Eberhard Kleinschmidt

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Eberhard Kleinschmidt, 2008

Eberhard Kleinschmidt (born September 4, 1939 in Hanover ) is a German poet , linguist and literary scholar .

life and work

Kleinschmidt studied German , Romance studies and specialist French didactics in Göttingen , Vienna , Besançon and Gießen , and received his doctorate as Dr. phil., was a high school teacher for German and French for a short time and from 1972 to 2004 as a research assistant at the Romance seminars of the Technical University of Braunschweig and the University of Hanover, dealing with literary studies and specialist French didactics.

In addition to the French François Villon , Charles Baudelaire , Paul Verlaine , Arthur Rimbaud and the Englishman William Shakespeare , his role models for lyrical poetry are above all the German poets of the Baroque , Classical and Romantic periods . The French chanson, past and present, has also significantly determined its poetry . In contrast to post-post-modern poetry, he prefers bound speech and the tonal and rhythmic possibilities of today's German language. His aim is to return to the richness of language and forms in lyrical poetry of earlier centuries and to renew it in the spirit of the present day. His favorite idea is a text of poetry, surrounded by images and music, recited and presented using facial expressions, gestures and the body. As far as the lecture is concerned, the Belgian chanson singer Jacques Brel is the great role model, whose lecture art he has scientifically examined (cf. Kleinschmidt 1989 and 2005).

Based on this, Kleinschmidt developed his own poetics and presented it on his homepage (“The Book of My Poetry”). In 7 chapters ("The content", "The space", "The process", "The addressee", "The language", "The form", "The total work of art") he explains what he imagines in the ideal poem should work together. For him, texts are experiential poetry, "poetry in which personal experience is processed and objectified" (Duden). Accordingly, his texts deal with subjective experiences, which, however, have to be presented in a process of sublimation and abstraction in such a way that the reader can make them his own. Lying on this line, Kleinschmidt is now also interested in the German poetry slam.

Since he likes to perform his poetry in front of an audience himself, he became aware of the poetry slam format in 2012, a literary subculture movement that has been putting high culture literature in its place since the 1990s. In the meantime, 2,000 mostly young people interested in literature fill entire halls, delight the audience with their self-written texts and face their judgment in a competition on the open stage. Kleinschmidt's idea of ​​the poem as a total work of art using facial expressions, gestures and posture recognizes another dimension here: the interplay of text and performance with the involvement of the audience not only as a judging, but sometimes even as a participant authority. The poetry slam thus accommodates the explanations in its poetics, but at the same time represents a new challenge for his poetry and him as a performing artist in the process of combining poetry theory and lecture practice.

Except those issued in its homepage poems, there are currently four lyrical works in printed form: The Jakobkemenate (2009), The other spring (2010), stations (2012), The Wandering Poet (2020) As it goes to one of Bänkelsängerart to A Ballad-like chronicle in the old manner , in which the architectural resurrection of a medieval bower rescued from the rubble of war is lyrically presented with text, images and sound . On the other hand, a lyrical-musical walk , which in poetry - again in text, image and sound - focuses on the beginning of spring, encourages the reader to follow the awakening of nature into a new life after a long, bleak winter time and see it as To understand the invitation to set out again on your own. Third, the 154 sonnets cycle Sonnets about friendship and love tries  for the first time in literary history the relationship story "re-dressed" depicted in Shakespear's cycle as a new "example of life's game" ( prologue ) "close to the model, soon far away, soon turned away from him "( epilogue ) to trace. And in the fourth work, "The Wandering Poet", the texts are published that the Reisepoet presented on stage at the poetry slam in the poet contest between 2013 and 2019. A wide variety of topics are addressed here in a variety of ways, sometimes serious, sometimes cheerful, sometimes personal or distant in general.

As a research assistant in the field of French didactics, Kleinschmidt's main interest was, in addition to chanson didactics, the critique of guidelines and textbooks, and in particular the communicative design of bound oral exercises. The reason for examining the latter was the increasing criticism of the language laboratory work of the 1970s. With the aid of analysis methods and findings from speech-action theory and conversation analysis, it was demonstrated that exercise material of the type "bound language production" is severely deficient in communicative terms. As a result, it was found that not only the practice of typical morpho-syntactic structures of the foreign language, but also the practice of typical sequence structures of conversation replicas as well as the practice of typical listening-speaking patterns should be taken into account in the exercise design. Exercise planning must be based on both a "grammatical minimum" and a "communicative minimum" (see especially Kleinschmidt 1988).

Works and literature


poetry slam


  • The Jakobkemenate - A ballad-like chronicle in the old manner . (Text / picture book + CD). (Music: Peer Kleinschmidt). Döring, Braunschweig 2009, ISBN 978-3-925268-29-8 .
  • The other spring - a lyrical-musical walk through Riddagshausen . (Text / picture book + CD). (Music: Peer Kleinschmidt). Döring, Braunschweig 2010, ISBN 978-3-925268-33-5 .
  • Stations - Sonnets about friendship and love - A cycle . Döring, Braunschweig 2012, ISBN 978-3-925268-46-5 .

Subject didactics

  • with Peter Nübold: Situation of the language laboratory. A study at schools in Lower Saxony. Leuchtturm-Verlag, Alsbach 1982, ISBN 3-88064-100-5 .
  • The communicative potential of French structural exercise programs. A critical contribution to the development of communicative minima. Narr, Tübingen 1988, ISBN 3-87808-440-4 .
  • Foreign language teaching between language policy and practice. Festschrift for Herbert Christ on his 60th birthday. Narr, Tübingen 1989, ISBN 3-8233-4191-X .


Subject didactics

·       Structure exercises for French lessons that are independent of textbooks (1st part). In: Lehrmittel aktuell 3, H.5, 1977, pp. 38–47.

·       Structure exercises for French (2nd part). In: Lehrmittel aktuell 3, H.6, 1977, pp. 45–51.

· With Peter Nübold: language laboratory work at the beginning of the eighties. - Results of an investigation . In: English 1983, H.1, pp. 16-21.

· With Peter Nübold: The language laboratory in French lessons. Results of an investigation . In: Neusprachliche Mitteilungen 36, 1983, pp. 237–243.

·       Can you also learn communicatively in the language laboratory? In: Practice of modern language teaching , 1991, pp. 189–198.

·       The language laboratory today . In: Target Language English , H.4, 1991, pp. 23-28.

·       To describe the communicative minimum in guidelines for lower secondary education . In: H. van Bömmel u. a. (Ed.): Learning and teaching foreign languages. 25 years at the Institute for Didactics of French Language and Literature at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen . Narr, Tübingen Narr 1992, pp. 96-111.

·       Pragmatics: It could go on like this! Answer of a foreign language teacher to a question from a linguist. On Jean-Paul Confais' article "Pragmatics: What's Next?" ( FuH 37/1993, pp. 25-48), in: Fremdsprach und Hochschule , H.40, 1994, pp. 50-77.

·       Secondary school guidelines for French and communicative minimum. In: Realschule in Deutschland , H.1, 1995, pp. 15–21.

·       The communicative potential of the exercise texts in the television course 'Bon Courage'. In: W. Börner / K. Vogel, K. (Ed.): The text in French lessons. AKS-Verlag, Bochum 1995, pp. 20-47

·       French guidelines and communicative minimum. Critique of guidelines using the example of the East German framework plans for secondary level I. In: Th. Rist (Ed.): Sprache, Sprachen, Kulturen. Discover, explore, learn, teach. Thematic commemorative publication for Heribert Rück's 65th birthday. Knecht Verlag, Landau 1996. pp. 203-226.

·       French in the language center. Inventory and perspectives. In: H. Casper-Hehne u. a. (Ed.): Language - Culture - Technology. 25 years of the Language Center of the Technical University of Braunschweig . Braunschweig 1998, pp. 33-55.

·       A way back to the future? Comments on an FuH article on the further development of the UNICERT framework. In: Fremdsprach und Hochschule , H.52, 1998, pp. 7–30.

·       A communicative minimum for French at UNIcert level I. In: P. Nübold, (Ed.): Foreign languages ​​at universities: What is university-specific foreign language training? Documentation of the 20th workshop in 1998 . AKS-Verlag, Bochum 2001, pp. 315–328.

·       French lessons - innovative? On the occasion of two new publications: Teaching French (Eynar Leupold) and Se former en didactique des langues (Christian Puren et al.). In: Fremdsprach und Hochschule , H. 66, 2002, pp. 45–64.


  • A poetic journey. The book of my poetry. In: SV newspaper. 115th year, No. 3, July, August, September 2013, pp. 56–57.

Stations - sonnets about friendship and love. A relationship story à la Shakespeare. In: SV newspaper. 116th volume, No. 2, April, May, June 2014, pp. 65–66.

The wandering poet. On the way to the Poetry Slam (2013-2020). In: SV newspaper. 122nd volume, No. 2, April, May, June 2020, pp. 65–66.

Literary studies

  • Facial expressions, gestures and posture in the chanson: the wrongly neglected visual dimension . In: E. Kleinschmidt (Ed.): Foreign language teaching between language policy and practice. Narr, Tübingen 1989, ISBN 3-8233-4191-X , pp. 180-191.
  • More than just text and music ... - The visual dimension of the French chanson. In: H. Pürschel, Th. Tinnefeld (ed.): Modern foreign language teaching between interculturality and multimedia. Reflections and suggestions from science and practice . AKS-Verlag, Bochum 2005, ISBN 3-925453-46-6 , pp. 266-280.


Subject didactics

Reinhold Freudenstein: Kleinschmidt, Eberhard; Nübold, Peter: Situation of the language laboratory. Series Teaching Technology / Mediendidaktik, Volume 8. Alsbach / Bergstrasse: Leuchtturm, 1982. In: Target Language French 1983, no. 4, p. 215.

Udo OH Jung: E. Kleinschmidt, P. Nübold: Situation of the language laboratory. Language laboratory working group at the Lower Saxony minister of education. A study at schools in Lower Saxony. Series: Teaching Technology / Media Didactics. Volume 8. Alsbach: Leuchtturm, 1982. 257 S. In: Praxis des neusprachlichen Studium 1984, H.1, S. 82.

Norbert Becker: Eberhard Kleinschmidt / Peter Nübold: Situation of the language laboratory. A study at schools in Lower Saxony. Alsbach: Leuchtturm-Verlag 1982 (series teaching technology, media didactics 8) 257 p. In: french today 1984, p. 74-76

Helmut P. Hagge: E. Kleinschmidt (Ed.): Foreign language teaching between language policy and practice. 410 pages. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1989. In: Der fremdsprachliche Studium 1990, no. 4, pp. 52–53.

Helmut Sauer: Eberhard Kleinschmidt (Hrsg.): Foreign language lessons between language policy and practice. Festschrift for Herbert Christ on his 60th birthday. Tübingen: Narr, 1989. 410 S. In: Praxis des neusprachlichen Studium 1990. H. 4.

Heribert Rück: Eberhard Kleinschmidt, The communicative potential of French structural exercise programs (Giessen contributions to foreign language didactics) - Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag 1988, 649 p. In: Journal for French Language and Literature Vol. 101, H. 1, 1991, p. 79– 81.

Hermann Neumeister: Foreign language lessons between language policy and practice. Festschrift for Herbert Christ on his 60th birthday. Published by Eberhard Kleinschmidt, Gunter Narr Verlag Tübingen, 1989. In: actuel France - Allemagne Germany - France 1991, no. 13/14, Vol. 3, pp. 26-27.

Waldemar Pfeiffer: Eberhard Kleinschmidt (Hrsg.): Foreign language lessons between language politics and practice. Festschrift for Herbert Christ on his 60th birthday. Tübingen 1989, 410 pages. In: JDV-Rundbrief , October 1991, No. 47, p. 36.

Fritz Abel: Eberhard Kleinschmidt (Hrsg.): Foreign language lessons between language politics and practice. Festschrift for Herbert Christ on his 60th birthday. Tübingen: Narr, 1989. In: Target Language French 1991, pp. 177–178.

Wolfgang Schulze: Eberhard Kleinschmidt (Hrsg.): Foreign language lessons between language policy and practice. Festschrift for Herbert Christ on his 60th birthday. Tübingen: Narr, 1989, 410 p. In: Neusprachliche Mitteilungen 1992, p. 46.

Franz-Joseph Meißner: Eberhard Kleinschmidt (Hrsg.): Foreign language lessons between language politics and practice. Festschrift for Herbert Christ on the occasion of his 60th birthday (Tübingen Contributions to Linguistics 340), Tübingen: Narr 1989, IX + 411 p. In: French today March 1992, p. 94–98

Klaus Schubert: Eberhard Kleinschmidt (Hrsg.): Foreign language lessons between language politics and practice: Festschrift for Herbert Christ on his 60th birthday. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag. 1989. 410 S. In: Language Problems & Language Planing , Volume 17, Number 1, 1993, pp. 80-82.

Web links

  • Homepage of Eberhard Kleinschmidt [1]
  • Literature by Eberhard Kleinschmidt in the catalog of the German National Library [2]
  • Martin Jasper on stations [3]
  • Susanne Jasper on Eberhard Kleinschmidt's "poetic journeys" [4]
  • Wilhelm Ruprecht Frieling on his 80th birthday "The Wandering Poet" [5] ·