreselle, is one of the most beautiful secular buildings in the district . It was commissioned by the architect Pietro Lombardo in 1479 and completed in 1487. While the body was built in the Italian Gothic style, the facade on the canal side is built in the Renaissance style. The palazzo is considered to be one of the most characteristic palaces in the city.


Santa Maria della Salute

The sestiere already had ten contraden (parishes) in 1171. One of the most impressive churches in Venice is the church of Santa Maria della Salute by Baldassare Longhena , the construction of which was commissioned by the Venetians in gratitude for being saved from the plague. It is probably the most photographed church in Venice after the Markuskirche. Just as impressive is the church of San Giorgio Maggiore, which is located east of the Salutekirche on an island and was built by Andrea Palladio . Also begun by Palladio and finished by Antonio da Ponte after his death, the Chiesa del Redentore on the island of Giudecca comes from . In addition to these three churches, which can be seen from afar, we find the Church of Santa Maria della Visitazione , the Church of the Gesuati ( Santa Maria del Rosario ) and Spirito Santo on the Zattere .

Not immediately recognizable from the waterfront, there are other sacred buildings in Dorsoduro. Immediately behind the Stazione Marittima is the church of San Sebastiano , the exterior of which gives no indication of the splendor of the paintings by Paolo Veronese, who was also buried there . From San Sebastiano heading east through Calle lunga San Barnaba you reach Campo San Barnaba with the church of the same name. The vegetable ship moored directly in front of the church at the Fondamenta Gherardini can be seen in almost every film about Venice.

Gondola shipyard on the Rio San Trovaso, in the background the Church of San Trovaso

The Church of San Trovaso , the Venetian abbreviation for Saints Gervasio and Protasio, has two different facades as a special feature, which overlook the two canals, Rio di Ognissanti and Rio San Trovaso. The name San Trovaso is often associated with the gondola shipyard right next to the church.

The various styles that adorn the interior of the Church of San Nicolò dei Mendicoli appear "begged" . Mendicant monks and pious women, "le pinzochere", had their home in this outwardly simple church on the western edge of Dorsoduro. The 15th century portico is remarkable .

On the eastern edge of Campo San Margherita is the church of Santa Maria del Carmelo, which, like so many other churches, is named with an abbreviated "I Carmini". In addition to works by Cima da Conegliano , Jacopo Tintoretto and Lorenzo Lotto, there is a bronze relief by Verrocchio showing the entombment of Jesus above the holy water font . The monastery complex attached to the church now houses the art institute.

See also

Web links

Commons : Dorsoduro (Venice)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. [1]

Coordinates: 45 ° 26 '  N , 12 ° 20'  E