Eduard Petzold

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Carl Eduard Adolph Petzold (born January 14, 1815 in Königswalde (Neumark), † August 10, 1891 in Blasewitz near Dresden ) was a German garden designer .


The son of pastor Carl Friedrich Christian Petzold came to Muskau in 1826 , where his father had been called as superintendent , and attended school there, then from 1828 to 1831 the Latin school in Halle an der Saale . In 1831 he became an apprentice in the nursery of the park creator, Prince Hermann von Pückler-Muskau in Muskau, who then had a great influence on his life and work. Petzold received fundamental support from his court gardener (later park inspector) Jacob Heinrich Rehder . In 1834 he received the assistant letter.

View into the park of Matzdorf Castle

From 1835 to 1838, Petzold created the first of his park creations in Matzdorf in the Löwenberg district . He later developed Pückler's ideas further independently. Early employment allowed him a remarkably extensive travel activity for park studies. From 1844 to 1852 he was the court gardener of the Grand Ducal Weimar in Ettersburg and Weimar , and from 1852 to 1872 he was in charge of the work on Pückler's Park zu Muskau as "Park Inspector" for the new landlord, Prince Wilhelm Friedrich Karl of Oranien-Nassau , after he had to sell the rulership of Muskau in 1845 . In 1852 - the high point of his career - Petzold was appointed park director of the Netherlands and remained so until 1872.

He designed a total of 174 parks and gardens, especially in Silesia , Thuringia , the Netherlands , Saxony , West Prussia , Bohemia and Brandenburg , but also in Congress Poland , Bulgaria and Turkey , including many - mostly submerged - estate parks.

Several times he was chairman and jury member at international exhibitions, for example at the World Exhibition in Vienna in 1873 and at the garden exhibitions in Amsterdam in 1877 and in Berlin in 1885.

A memorial plaque on the old castle in Bad Muskau commemorates him.

Works (selection)

Memorial plaque in Muskau

He also published numerous specialist books and articles (see Rohde 1998, p. 305 f.). In 1874 his volume Fürst Hermann von Pückler-Muskau appeared in its importance for the visual garden art .


in alphabetical order

  • Ursula Countess zu Dohna: Gardens and parks in East Prussia. 400 years of garden art, Herford 1993
  • Martin Dornheim, Manfred Toegl: Bahnhofstrasse 49 - the Villa of the Wiedemanns. In: Apoldaer Heimat. 19, 2001, ISSN  0232-8992 , pp. 20-23.
  • Walter Gresky: In appreciation of Eduard Petzold. With special consideration for the time of his work in Thuringia . In: Die Gartenkunst 3 (1/1991), pp. 32–39.
  • Michael Rohde: From Muskau to Constantinople. Eduard Petzold a European horticultural artist. 1815–1891 (= Muskauer Schriften. Vol. 2). Verlag der Kunst, Dresden u. a. 1998, ISBN 90-5705-119-2 .
  • Michael Rohde:  Petzold, Karl Eduard Adolph. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 20, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-428-00201-6 , p. 276 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Michael Rohde: Walter Gresky. A Petzold researcher from Thuringia . In: Die Gartenkunst 3 (1/1991), pp. 29–31.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günther Thimm: The avenue from Weimar to Ettersburg. It was designed by Carl Eduard Petzold around 1845 as part of the country's beautification . In: Die Gartenkunst  18 (1/2006), pp. 331–337.
  2. Neuenhof Castle Park tour, accessed on June 24, 2014